Chapter 6 - Trouble at Asgard
(Music playing - Akuma drops/ Disgaea)Download
*In the netherworld, Lloyd was with the group of mage girls on his guild mission to help protect the girls while they find potion ingredents. They all went into some dark forest and they all stick together when the mage in red spotted some patch of mushrooms and flower pollen needed for their potions. As the lovely mage girls began to collect the ingrediants and the cleric woman looked arround to stand guard, a group of ronins appeared.*
Ronin 1= Ah ha, more mages after the mushrooms. Now we can take it off their hands.
Ronin 2= They were so nice to pick them for us and put them in the bags.
Lloyd= Hey!
Cleric woman= It's them! Their the ones who keep beating us up and robbing us of our ingredients. Then they sell them in the marketplace in their account for rediculous prices.
Ronin 3= We need the money for our food and equipment.
Mage in green= Don't listen to them Lloyd. Their selling the stuff we collect for outragous prices and buying their way into the guilds.
Mage in blue= They wait for us to gather them cause their allergic to them.
Ronin 1= SILENCE! Now step asside boy!
Lloyd= NO! Im gonna protect these girls.
Ronin 2= So be it.
(Music changes to - Witch hunting/ Disgaea)Download
*The 3 ronins charged and Lloyd took the one with the axe and used artes like tempest and raging falcon. The other ronin with a sword tried to attack Lloyd with a hurricane attack, but Lloyd evaded the attack. Then the single ronin engaged the mages. The lovely mages and the cleric's engaged the single spear ronin. The spear ronin tried to do a throwing attack on the red mage, but the blue mage casted (ice 2) and the green mage casted (wind 2) and dispatched the spear ronin. The cleric healed the blue mage of damage. Lloyd defeated both the axe and sword ronins.*
Lloyd= Perhaps you should start working alittle more fairly ladies.
Ronin 1= Curse you human boy!
Ronin 2= Ahhhh, to be defeated by a man!
Ronin 3= We will remember this one kid!
*The ronin's ran away and the mages were free to pick the ingredents they needed.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Cleric woman= You were awsome boy!
Mage in red= You did it. You got those mean ronin's and tought them who's boss.
Mage in green= What's your name kid?
Lloyd= Lloyd..... the name's Lloyd Irving.
Mage in blue= Thanks so much Lloyd. We could only fight 1 of them at a time, but they always attack us by three. Were not experienced yet to take on such high powered ronins by ourselves.
Mage in red= Let's go to our camp and make our potions right away.
*Later, after all the potions were brewed, the mages shared some potion with Lloyd.*
(Music playing - RoseQueen co. netherworld branch/ Disgaea)Download
Lloyd= Thanks.
Mage in blue= That's a mana restoration potion brew. Be sure to use that for you mage friends when you start your own guild. You can use it for yourself too to help replenish your specal attacks since your a swordsman.
*Later...Lloyd returned to the pub, and met the lantern bartender.*
Lantern= Exelent deah bub! You helped dese gerls git dare stuff wittout dem ronins muggin em.
Lloyd= I heard they were selling the ingredants really high.
Lantern= Those ronin's are of de 3 spades guild. No good swindlers. Ok bub, heres yer money mate. 500 HL.
*Meanwhile,....Genis and Raine took a break form their job in the library and decided to go to the pub that Lloyd was in earlier.*
Genis= Man,... I wonder what they have to eat and drink here?
Raine= Me too. Im sorta hungry. I wonder how demons cook?
*When Genis and Raine sat down and was ready to order, the waitress kitkat came across the table.*
Kitkat= What can I get for you cute couple? heart
Genis= I'll take this item here.
Kitkat= Exelent choice, kiddo. That's a phantom salmon, perfect for a growing boy like you. What about you dear?
Raine= I'll take this one.
Kitkat= Spiked oyster stew. Their the best in this season. I'll be right back with your order.
Raine= Whew,... this food looks different from what we seen back home.
Genis= I wonder how these guys cook?
*Later, the kitkat brought them their order and drinks. Genis and Raine ate and actually enjoyed it all.*
Raine= That was rather... delicous. Not bad for..demons.
Genis= I could get used to this world. I wonder what Lloyd's been up too.
Raine= I'll go pay the tab at the bartender counter.
*Raine walks to the bartender at the booth to pay the tab.*
Lantern= Ehe dar missy, dat be 70 HL please.
Raine= Thanks. Here you go. The food was great.
Lantern= Danks lass. You and dat little feller dare smell a bit like humans but im not quite who yer is?
Raine= Oh... im a half elf. So is my brother over there.
Genis= Oh, hi. May I ask you something? Have you seen a guy with brown hair and 2 swords on his sides? He also wears red.
