• Monday finally rolled around and the house was almost completely clean, I just had one more room upstairs to finish and then I could finally sit back and relax for a little while. I walk up the stairs making a mental note to get them repaired because at any moment one of the boards could snap in half due to water damage. I finally made it to the bathroom, the only room that still needed to be cleaned, before I got to work I took a long look in the mirror. I smiled at it, examining my face. My hazel eyes almost had a blueish tint to them today, my skin was a little more pale than normal because I hadn't given myself a break all day and it was already six in the afternoon. It was knock on the door that brought me back to reality. I sighed thinking that it was probably my neighbor... what was his name again? I wracked my brains for his name as I reached the door. I opened it and sure enough it was my neighbor so I took a chance and greeted him. "Caden, nice to see you." That was the best I could come up with, I remembered his name started with a C.
    "Actually, its Collin." I wanted to close the door with how embarrassed I was. However, he didn't seem to mind that I had messed up and forgot his name. "Don't worry I'm better at recognizing faces rather than remembering names, Lessly." I nearly jumped back. Did he just call me Lessly? I thought back to our conversation we had only a couple of days before. Sure enough, absentmindedly I gave him the name Lessly. How could I be so stupid... I needed to make a recovery.
    "What did you just call me?" I asked in a pleasant tone making sure that he didn't catch on to what I was trying to do.
    "Lessly?" Collin questioned. I knew exactly what he was thinking. He was thinking I was crazy. I could tell by his expression.
    "Oh, I think you heard me wrong the other day. My name is Lindsay," I had to come up with something quick and something that was similar and could be easily mistaken if not paying attention. The two names seemed to fit decently in those categories.
    "Oh, I'm very sorry. Well it's my pleasure Lindsay." This Collin guy was really starting to freak me out, first he was hitting on me and now he was acting like a gentleman. I simply smiled and nodded.
    "Is there a specific reason your here? Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm just curious." I asked. He couldn't just be over here for a visit the way he was all dressed up.
    "Well, I figured you were new to town and I was kind of hoping that I could take you out on a date to get to know you better," I studied him for a minute and he quickly rephrased his sentence. "Well not so much as a date as two people getting to know each other over dinner," he seemed really timid in that moment and I almost had to laugh and say yes in sympathy. It was as though asking me out to dinner was the scariest thing he's ever done.
    I held my composure, not wanting to be rude. "Actually, I was just finishing up cleaning the last room in my house, rain check?" I asked, having no intention of calling him to set up a better time. I was simply trying to get him away from asking me out.
    "Well, I can wait." He suggested.
    "It could take a couple of hours," I informed.
    "I have plenty of time."
    I groaned under my breath and opened the door for him to come into my home and wait while I finished with the upstairs bathroom. I knew he wasn't going to let me out of dinner and that some-what upset me.