• At 8:00a.m...
    Pein: EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!!!!!! scream scream
    Everyone but me: *screaming*
    Me: I wake up early naturally. sweatdrop
    Pein: C'mon, we're going to be late for our therapy!
    At the therapy place...
    Therapist: Hello, my name is Dr. Happy. biggrin
    Tobi: Does Dr. Happy know Dr. Seus??? o0o
    Dr. H: Er...no.
    Dr. H: Some of you will go to classes while some of you will go with me privately in my office.
    Me: You pervert! scream
    Dr. H: D:
    Me: Dei-kun, protect meh! *hides behind Deidara*
    Dr. H: Ah, so you are a lesbian.
    Deidara: I'm a dude! scream
    Me: How dare you call my boyfriend a woman you son of a fat man!!! *tackles*
    Dr. H: Police!!!!! Police!!!!
    Kisame: *pulls meh off*
    Dr. H: I see she's here for the anger management...
    Hidan: Are you a jashinist?
    Dr. H: No?
    Hidan: Well f you! *punches in face*
    Dr. H: Is he in---
    Pein: Yup.
    In anger management class...
    ???: Hello, my name is Dr. Stein. I will be your anger management coach today.
    Me: Booooooo!!!!!!!! *throws stuff at him*
    Other people: *start throwing stuff at him too* Booooo!!!!
    Konan: *throwing tomatoes* This'll show you, men!!
    Me: Let's throw him out the window!
    Dr. Stein: B-but we're on the 8th floor...
    Me: You're right... TO THE ROOF!!!!
    Dr. Stein: What?! eek
    Mob of people in anger management class: *carrying him up the stairs to the roof*
    In obsession class...
    Kakuzu: My money and I are fine together.
    Kisame: I don't think we should be here.
    Deidara: I shouldn't be here, but you should.
    Kisame: You keep Sasori's body parts in your closet!
    Deidara: You keep pictures of Itachi under your bed!
    Dr. Joe (obsession coach): I think we should work out our problems, not create more problems than the ones we have now.
    Deidara & Kisame: *mutters* Fine...
    Dr. Joe: In life, it's normal to have an obsession, but all of you are here because you obsessed about it too much. You should find a new obsession, but make sure you don't obsess about it TOO much.
    Deidara: Hm...
    On the roof...
    Everyone: *chanting* Throw! Throw! Throw!
    Dr. Stein: Noooo!!!! Please! I beggeth you!
    Me: He called us a bad word! (XDDDD No, he didn't.)
    Dr. Stein: No, I didn't! D:
    Hidan: Now he's yelling at us!
    Konan: That jerk!
    Everyone: *pushes him off roof* Yay!
    With Tobi...
    Tobi: *skipping outside* Lala la lalaaaaa!!!
    Dr. Stein: *falls on Tobi*
    Tobi: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! IT'S RAINING MEN!!!
    Background music: It's raining men! Hallelujah, it's raining men! Amen!
    With Itachi...
    Dr. H: You shouldn't hate yourself...
    Itachi: Why?
    Dr. H: *jumps on table* 'Cause baby, you're a fiiiiiiiiiire work!! C'mon let your coooooooolors burst!!! Make them go, up up up. As they shoot across the sky, ai, ai aiiiii!!!
    Itachi:.*twitch twitch* O.e
    Dr. H: Pretty pretty pleeeeease! Don't you ever evah feel? Like your less than, less than perfect!
    Itachi: (thinking) Mazumi was right. This guy is a pervert
    Dr. H: Baby, baby, baby ohhhhhhh!!
    Itachi: *gets up and leaves*

    To be continued...


    Me: Oh, I wish I could type more right now, but I gotta go.
    Konan: Yeah! Take that Dr. Stein!
    Sasori: Deidara, you put my body parts in your closet?
    Deidara: *lies* N-no...
    Me: Waaaaah!!! Dei-kun's acting gay again!
    Deidara: N-no, Mazumi----
    Me: *goes with Hidan again*
    Hidan: O////////O
    Deidara: *jealousy*
    Me: Will Deidara, Kisame, and Kakuzu survive obsession class? Why weren't Zetsu and Sasori in this story??('Cause I'm running out of time XD) Where is Leader-dude? Find out next time on... THE RANDOM AKATSUKI CHAP. 1 P3!!!