Lantern= That Lloyd feller eh? He's a good boy dat Lloyd. Helped a bunch er mage gals git mushrooms. Dat's a guild job, you can check dem out over dare at de board over yonder.
Genis= Thanks sir.
*Genis goes to the board, but he was too short to read the board. Raine walked over to the board and read the notes and they read, "Guild missions for the single people. Beginers to experts. good pay."*
Raine= You know what Genis, your curriosity may have helped us earn some extra HL. This job looks intersting. it reads, "Mages needed. Protect me from fighters while I look for raw materials. I'll share some spoils with you. Client ~ Marshal."
Genis= Sounds like he needs help. Let's take that mission.
Raine= Ok.
*Raine brings the ticket to the bartender.*
Lantern= I see, so yer gonna help dat Marshal eh? Got dem bully fighters after him. He needs pertecin from dem muscle heads. Glad ye have eh heart. Take dat trolley car and you can meet at de guild station.
Genis= Thanks sir.
Raine= Thanks so much.
*Later, Genis and Raine traveled by the trolley car to the guild center. They handed over the ticket and met Marshal, but he wasn't what Genis and Raine expected. He was a 7 foot tall gargoyle with a skirt shaped base with no legs and he seemed to levatate to move, even though he had wings, he can jump at great hights and can't fly due to his massive weight.*
Marshal= So your Genis and Raine eh?
Raine= ehhhh, Hello. Do you know where I can find Marshal?
Marshal= well, im Marshal. I need help gathering metal in the mines. I dig them out myself with no need of help. It's these blasted rouges who I used to beat up in the past, now got some muscle on there side. Last dig I did costed me big time. He has 4 fighters in his team. They all beat me up and took my loot. I need some help repelling them.
Genis= Just leave it to me.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Later, they took the warp gate network to the mining area and Genis, Raine, and Marshal rode the mine tracks to the dig site. Marshal began to dig up ores and minnerals and it took an easy time,....when suddenly, the 2 rouges appeared with their muscle bound fighter companions.*
(Music playing - Underworld/ Disgaea)Download
Marshal= Uh oh, it's them! Their the guys who robbed me!
Rouge 1= Back for more eh Marshal, you big loser!
Rouge 2= Sure are a stuborn one.
Fighter 1= More ore for us.
Fighter 2= stand back liitle tykes, we'll get him.
Genis= I don't think so. 6 against 1? That's pretty low.
Raine= Get ready Genis, you too Marshal!
*The fighters began to charge at Genis and Raine, Genis casted (Stalagmite) and flung the first 2 fighters in the air with strong shocks of the earth, Raine casted (Photon) on the following 3rd fighter. Marshal was left with the last fighter. He used his claw swipe attack on the muscular man, then the fighter countered with a few barrage of punches and attacked with a harsh king of lions attack. Raine casted (Heal 3) and Marshal's vitality was restored completely. Marshal used his gargoyle cannon attack to deliver some serious damage to the fighter. Genis then casted (Thunder 3) and struck all the fighters and the 4th was dispatched. then the 2 rouges entered the battle, Raine gave them a dose of her spell (prisim sword) a light elemental attack that dispatched the rest of the fighters, and Genis casted (Ice 3) on the rouges, thus damaging them criticly, then Marshal dashed to them and finished them off with a body slam attack.*
Marshal= Steal my goods will you!?
Rouge 1= Oooohhhh... my back. Ahhhhhh!!
Rouge 2= Marshal.... you ...
Genis= Today's a bad luck day for you jerks!
Raine= I hope this teaches you a lesson!
*Genis and Raine collect stolen goods recently taken by the rouges, and even finds some items dropped by the fiends as they ran away wrecklessly.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Genis= Look, a sword. It appears to be a good sword that Zelos could use. I'll suppose I can save it for him.
Raine= They also dropped some HL as well, even this vial of potion.
Marshal= That was fun. I can't thank you enough! Here's another token of my thanks. Here's some mythril for you.
*Later that day, back at the pub....*
Lantern= Ya helped good ol' Marshal. *Laughs* Exelent. Here's your reward money.
*Genis and Raine each earned 400 HL.*
Genis= That was exciting. Let's see what else we can do.
*Meanwhile........ back in Symphonia....inside the renegade HQ, the Black Circle now under control of the land of Triet, John, Magnius, Forcystus, and the rest of the black circle were having lunch and later on..... John was in Yuan's bedroom quarters taking a nap while Magnius and Forcystus were communicating with Rodyle and Kvar back at the other renegade base.*
(Music playing - Escape from enemey base/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
Rodyle (radio)= Exelent, now we have Triet under our control.
