• chapter 1 -

    dark eyes watch from the sky. looking and waiting for it's pray. the ground glowed soft white from the pure light of the moon. a flash across the moon wings spared wide as it glides throw the night sky. on silent wings it flies searching. lonely it rides the winds listening for the sound. clouds move over the moon darkness sets in. screams pierce the air. terror filled the skis. shots echo across the valley. the hunter follows the sound. alone a young boy runs in fear. the screams of his kin following him. blinded by his tears he stumbles on. he scrambles throw the cold snow trying to get away from his living night mere. a shot flashed past him he let out a cry stumbling back. turned slowly at the crunching snow. he looked up into the fiery eyes of a larch the alien that hunted his kind its face was curved in a mask with small tubes running all over it body. it was like a human but then not. it lifted its gun and amid at him. he just sat waiting for death. on silent wings on darkening skis an shining arrow of pure dark silver bloomed from the monsters chest. with a growling howl it toppled back words and lay still. the boy tuned around the moon now freed from the clouds reviled a girl in her hands a bow glowed dark silver. her eyes shined with an unnatural light. her skin shone pail in the moon light. he stared at her in awe she was beautiful in a dark sinister way. the bow shimmered and slowly faded from her grasp. their eyes meet with a small rustle of feathers black wings spared wide. his voice cracked as he called to the girl "please don't go" her dark eyes widened slightly "you can see me" she asked in a wisperd that cared to his ears. he got up slowly "yes" the girl eyed him the boy realized he was shaking valiantly. suddenly the girl was infront of him. her arms rapid around his skinny body pressing him aginst her. his eyes widened as her wings closed around him. "sleep" she whispered warmth flooded his body and darkness took him.

    chapter 2

    the snow covered valley lay quite as the small sun rose over the lifeless land. a rock out crop provided some protection from the never ending cold. silently a shadow sat in the flickering light of a fire a small shape lay curled up on the ground. slowly the boys eyes opened and took in his surroundings. he sat up spotting the shadow. the girl stepped out into the fire light her dark blue eyes reflecting the dancing flames her black hair shined as she stood silently. "what are you" he asked she gave him a small smile that didn't touch her eyes. it was sad and solemn as she spoke. "a death angel" her dark eyes sparkled with grim satisfaction "I was once human though"" what happened" was all the boy could say. she turned away looking out into the waste land of snow "this happened" she was silent for a moment and he waited. "years ago the earth was green warm and lush" a cold breeze made the flames dance wildly "once this land held creatures of all sorts lions, tigers, wolves"" there are tails of such things but there just myths" the girl looked back at the boy "they once roamed these lands just as we did""what happened" the boy asked again. the girl stood silently then spoke softly "when I was a little girl the lands were lush people lived in harmony with nature" she closed her eyes remembering. "we lived in a time of peace then they came".

    chapter 3

    clouds moved silently covering the moon. the world went dark. fires erupted enveloping hole towns and cities. cries and screams could be heard for miles around. people fled throw the streets. buildings cot fire and toppled to the ground. alone wanders a girl searching in vain for her family. tears run down her face blinding her. she falls to the ground to weak to get up she lays listening to the noses fad. a boy stumbles over to her and picks her up quickly finding his way out of the city. "that girl is you" the girl opened her eyes "yes" she answered "who's the boy""his name is Cody""what's yours" asked the boy "my name" she hesitated "it was raven" she went silent. "go on" earged the boy quietly. the boy cared for the girl till she was strong again. "drink this" offered Cody raven gratefully took a drink and leaned back against the rock. it had been years since that dreadful day. they had managed to find other survivors but very few and few every day as they were hunted by larch. that's what they called the alien things that killed them. she and Cody had managed to survive others weren't so lucky. she sighed and rapid her arms around herself snow coated the ground Cody grabbed her pulling into his lap hugging her tight to keep her warm. she sighed closing her eyes these days were full with nightmares. they and others had managed to escape most of them. as night drew nearer Cody left her to take watch. she fell into a peaceful slumber when she woke Cody lay next to her sleeping. she smiled and got up. what girls there were in the group gathered and set out to find what food they could. they would be safe now larch never came during the day. they soon returned to find most the men awake and hungry. they talked and laughed among themselves Cody sat close to her eating. everyone was used to his quietness. the unusual peace lasted a month they took every opportunity to rest and supply themselves with food. they made warmer close and fixed up the cave they were living in. the nights seemed to be eerie silent as she went to bed with Cody beside her. they woke in the morning to the same thing. a cold waste land the girls gathered as they normally did. they went out to gather food and they came back. as they eat Cody quietly got up and walked to the cave entrance. a few seconds later he came running back fear flickering like wild fire in his eyes "there here"" they can't be" one of the men got up and ran to the entrance he came back "he's right" every one stood. "what are we going to do" some of the women started to cry. "we run everyone looked at her "that's all we can do" she held back her fear as best she could. quickly they all went to the cave entrance. she could see them a black line in the snow covered ground getting closer with each passing second. they had to leave now. so she took Cody's hand and ran.

    chapter 4

    "what happened" raven looked at the boy "we simply ran" the boy looked at the fire which was beginning to burn low. we ran throw the snow as fast as we could. shots flew past us cries of injured men and women mangled with the rest of the noise but we couldn't stop. suddenly Cody fell to the ground with a cry of pain. raven fell to the ground she looked up to see Cody lying in the snow holding his leg she scrambled over to him. his leg was bleeding heavily. he pushed her away "go raven""no" she came back over and placed her hands on his wound he cried out. "no raven go" he pleaded tears ran down her face she crawled and sat down carefully moving his head into her lap. "please go" she shook her head as she watched her only friend die right in front of her. tears blind her as she sat in the cold snow. fear froze her in place as heavy boots stopped in front of her she looked up slowly her tears making small ice crusts on her cheeks. she meet the fiery eyes of the larch who had his gun ready and his finger on the trigger. he pulled it the bullet hit her chest she fell back pain racking her body. but she didn't scream she couldn't. she coughed up some blood making a bright red splatter on the white snow. the larch passed by her. she looked at the sky as she lay dying she couldn't feel anything her body was slowly growing cold. her sight started to fad. suddenly she saw a bright light a man was standing next to her. his face was kind as he slowly kneeled down next to her. he placed a hand on her head gently "sleep my child" she suddenly felt at peace. closing her eyes she fell into a peacefully slumber.

