• Part 3

    Today was the worst day of my life. Excactly.First of all I had the WORST HUMAN LESSON EVER and Chip was actually looking Leila my classmate straight to the boobs I tried talking to Leila about his staring with her but she simply ignored me.I can hardly believe that she even heard what I said. So I had to face the reality that HE DONT LIKES ME! But what have i done to him?I am polite to him, doing whatever he wants , ignoring his staring to beutifull girls -to the boobs- and I am always the third person who is idiot enough to hear everybods compliments about that and ignore everithing that destroys my PERFECT relationship with him.Or isnt it perfect.It will NEVER be. Because of the big secret hes keeping ----HES A VAMPIRE--- not ONE VAMPIRE hes THE VAMPIRE I STARE AT THE SCHOOL-.I should have known after learning that his name was Chip. And I saw him with my own eyes tranforming into a Vampire and it was disgusting. I am thinking to breaking him up.Not because hes a vampire and he must keep this secret .Because he keeps doing mistakes that destroy our relationship.And TRUST is the most important think we need to make a realtionship.
    Angeline.I am so sorry.I dont want to but I have to.Tonight before transforming . Mum and dad told me that we had to break up.Because you are not a human i dont know who you really are.My parents know but they say we must break up beacause its against the law of Vampires.What are you?A zoombie?An alien? I dont know. My parents told me I had to marry Leila if I want toBECAUSE SHE IS THE ONLY VAMPIRE THAT I LIKE FROM MY SCHOOL! And Angeline thinks I dont like her.NO ANGELINE!NO! I LOVE YOU! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AS MY SOUL LIES ON THIS WORLD! UNTILL I GET CURSED TO DIE FROM THE GODS I WILL LOVE YOU! YOU ARE MY FIRST LOVE!AND THATS WHY I WONT FORGET YOU.But this idotic rule...... we have to break up.Sorry.I cant tell you that withought getting mad.Sorry cry cry
    He actually did it.He broke up with me.I should have known.He likes Leila.I will never forgive you Chip.BECAUSE I HAVE THIS ******** COURSE WITH ME TURNING INTO A FUR DISGUSTING CREATURE AND NOW I AM USELESS TO HAVE A REALTIONSHIP WITH ANYBODY.You will pay. In a day or 2 you will want to make up again but I will say no.No.NO DEAR CHIP I AM NOT YOUR GAME.I AM Angeline.Not one Angeline.I AM THE ANGELINE WHO WAS YOUR FIRST LOVE FOR A LONG TIME AND NOW YOU THREW ME IN THE RECYCLE BIN.Goodbye then. Forever.Stay away from me.IF YOU DONT WANT TO HURT ME ANYMORE...........just do it .