Kvar (radio)= Were just about done here in Sylverant. One more temple to raid. The Balacruf Mausolueum, where the summon spirit of wind is. Three actually, the Sylph tripplets.
Magnius= We also need to deal with Ventus, the centurion of wind.
Forcystus= Siezing Triet's centurion was an easy task. But the centurions core and the Mausolueum may be connected, but the locations of the summon spirit and the centurion core are separate. We may have to split up the party.
Kvar (radio)= John must deal with both the centurion and the summon spirit. He needs to be at the two places at once.
Rodyle (radio)= I know. I have a plan. Forcystus, you go on ahead with Magnius and raid the wind temple. Solve the puzzles in that place and defeat the monsters with the netherworld creatures and the Black Circle. John can go to the village of Asgard and take the secret enterance on the dais, that ritual area of the village. John has Lumen at his side, so entering the dais will be easy.
Forcystus= Exelent plan Rodyle.
Magnius= Great plan Rodyle, I have to admit, things look allot better than with that Mithos twerp we used to take orders from. It's kind'a fun than being in charge of a human ranch. We now work with humans who are actually obedeant.
Kvar (radio)= I hear you Magnius ol pal. I can say the same thing as well.
Rodyle (radio)= Ok, let's make it happen whenever your ready, then we can go raid the Tethe-alla temples starting with the one closest to me and Kvar. We will explain that later. Me and Kvar, over and out.
Magnius= Ill allert the troops and let them know we got 10 minnutes to prepare.
Forcystus= Exelent. I will inform the chosen.
*Suddenly, the monitor activated again and it was Kvar.*
Kvar (radio)= One more thing Magnius, Forcystus....
Magnius= Yes?
Forcystus= Again?
Kvar (radio)= I will meet the new age chosen at Asgard, he will be under my supervision. I can't wait to see him in action myself.
Magnius= I see.
Forcystus= Very well. I will inform the chosen at once.
*Meanwhile....John was still asleep in Yuan's quarters, Forcystus entered the door and quietly woken him.*
Forcystus= John..... wake up. I need you to wake up.
John= *yawns* ....uhh,.... yes?
Forcystus= Sorry to wake you up durring your nap. I was informed that the new target will be the Balacruf Mausolueum. Lord Kvar informed us that myself and Magnius are to depart immediately. A Black Circle escort will fly you to Asgard. Once there, you will be accompanied by Kvar himself.
John= So Lumen's prediction was true.
Forcystus= Your very lucky to have a centurion that likes you.
John= Thanks. Lumen said something about having to see her son again.
Forcystus= Better get ready. Can't let the Black Circle keep waiting. After your done with the centurion, meet me at the ruins once you done so we can deal with the sylphs.
John= Gotcha. Thanks for the info.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Later.....John was taken to the outskirts of the mountains, and that's where John met Kvar.*
Kvar= Nice to see you again chosen, or should I say, John.
John= How you doing Lord Kvar sir?
Kvar= Splended. Now, lets go and make haste. Asgard is just alittle ways ahead.
(Music playing - Town of a wind and ruins/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*John and Kvar walk the road to the town of Asgard.....John and Kvar walked as far as the dragons cave, and as they turned arround, it was Yuan walking from the road from the residental area and he seemed to be talking to some armored solgers.*
Kvar= Blasted! It's Yuan ka-fai! That sellout trator! John, we must hide.
John= No problem. Get behind me. I can cloak us all.
*John bended the light of the area and thus became invisible and Kvar hid behind him.*
Kvar= Clever indeed.
*From a distance,... Yuan was speaking to an armored guard from the Meltokio kingdom, and there were at least 4 of them.*
Yuan= Where in the hell is Lloyd. That's 3 summon spirit temples now. The tower of mana restored by unknown magic, and the temples of the glaicier and Triet are sealed off.
Martel knight 1= We havent seen Lloyd the great arround lately.
Martel knight 2= We been searching all over Sylverant, this is one of his last stops.
Yuan= Where could Lloyd be? Dosen't he know by now that we have a crysis on our hands? It's bad enough we had to deal with the Vangard, and now I hear that this new group, the Black Circle already confenscated Luin, Triet, and New Mizuho. I have no idea how they could find that. I know the Desians and Vangard can't possibly be behind this.
Martel knight 2= These are tough times indeed. I also checked Palmacosta twice, and still nothing.
Martel knight 3= Lloyd was last scene in Meltokio castle with everyone. Plus they had some kind of new visitors we never seen before. Someone by the name of Captain Gordon.
Martel knight 4= There were some angels we never seen before either. I don't think their from Derris Kharlan.
