• Lost feelings
    That was the only thing that would explain the place she was in.
    The teenage girl runs through the empty void, not knowing that there was someone watching her from a distance. The girl stops running and looks up

    “Hello! Is anyone out there?” She screams only to be responded by silence. Suddenly a figure of a boy appeared in front of her. The boy was wearing a white sailor top; the top had a black collar with a white strip going diagonally down with a yellow. To match the top the boy was wearing black Bermuda shorts with two yellow strips on each side of the pant legs. He had blond hair with one of his bangs going straight up and some going down. He also had big teal blue round eyes. She stares at the boy relived.

    “Thank goodness!” She sighed in relief “I thought I was the only one here! So…. Where are we exactly?” There was no reply. She stares at the boy closer ‘Why does he look so familiar?’ She asked herself.

    The boy mouthed something and then said it out loud. The girl’s eye’s widened in surprise.


    ‘He just said my name!’ She thought

    “H-how do you know my name!?” Miku stuttered. She slowly backs away.

    “Miku.” He repeats while stepping closer to her.

    “Who are you?!” Miku screamed and backed away even more. Suddenly a jolt of pain hit Miku; she collapsed to the ground on her knee’s shaking uncontrollable. She clenched her head tightly whimpering lightly from the pain in her head.

    “W-w-what is this pain in my head?” She whimpered with a stream of tears rolling down her teal eyes. The boy walked closer to Miku and kneeled down to meet her eye to eye. She slowly released her head and stared into the boys bright teal blue eyes.

    ‘Why do I feel like I know you? Someone I just met? Could he be connected to my past?’ She asked herself and looked deeper into the boys’ eyes, not knowing she was leaning closer to his face.
    He slowly wrapped his arms around her; he leaned to her ear and whispered.

    “I miss you Miku.” Miku felt like she could stay like that forever, but her wish was denied when he broke the hug. He stared at her for and moment…

    “Please come home soon.” He said with a warm smile plastered on his face.

    “How do I go home? Please tell me!” She begged him. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could he disappeared in a thick white mist.

    “Wait!” She screamed, ran towards the white mist. She reached out to his hand which hadn’t turn into mist yet. As soon as she touched his warm fingers his disappeared completely. She stared in shocked at where the boy once was standing. A single tear fell from her eye. She looked down and her feet. She fell to the ground shaking and screamed “NOOOOOO!”
    Miku’s eyes flung up. She looked around her room.

    “A dream.” She said.

    “So if it was just a dream.” She stared at her hand which had started to tremble. “Then why am I shaking like it was real.” There was a knock on her door room.

    “Miku can I come?” A male voice said outside her door.

    “Yeah.” She replied in and low voice, but enough for him to hear. The man entered her room. He had teal blue hair just like Miku.

    “Are you okay? I heard a scream from here." He said in a worried tone.

    "Y-yeah I'm Mikuo fine it was just a bad dream." Miku stuttered and looked down back at her hands 'Just who was that guy from my dream.' She thought.

    “Something on your mind?” Mikuo asked as he looked at her curiously.

    “It was the dream to tell you the truth I couldn’t tell if it was a nightmare or a heavenly dream.” Miku said confused.

    “What do you mean by ‘heavenly dream’?” Mikuo asked staring at Miku.

    “What I mean by ‘heavenly dream’ is that I can so close to learning about my past Mikuo since you won’t tell me at all!” Miku yelled the last part. She turned her head to face Mikuo who was staring at her shocked… There was a pause in the room. Miku continued to stare at Mikuo with anger.

    “Mikuo! How could you hide this from me, you know you’re self that the pain of not knowing my past is eating me from inside out!” She yelled.
    Lost feelings ch 1Lost Feelings
    “Okay. Okay I understand why you want to know you’re past so bad, but I still have my own reasons.” Mikuo said in a serious tone. He looked away from Miku and paused. “Well I was going to tell you yesterday but…” He paused again and looked at Miku in the eyes. He stared at her for a moment, and then continued. “We’re moving back to are home town were you and I were born.”