• Alright. I’ll admit it; I’m not the smartest guy ever. But the way she said that would make even a complete melonhead wonder what in the name of flying shemales was going on. The fact that the guards started crowding around me only added to my worries.

    “Mommy, why are they taking that man away?” a young boy asked his mother. I didn’t hear her answer. I’m guessing that this was mostly due to the fact I had a club smacked across my head. Now, I don’t know if any of you have actually ever had a bat across the head before, but I’ll tell you right now it hurts. It also kind of disrupts your consciousness for a little while. I fell to the floor, completely blacked out.

    I woke up in a room, completely dazed. There was a little table in the middle. There was also a saw on the table. There were no windows and there was no door; only a dim light that slightly illuminated the small 8x8 room. As I regained my bearings, I realized I was in a mess. First of all, there was no food. I also noticed there was no ventilating system. My back hurt, so I guessed I was in here for a while. That meant that I must have used up most of the oxygen in the room.

    Dammit! I thought to myself, If I don’t find a way out of here, I’m screwed! I tried not to breathe too fast, as this would cause hyperventilating, which would only add to my problems. I though it through in my head. I started to look around the room, but found nothing. However, after a little while, I saw a little stone tile on the floor with writing on it.
    It was hard to see what it said. I cleared the dust and looked closer. However, the light was so dim I could barely see the tile itself. I cursed silently to myself and looked closer. Some dust got in my eyes and they started to water. I then cursed out loud as I was getting impatient. I punched the wall, but that injured my knuckles. As I was standing up, wiping my knuckles, I noticed that as I stood up, the tile seemed to be sinking into the floor. I then noticed that the walls were also starting to have writing on them too.
    In the end, I saw the word riddles.
    My thoughts raced. I tried to look back through my memories and remembered a riddle I had once solved when I was ten. The riddle says; “You are trapped in a 10x10 foot room with nothing but a wooden table and a saw. There are no doors and no windows, and it is impossible to break through the walls. How do you escape?” I quickly realized that this room was set in the exact same manner as the riddle. I then quickly remembered the answer.

    Quickly, I picked up the saw and cut the table in half. Two halves make a whole (hole). I pushed the two parts of the table together. Then, both parts of the table disappeared and in front of me was a hole that led into a hallway. Baffled at what I saw, I realized that the previous lack of oxygen had given me nausea and I threw up on the floor.
    Then, everything dissolved and I found myself in a black room. There was nothing but black. There was no definite shape for the room and I found myself standing on nothing. I didn’t fall. But I didn’t feel anything under my feet.
    A figure appeared before me. It was exactly my size and had exactly the same body shape as me. Then, it spoke.

    “Welcome,” it said. I quickly recognized my own voice, “How’s life treating you, Marc?”
    Needless to say I freaked out. I stumbled back, completely bewildered. Out fumbled,

    “Wh-who a-a-are y-y-ou?!”

    “Oh, I’m called many things,” it replied, “some call me God. Some call me gravity. Some call me the Universe. I can’t say I’m any of those things. However, I am a lot of things. I’m logic. I am happiness. I am sorrow. I am life. I am death. I am almost everything on the Earth.” It pointed towards me, “I am even you.”

    I didn’t know what to say. Right before me was something that wasn’t human. Yet it was. I was unable to figure out what this meant.
    Apparently the thing knew what I was thinking, “Fine. I’ll explain all this to you.” It turned around and walked seven paces away from me. With one hand, it ripped through the darkness and opened up the tear it had created. It turned around and beckoned me. I followed it into the white void and I found myself gazing at the world.

    “That’s me.” It said.

    “What are you saying? Sorry, but you’re not making any sense,” I responded, “If you’re expecting me to believe that you’re the Earth itself, forget it.”

    “Whether you believe me or not is up to you. However, what you should believe is that the Earth is a living thing. A gigantic organism that’s sleeping, but will one day awaken. However, that stone that fell into your city is slowly digging into the Earth itself. It will take a while, but in time its descent will accelerate. It will go down faster and faster. At the end of this month, it will reach the core.”

    “What happens then?”

    “Well, first, the core will cool down. This is the heart of the Earth. Once it loses its heat, Earth is dead. The outer core will stop spinning since it doesn’t have the heat of the inner core to keep it convecting; hence, it will solidify. Once that happens, the atmosphere will slowly be blown away by solar wind. Therefore, the heat of the sun will reach the planet. The sun will burn away the side facing it, and the dark side of the planet will freeze. All life on Earth will be purged.”

    “Well, you say that you’re the Earth. So is this why you’re warning me? You don’t wanna die, eh? Well, I’m not saving your a** just because my house sits on top of your head. I don’t mind dying.”

    “Did you know Mars once had life on it?”

    “It did…?”

    “Yes, Mars was my older brother. This exact same thing happened to him. The truth is, our entire Solar system will suffer this fate if you don’t destroy the rock.”

    “This doesn’t benefit me.”

    “If you destroy that rock, I will make the whole of humanity know your name.”

    “Making deals, eh?”

    “Fine. Eventually you might know how this really will benefit you.” The figure disappeared, and I fell.