Yuan= Speaking of Derris..... uh ...nevermind. But if I might say, that place is beyond our reach and the last contact I made with them..... their now beyond contact. Kratos Aurion is definently far beyond my reach.
Kvar= Kratos......*clenches his fist tightly*
John= Lord Kvar....are you ok? What's wrong?
Civilian= Lord Yuan! There was a falling star sighting in broad daylight. It fell towards the direction of Syback. It looked like something from the tower of salvation, same patterns and all.
Yuan= What!? Everyone, follow me!
Kvar= Now's our chance! Let's go to the dais now!
*When Yuan and the knights ran from the village, it gave John and Kvar the chance they needed to reach the dais. Kvar checked the area to make sure nobody was in sight.*
John= So this is the dais of Asgard.
Kvar= No one is arround. Good. Call your centurion.
John= Lumen, you can come out now.
Lumen= Oh the dais of Asgard I see......I'll open the stairway.
*Lumen waves one of her 6 hands and the stairway revealed itself.*
Kvar= Let's go and make haste. If Yuan comes back and see's this, it will assure suspission.
(Music changes to - Search a seal - Sylverant/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*John and Kvar wasted no time. John and Kvar followed the tunnels and solved the riddles of the bells. John had no sorcerers ring, yet, John could opperate the bells with ease.*
John= Hey, no sweat. I wonder how I did it?
Kvar= Your key crest has all the benefits of scorcerers rings, although you don't need to require one. Your key crest has power of it's own and acts independently. It's proof that you are indeed superior amongst all chosens. Now let's hurry.
*John and Kvar continued to venture furhter in the ruins of Asgard and came across the archer statue puzzle. Kvar easally solved it in 2 seconds flat. He picked the right angle for the statue to fire and the drawbrige appeared.*
John= Amazing.
Kvar= We half elves find puzzles and riddles amazingly easy. It would take an hour for you humans unfornitly.
John= It's tough being human you know.
*John and Kvar entered the wind tunnels and got through all the traps. John held on to Kvar and flown him through the pits and the heavy winds were no problem for John. Finally they reached the centurion altar. And there it was, the core of Ventus. All round and glittering green.*
Kvar= This is it. Ventus.
(Music fades and changes to - Behind us/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download
????= Someone menson me?
*The voice came from the core and it took shape of a large pekock shapped bird that stood up to 4 and a half feet tall and 7 feet in length. It was none other than Ventus himself.*
Ventus= Who is it, a traveler group, a human and a half elf tread in these ruins?
Kvar= Oh, so you are Ventus. How facinating. You are indeed a fine specimen and will be taken with much pride to be studied. John, please escort Ventus to his ......little silver charriot.
*Kvar pulls out a silver briefcase that Magnius had one of earlier.*
Ventus= Wait.... how come I can assume body and form when..... hold on, your a bearer of a strange cruxis crystal. NO! Not the Jenova project!
Kvar= JOHN! NOW! Sieze the bird!
*John used his magic and Ventus lost all control of his body and transformed into the active core form and floated into the tubeing of the core case.*
(Music returns to - Search a seal - Sylverant)Download
John= That wasn't so bad. Although,....I never expected it to be not so challenging.
Kvar= There is a tunnel in these ruins where we first entered through. Let's take that route.
*John and Kvar ventured back to the first floor of the tunnels and walked towards the bird/human hybrid statue and turned it facing North. The enterance bells pattern changed.*
Kvar= John, go back to the bells near the 2nd floor stairway. And play those notes.
*John ringed the combanation of the bells and a wall from a distance moved.*
John= Something just moved!
Kvar= Must be the pathway to the Balacruf Mausolueum. let's go.
*John and Kvar traveled the tunnels to the path where they heard the wall movement. They found a teleported where they were transported to the Balacruf Mausolueum, and then, they walked inside those ruins. Kvar and John traveled through the ruins to the room of the pinwheels. Kvar took out his book and read a page in a few seconds and then gave John instructions on to spin which pinwheel in a specal order. Then the door bagan to glow and open and the stairway was revealed.*
John= After you.
Kvar= Ahh, too kind.
*John and Kvar walked to the outside corridor where the altar of the summon spirit was located. Suddenly the sylphs appeared.*
(Music changes to - Behind us)Download
Sylph 1= Hey, I sense something strange about this human.
Sylph 2= You there! You by chance wouldnt know about the monster activity lately do you? They seem to be decreasing.
Sylph 3= Sisters! Be on allert! Something dosent seem right here. I sense Ventus is right here too!
Kvar= Damn! They sensed Ventus's presence. Magnius and Forcystus isnt arround to be seen. Better do this fast John!
Sylph 1= Uh oh! It's him!