    chapter 5

    "so you died" raven nodded silently to the boy. "but then how did you come back"" I didn't at first" the boy watched quietly as the girl sat. I awoke in a strange place it was bright and warm. it was quite and calm when I got up I found that everything was in bright colors of red and orange there was even green. my spirits lifted as I felt immediately at home. raven decided to wander around this magical place. as she left the bright room she saw people some she knew. they gathered around her smiling and laughing she felt light as a feather a joy she hadn't felt in years. but as raven looked around something inside her fell Cody wasn't there. she searched for days for him but couldn't find him. "what happened to him"" I don't know" she replayed "I still search for him". the boy went silent sensing the girl was in some pain. one day a meeting was called when she arrived men and women were gathered in a large thrown room of white and gold. in front three divine figers sat atop thrones of ivory. she recognized one as the man that comforted her. there was also another man and a women all three were dressed in the purest white. she knew she was in heaven now the place of the spirits. one of the men stood and the room went silent "as we all know there are still people down there being hunted by another being what you call the larch" a murmur went throw the crowd "now I ask for those who would go back down to protect them" this time the room went still no one seemed to breath "well no one go" asked the women the younger man looked throw the crowd there eyes seemed to meet. she pushed her way throw the crowd and called "I well" every eyes turned to her "I well" she repeated reaching the front. the divine man nodded "come here child" she hesitated then slowly made her way the white steps till she stood in front of him. gently he placed his hands on her shoulders "have strength and courage" she looked up onto his eyes "may you fly in faith and let your arrow pierce with meaning". her body started to tingle. there was a gasp among the crowd as something spread from her back. once the tingling stopped she looked back.

    chapter 6

    "what happened" the boy sat up strait as the girl paused. raven smiled spreading her black wings. raven looked back her eyes widened as the black feathered wings spread wide. the crowd murmur among themselves. she looked back at the man he smiled "go try them out" with a light feeling she jumped instinctively she pushed her new wings down as she rose she looked down at the many faces. she felt powerful, unstoppable, indestructible she smiled dancing around in the air. when she landed again she got down on one knee and bowed to the king. "rise and protect the living people in my name" she rose and walked throw the departing crowd. an angel of white guided her to the edge. as she peered down towards the white earth a feeling of heavy responsibility fell on her chest. she now knew this is one of the things she had waited for a time where she could protect. she spread her wings and dived towards the earth she had never felt so alive so free now she knew what the birds had once felt. she landed on the ground and realized she no longer felt the cold. she wandered around the white land till dark then took flight. she flew throw the lonely sky looking for larch this time they would be the one to feel fear. shots cared throw the still air screams of pain followed. she flew towards the sound coming upon a rock out crop shadows ran and fell as flashes of light hit them. what was she supposed to do? she hovered suddenly her hand tingled she looked at it something shimmered and solidified in her hand.

    chapter 7

    "your bow" asked the boy raven nodded. it shown dark silvers sparkling with deadly light. she looked down seeing bigger heaver shadows. slowly she placed her finger tips on the notch and pulled back a silver arrow of light formed she aimed and let it fly it hit the snow in front of the monster it stopped looking up at her she drew another and hit it in the chest it fell back with a howl. she landed near one some of the survivors looked at the dead larch. "are you ok" she asked no one answered she walked over placing a hand on a women's shoulders she looked back at her but seemed to see throw her. "no one could see you" asked the boy she nodded "no one has seen me till now". raven flew away knowing she had to seek more to protect she moved on training her skills. flying silently ,aiming, waiting and listening. she soon had killed over 3000 larch but still they came. night and rarely at day but she killed every one that crossed her path. she watched as humans started to building homes and weapons trying to live off the frozen waste land. they adapted as best as they could they hunted the creatures that now roamed the cold land. like snow ducks and ice pigs they also fished for blue salmon and crystal fish. she watched over them all the time searching for Cody. as the years ware on the larch became fewer and fewer but when they did come they attack it was viciously. they had even started taking people alive she didn't even want to think about what they were going throw. still she fought them.

    chapter 8

    "what happened to the people that had been taken" the boy asked "I do not know""some say" murmured the boy "that they were turned into larch""that may be" raven said standing up. "what happened next" she smiled "here I am talking to the first human who can see me" raven looked at the sky the small red sun was setting soon night come again and it would be time to fly. "what is your name" she asked "James" she smiled spreading her wings she fluttered into a rock "were are you going" James asked "it's almost time James" she turned "they'll be hunting soon" James stood watching her as the light slowly faded. she looked back with a smile "watch the skis" with that she leaped into the air and vanished into the darkness. James lived long often glimpsing the death angel years passed and no larch were seen he told this story to his children. "she still searches for her lost love" he spoke quietly sitting in front of the fire "she watches and waits for any danger". "on wings of death in hands of light one arrow strikes the piercing blow" with awe in their faces the children listened to the story. "that's just a made up story" scoffed tom "is it tom" asked James with a smile tom just shook his head. later that night James looked out his window a winged shadow passed over the full moon. with a smile he retired to sleep.