• Sayomi

    "Idiot." I said to Yoichi as we were going home on the bus. Rei had rented out the whole bus for us, and some of us were now singing Kareoke as we went on. "Never leave me alone. Never leave me alone. You were my only one, but you walked out that door, and made me wait for so long! Than when I realized, you weren't coming along, I waved goodbye, and continued on! Now, you're back tonight! Wanting me for you. But I said 'No no, no no, no no.' " Himeko was singing (my own written song!). "Why am I an idiot?" he asked. "Avoiding me and being just a plain jerk because you didn't want to tell me about me being a goddess, that's why." I said. "Oh, yea, sorry about that." he said, placing his arm around my waist as we sat next to eachother. "Idiot." I mumbled again. "I geuss I deserve that." he said. "You geuss?" I asked. "Okay, I do deserve that." he said. "Ya think?" I said. He held me tightly and whispered in my ear "Hey, don't push it!" I laughed. "Hey, Yoichi?" I asked as Rei got up to sing. "Yea?" he asked. "Well, what did you think of Kuchinashi and Arisa?" I asked quietly. "They were nothing like you." he said. "Is that a good thing?" I asked. He looked down at me "It's a perfect thing. No one can ever be like you, and that's one of the best things I love about you." he said. I blushed a bit and rested my head on his shoulder. To be truthful, I was afraid. To know you were going to die someday is one thing, knowing when and how is something totally differant. My heart beat hard, my mind was in a panic, I was afraid, I was sad, I wanted to cry, but, that was something I wouldn't tell him. Never tell, Yoichi.


    "Sayomi! You're next!" Himeko said, giving Sayomi the mic. Sayomi, who I now just noticed the smallest tint of sadness in her eyes. I didn't know why, and I didn't ask why, just let her go up and put the mic to her lips. "Okay! I'll sing Again by Yui!" she said. (The song is the first opening song to Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood). Her voice rang out in the bus. It was powerful, smooth, and beautiful all at the same time. I don't think I ever heard her sing before. Everyone on the bus seemed hypnotized by her voice, even the bus driver -who nearly got into a car crash-. "I love it when Sayomi sings." Rei whispered to Cruz, who nodded and grinned in agreement. Himeko and Jing just had their eyes closed and were listening intently. "What should I do?" I asked myself. "If I don't do something, Sayomi will die." I thought. "Oh, that's it! I'll bring her to my world! If there's anything that can help her, it's there!" I thought excitedly. Than, I saw her grinning and singing and thought "I will, it's a promise. But just, not yet."

    Next, Cat's paw 21