Sylph 2= You mean this is that "new age chosen" the humans have been talking about lately?
Sylph 3= That explains Luna's absence.
Lumen= I suppose you figured that out too hey girls?
Sylph 2= Lumen!? What are you doing here?
Sylph 1= This is the temple of wind, your temple is in Luin!
Lumen= Don't talk to me like im stupid! Im here to give Ratatosk alittle payback!
Sylph 3= Lumen, you trator! It's bad enough Aqua gave us trouble months ago.
John= Owww... my head....Ahhhhh!!
Kvar= This must be it.... that transformation.....like that Emill kid.
*John's eyes changed from blue to topaz gold, John is once again in sadist mode.*
(Music changes to - Mystery girl/ Final fantasy 4 the after years)Download
John (sadist mode)= So you heard about little Aquafina's activity against Ratatosk huh? Well, she won't be doing any dilly dally this time since I got her Iggynis, Venty, and Bree-bree all locked up in these casings. And Udinie, Lunie, and Iffy are now in a petrified state, and now, you will become cute little crystal statue ornaments for the Balacruf Mausolueum. heart
Sylph 1= Hey, this human man changed?
Sylph 2= That dosent sound too kindly of you mister. I dont like you very much.
Sylph 3= You better beat it mister, of we'll have to o what the humans say..."lay open a can of wup a** on you!"
Ventus= Sylphs! Don't engage this human! RUN!! This human's been turned by extra terrestrial science!
John (sadist mode)= Pah, Johnny is soooo bored now. I better do this quick and easy like. Bye bye sylphies!
*John raised his hand and created a golden flare and with a flash of blinding light, the sylphs were tunened into crystal statues. All 3 layed there with astonishment on their faces. John walks to the sylph's altar and places another sphere on it. The spere instantly grew to a huge size and John turned arround and raised his hands and a yellow tint glow shot from it, and formed a force field all over the Balacruf Mausolueum.*
Kvar= Amazing. Besides wielding such power, you have the ability to change personalities as well. We never expected this.
John (sadist mode)= Lord Kvar, wanna quick way down the temple. Flights on me.
Kvar= I suppose it wouldnt hurt.
*John and Kvar flew downward the temple from the top and landed on the grounds outside of the protective barrier, when suddenly.....fighting was heard from a distance. Then 2 Black Circle grunts ran to John and Kvar.*
Black Circle grunt 1= *panting* Lord Kvar, chosen one! It's an emergencey!
Black Circle grunt 2= Were under attack by Martel Knights! Forcystus and Magnius are in the center of it. It's a formadable opponent their fighting. You better come quick!
Kvar= Oh hell! After all of this work, now we have trouble.
John (sadist mode)= Uh oh, someones been brownosing in Black Circle affairs, a big no no.
Black Circle grunt 1= Chosen one. Are you ok?
Kvar= Do not question the chosen! Hurry! Take us to the battle grounds!
Black Circle grunt 2= My appologies. This way!
*The grunts, John and Kvar ran to the fray of the battle. Forcystus and magnius were up against a man with red hair, green eyes, glasses, and dark frilly clothes. It was none other than Ricter Abend.*
Kvar= Ricter Abend..... that's not possible.
Ricter= The centurions are going missing! The mana flow is weakening in the Ginugaggap. Are you behind this Desians!? TELL ME!
Magnius= Desians? Were no longer Desians, that's behind us!
Forcystus= Your one of us, tell me, fellow kinsman, why do you oppose us? Were here to correct that fool Lloyd's errors.
Ricter= Kinsman or not. You not going to continue this! It ends with me, Lloyd or no Lloyd!
John (sadist mode)= Who's this? If it isnt the vangard traitor, Weenie Wicter. heart
Ricter= Who are you!? ...huh.....This man...he talks like Alice..... but he bares power even greater than Ratatosk....
Kvar= Good day Ricter. It seems you know me and my colleges. Were just doing fine untill you showed up causing trouble.
Ricter= Ratatosk has disapeared, Lloyd and his companions are gone. Wait...... are you that new age chosen? the talk of the world?...ANSWER ME!
Magnius= You better not get HIM mad. He mopped the floor with Lloyd a few days ago.
Forcystus= He even gave a beating to those lowly chosens and those kids you adore so much.
Ricter= Where are they you fake chosen. YOU WILL ANSWER!
John (sadist mode)= Naughty naughty! You better say the magic word and say it nicely or else.
Ricter= I have not the paitence for your smart a** remarks, especcaly someone trying to be like a dead former college of mine.
John (sadist mode)= That had better not be an insult towards Alice the great! In Alice's kingdom, that's a serious crime to badmouth the mistress. Magnius, Forcystus, stand aside. I'll deal with this nerd myself.
