• They pulled up to a huge house. There were kids dancing, talking, and doing stake boarding tricks in the street and front yard. Rafi parked the car and they all got out. The music was loud and they could feel it vibrating through there feet. They all started for the back yard where the music was coming from.

    There were a large number of kids in the house all talking or singing or drinking. Then they got out of the house and into the back yard witch was just one lard dance floor. Marie grabbed Adem’s hand and Rafi grabbed Eva’s hand. Rafi towed Eva behind him fallowing Marie and Adem till they where in the center of the crowd and then Rafi and Marie let Adem and Eva go and they all started to dance. It was fun and Eva liked to dance. When she span she caught a glimpse of Flam red hair. “Hey I need a drink what about you guys?” Eva yelled over the music and kids.

    Her friends all shook their heads no. She started towards where she saw the flash of red hair. She found her self in a secluded part of the yard there where no lights. She heard a girl giggling and a hushed whispering sound. That’s when she saw them. There was Jakob and a blond girl she didn’t know. They where making out. He had just broken up with her this morning and he already had his tongue in some other girl’s mouth. Eva couldn’t believe this she turned and ran through the party. She needed to get out of here. She ran to where Rafi’s car was. When she got there she saw the little girl with the flame read hair from her dreams sitting there. Eva stopped dead in her tracks. She just stared at the little girl.

    She heard people calling her name some where far away. Then she felt strong hands shaking her hard. “What’s wrong Eva?” She finally made out Adem asking her.

    “Nothing I just don’t feel good and I think I need to go home.” Eva said she shook her head and the little girl was gone.

    “No prob Evee,” Rafi said as he took her by the shoulders and lead her to his car. “Do you guys want to leave, too?” He asked Adem and Marie.

    “No you just get her home I want to know what she saw.” Marie said her voice ice cold. Her eyes rock hard.

    Adem Just stared at Eva in the front seat. His hands were clenched into fist so tight that the knuckles where bone white.

    “Ok I will be back to pick you guys up in a little bit see you soon.” Rafi said as he started the car up. He drove off down the street.

    Once the tail lights couldn’t be seen anymore Adem turned back to the party. He walked with murder in his eyes. Then he saw what he wanted. There in the crowd of dancers he saw Jakob dancing and kissing a blond girl. He stomped up to Jakob and pulled him away from the girl. When Jakob turned to see how it was Adem’s fist hit him square in the nose. Jakob fell hard on his back. Blood went flying every where. The blond girl scream and every one formed a circle around the two guys.

    “What the hell man?” Jakob asked as he got up. He whipped his nose and when he saw the blood on his had he glared at Adem.

    “How dare you! She loved you! She still dose! And you do this to her?!” Adem yelled Jakob as he sent another punch to Jakob’s gut. Jakob doubled over with the blow. When he recovered he sent a kick to Adem’s groin. Adem side stepped the kick. Then he grabbed Jakob’s foot and flipped him to the grown. He hit the grown hard. He lay there stunned for a few minutes.

    Adem was about to kick him when Marie pushed through the crowd and grabbed his arm. “Adem quit this at once! I know he is a scumbag! But he isn’t worth it!” She screamed at him. She then hulled him away from Jakob and then through the house then out into the front yard. She started to walk down the street with Adem beside her.

    As they walked away from the house head lights shined on the pavement in front of them. “Oh crap.” Marie said under her breath.

    She grabbed Adem’s hand and tried to haul him into the shadows. But he still had the adrenaline from the fight in his system and he was hard to move. The car pulled up beside them. Marie braced her self for a fight. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She hated fighting.

    “Get in!” A familiar voice said. Marie felt a wave of relief hit her. She opened her eyes and saw Rafi’s car. Rafi was leaning over the front seat.

    “Thank god it’s you. I was sure that it was Jakob’s friends come to beat up Adem.” Marie open the back door first and pushed Adem in. Then she shut the door and got in the front seat. She didn’t even look at Rafi but she knew he wanted to know what had happened. She sigh, “Jakob was here tonight and if that wasn’t bad enough he was kissing another girl. I bet good money. That Eva say them together and that is why she wanted to leave the party.”

    “Yeah, that makes since. So why where you guys running from the party?” He asked looking at the unresponsive Adem in the review mirror.

    “Adem found Jakob with his hands all over the girl. And he lost it and beat Jakob into a bloody pulp.” Marie answered for Adem. She was looking out the window. She had never seen Adem like that and it had scared her.

    Rafi looked quickly at his to friends. “Why don’t you to stay the night with me?” He asked them. He was about to turn onto his street.

    Marie gave herself a little shake. “No, I just want my own bed tonight.”

    “Ok what about you Adem?” He asked.

    Adem looked at Rafi. There were tears in his eyes. But not a single one fell. “Yeah, why not just let me call my Dad.” He pulled out his cell phone.