(Music changes to - Mystery girl battle/ Final fantasy 4 the after years)Download
Ricter= Nerd......NERD!!? It's a challenge isnt it. Very well. Then it's showtime!
*Ricter engages John and Ricter used a combo of his artes like his multi elemental sword and hand axe attacks, such as his Moral Spring, Enduring Summer, and Mortal Equinox, thus hitting John with all and John took them as if they were nothing. Then Ricter used some magic like Negative Gate, and casting magic spells like (Ice 4), (fire 4), and Stalagmite as he stood and charged and chanted for each turn as John waited paitently. John seems to absorb magical attacks as HP and MP, and physical attacks were totaly innefective. John then drew his hand and uses Divine Saber on Ricter and caused him severe damage. Then John finished him off with one strike of his Gungir attack, sending Ricter flying.*
Kvar= Such....awsome power!
Forcystus= So....this power defeated Lloyd.
Magnius= Now that's wicked.
(Music changes back to - Mystery girl/ Final fantasy 4 the after years)Download
*John with a whip like rapier in his hand holding in behind the back of his sholders and with a sinister grin on his face and his golden topaz eyes glowing violently as he walked towards Ricter as he layed on the ground pumbled and powerless as he stood up from laying on his back and crawling backwards untill he backed into a boulder with fear in his eyes.*
Ricter= No, ...this...this can't be! Just who in the hell are you!?
John (sadist mode)= No no no Wicter, I should be saying just who in the hell are you? heart
*John lays his right foot on Ricter's right shoulder looking down upon him with a vile grin on his face.*
Ricter= What did you do to Emill....Marta..... Lloyd....the chosens....Aqua......
John (sadist mode)= How cute. Changing the subject are we?
Ricter= Then go ahead and kill me you b*****d! I'll tell you nothing!
John (sadist mode)= I have a better idea. I know just what to do with mean little traitors like you. How about we make an example out of you?
*Later... in the plains of Asgard's lands,..... there was a yellow object in the distance..... a large wheel that was inflatable and the Black Circle was rolling it downhill and it was playing music from a boombox roped arround Ricter which he was tied to the inflatable wheel, and the music played was a song with rude lyrics and strong profanities rolling across the countryside past some traveling villagers with Ricter gagged and as he rolled past caravans, people pointed and stared with worry and annoyance. The members of the Black Cirlcle pointed and laughed, some of them even dropped on the ground and rolled back and forth in heavy humoristic amusement. John in his sadist mode, without knowing and meaning it mentally, made an embarrasing example out of Ricter. Ricter, ... feeling humiliated as if he was a child beeing bullied.*
Forcystus= HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! That will teach that show off!
Kvar= Exelent example... a bit childish but good. Heheheheeee.
*John grabs his head again.... and reverts back to normal.....*
(Music changes to - The grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
John= Ohhhh..... my head. Where am I?
Magnius= Huh.... your eyes are blue again?
Forcystus= It must be the Jenova project. I never knew it would have such properties as this.
Kvar= Rodyle must see this with his own eyes.
*Suddenly....the radio transmitter and holligram projector from the wrist link of Kvar began to activate. He was getting an incomming call from base.*
Rodyle (radio)= Come in Kvar. I heard about the mission in Asgard. Job well done.
Kvar= Asgard and the Balacruf Mausolueum are now subjugated. Sylverant is now complete.
Rodyle (radio)= Good. Now return to my base. Our next target will be in Flanoir. We will raid the ice temple and I will be accompanying our chosen this time. Our.... clients have a mission for the three of you. Something specal.
Forcystus= I see. We will return to base and you can fill me in once we get there.
*Transmission ends.....meanwhile, back in the town of Asgard.... Yuan returned to the town.*
Yuan= I sence something's wrong here.
Mayor= The dais is emitting a strange glow.
Villager 1= Somethings wrong, very wrong.
Villager 2= Last time I checked the dais, it was just fine.
Mayor= That's....strange....
Yuan= What is it?.....oh no.....The wind..... it's stopped blowing. It's always windy here, even gentle breezes are gone. .... the centurion core... OH NO!! To the Dais immediately!!
*When Yuan and the villagers of Asgard arrived at the dais.... there was a yellow pyrimid shaped force field covering the entire base of the dais.*
Mayor= Oh my god! What happened here?
Villager= The dais is activated.... only the maiden dance can activate it..
Yuan= No. Something else did this. The only thing that can activate the dais other than the maiden ritual dance is the power of a centurion. The last one to do this was one named Aqua.
Mayor= Centurions? What are those?
Yuan= If Lloyd stays absent any longer,....this Black Circle....whatever there up to and achieving, there getting it! If this continues....the world is gonna fall into perril and soon......
Villager= Oh no. Where are you Lloyd?
Yuan= Im going to Meltokio castle. I neend to get a pass to visit Heimdall. If my theroy is right,.... the summon spirits... something's happened to them allong with the centurions.... the balance of the world's mana are in peril. Something bad will happen if we wait too long.
*Suddenly..... the martel knights returned and they brought back 2 people.*
Martel Knight 1= We found 2 people, one is a man refering himself as Kratos Aurion.
Yuan=....Impossible!! Kratos here? Take me to him at once!
Martel Knight 2= Another was a half elf named Ricter Abend. He was beaten up by some wierd man claiming himself to be a chosen.
Yuan= Ricter.... the Ginugaggap! If this mana disruption continues, the gate will weaken and the way to Nefilhiem will open. The demons there will get out.
(Music changes to - Dalek Silence/ Doctor Who - The Dalek Conquests)Download
*Meanwhile.... in the netherworld of Disgaea, the counsol of the Dalek pilgramage unit began to gather.....*
Dalek 1= Symphonia update! New Age Chosen has completed the subjugation of the 4 elemental temples of Sylverant. The Dalek mana reception tower may now begin harvesting mana from the temples to our sectors.
Dalek 2= The next phase of Opperation - mana siege will commence! Contact the resurected desian grand cardnal, Rodyle and inform him we are ready to advance the plans.
Dalek 1= I obey!
Supreme Dalek Blue= I will contact Supreme Dalek Red. The next step is to sieze the Ginugaggap. Supreme Dalek Red will dispatch an excavation team to enter the Ginugaggap and exploit the area. The gate to Nefilhiem will be surveyed and scanned and to be calculated.
*Meanwhile.... in space.....the Supreme Dalek Blue notified Supreme Dalek Red about the plans and to give notice that the opperations are accelorating.*
Supreme Dalek Red= ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Supreme Dalek Blue has informed me that we are to dispatch a team to the planet Symphonia and enter the Ginugaggap. The Ginugaggap will be explored and the gate to Nefilhiem will be checked and scanned. All Dalek excavation team are to go at once! Exploit the Ginugaggap and destroy any monster in the vacinity. Lord Ratatosk will be EXTEMINATED! Exterminate Lord Ratatosk and his monsters! Report all information and create a warp gate for easier access. Ratatosk will fall and Nefilhiem will rise!
(Music changes to - The enemy among us/ MDK)Download
Somewhere else in space.....The MDF ship Kakarott finally arrived near the horizon of the mana trail of Derris Kharlan and Kay's first officer Phenox yet found another Dalek broadcast and heard about Ratatosk's downfall.*
Phenox= Miss Kay, did you hear all of that?
Kay= This is bad, very bad. Now I know what the Daleks intend to do next. There gonna rip open the Ginugaggap and unleash Nefilhiem. We got to stop them!
Crewman 1= That's crazy! Were just one ship. The Daleks can blow us out of the sky if we act now.
Crewman 2= We need to get in contact with the Galactic federation. A Planet is in trouble, and we cant just turn arround and come back with reinforcements.
Kay= Im gonna contact Admaral Dane. I gave him a dimensonal flux gate compasator. I will send the radio signal through the dimnensonal warp.
Phenox= I'll set the quardnets for you now.
*After a few minnutes, Admaral Dane was on the monitor....*
Dane (radio)= Miss Kay. I heard from the captain of the Olympis that you been taking a mission for us. The case of the Valhalla gone missing.
Kay= I know sir. I found the culprits sir. It's the Daleks. They stolen the Valhalla and plan to use it as some sort of weapon.
Dane (radio)= Daleks!? You told me about those creatures some time ago when you were hunting them and following another sorce.
Kay= Yes, and when I was investigating other dimensons, it appeared the Dalkes were twarted by some kind of group with a Tardis. I been hunting this group down for some time.
Dane (radio)= Whatever you do dear, do not engage those Daleks. I will send you a call when im ready gathering the fleet. Ill let them know we have another Dalek threat and I'll see if I can gather more help and arms whenever possible.
Kay= You have my gratatude. I will see if I can find the group in Disgaea. That's the possible location of the Tardis that I been tracking down for some time.
Dane (radio)= Ok, but keep clear of any Dalek's. That's your primary objective Kay. I will set the quardnets to your ship's location though the dimensonal void with the device you gave us. Over and out.
(Music changes to - Fearless whisper/ Disgaea)Download
*Meanwhile........back with Lloyd and Gordon and the rest of the group.....*
Gordon= How did you do Lloyd?
Lloyd= Oh I got some great jobs and missions. I do hope Vyres finds out anything about that weapon of the neterworld. ..... I need to....wait! Yuan! He dosent know! I need to get back to Symphonia and see how he is.
Gordon= Wait! Lloyd!
Lloyd= Tell the others I left and I will come back with more reinforcements.
Gordon= Good luck Lloyd.
*Lloyd took off in his Reihard and left the party.....then more members showed up....*
Marta= Gordon, have you seen Lloyd?
Gordon= He had to go back to your world. He said something about a person named "Yuan". Does that name ring a bell?
Marta= Wait... I know him. He's the guardian of the world tree back in my world.
Raine= How are things here everyone?
Kaolla= I got something on my Tardis scanners! There's a ship closing in on us from space.
Raine= What? Is it a Dalek?
Kaolla= No, it's a human made ship, and the ship is from some group called the MDF. I think that was some kind of group that's been following us for a long time.
Genis= What's that up there!?
*The ship that flew down next to Gordon's ship appeared to be a small craft with a dimensonal flux compasator and landed safely, and when the door opened, a young asian woman with black hair, and with strange earpods and a red rectangle on her forehead and she was wearing a futristic body jumpsuit with a boiler jacket and shorts with gloves and footwear. It was Kay.*
(Music changes to - Brave new world/ by Yuzo Koshiro)Download
Kay= You must be Gordon, the 37th defender of Earth. And you guys must be Genis and Raine.
Genis= Who are you?
Kay= My name is Kay. I come from another world, and I need to see someone who pilots a Tardis. I been looking for the group for some time.
Kaolla= Hey, I own this Tardis. Who might you be?
Kay= Hi. Im Kay. Have you met any Time Lord by any chance? Do you travel with one?
Kaolla= Sorry, no time lord in our group. The time lord who owned this Tardis, died durring the time war.
Gordon= Time war? What's that?
Marta= What's the time war?
Kay= A battle between two of the greatest aliens of all time. Between the time lords and Daleks. I cant imagine that there are still Daleks out there and now active in these worlds. We been wanting to fight the Daleks ourselves as well.
(Music dies down slowly)
*So Kay finaly meets with the new group and discusses everything with the team and told them about Kaolla's travel partner John had been subjgated and turned into a renegade chosen, and brainwashing him and making him steal centurion cores and petrify the summon spirits. Lloyd leaving the group to find Yuan and warn him about the threat. What will happen to Sheena? What will happen if all of Symphonia gets all their temples sealed off? Be sure to find out next time....*
*Etna Eplouge*
(Music playing - Hell's whisper/ Disgaea)Download
Etna= Next time, on Tales of Disgaea, All of the Sylveranti summon spirits have become crystalized and now their centurion cores are missing. The race for experiance, power, and money is still running hot and fast for my vassals. The more we work hard, the better we can divise our plans for that secret weapon.
Kay= Secret weapon?
Etna= Yes, Mid-boss is helping us with the weapon.
Vyres= How many times do I have to remind you, it's Vyres.
Kay= Wait a minnute...Etna.. how come your an angel now? I thought you were a demon.
Flonne= Me and Miss Etna were shot by a dalek and Mr. Lamington revived us.
Kay= I thought you were a fallen.....huh? Oh .... that's wizzard.
Collet= Im sure that Etna will make a great angel. Oh, Miss Etna, can I help you fix that?
Etna= No way Collet, your a klutz! You would mess it up...WOAH!!
*Collet trips and falls on Etna and knocks the stack of books on the floor.*
Collet= Oops. It happened again.
Etna= See what I mean!
Kay= What's this. Hey, she found it. A page about the legendary netherworld treasure and weapon.
Etna= I'll take that, thank you. So....tune in next time on Tales of Disgaea episode 7, The hunt for national treasure.
Prinny= Look forward to it dood!
Raine= Did anyone say, "treasure"!?
Etna= Oh god, here we go again.
to be continued.........
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/01/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: ToS NAC, chapter 6
- Artist: Tanooki John
Tales of Symphonia and it's characters (c) Namco/Ban-di and Production I.G.
Kaolla Su, Nyamo Namo, and Shinobu Myehara (c) Production I.G.
Tardis and the Daleks (c) BBC Wales
Disgaea and their characters (c) N.I.S. productions
G.F.S. Valhalla, space pirates, and phazze from Metroid Prime 3 (c) Nintendo - Date: 04/01/2011
- Tags: talesofsymphonia disgaea doctorwho
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 04/07/2011
So far, it's a rendezvous with destiny
...the MDF & the Tardis crew have finally united! - Report As Spam