• There was a boy named Zach. He was fifteen years old, made orphan at age of six. He did everything alone. He went to school alone, sat alone, and stayed home alone. He didn’t talk to anyone nor did anyone talk to him. He was always a sad person.
    One day a girl had shown up at his school. She had red hair and gray eyes like the colour of storm clouds. She was silent didn’t say anything. But the first time they saw each other, the girl’s face turned as red as her hair and she smiled. Zach found himself smiling back, thinking on how he hadn’t smiled in such a long time. Something he found to be a strange thing. For the next two weeks, they each caught each other staring at each other then shyly looking away.
    Zach liked this girl; even loved her. He realized he wanted her in his arms. The next day after he realized this, he found himself to be nervous. So many questions ran through his mind. What if she didn’t like him back? What if she just laughed in his face? He preserved through all the worry and went right up to her and said,”Uhh, hi I’m Zach, What’s yours?” She looked at him shyly and said “I’m Janie, nice to meet you Zach. What is it you need?” “Well, I’ve noticed that you’re kind of new and well your very pretty and-“He said when she stopped him short. “If you’re going to ask what I think you’re going to ask, yes I will go out with you.” They both leaned in toward each other and kissed. The bell rang and she said, “I’ve got to get to class, bye,” She walked away and Zach then in response, “Bye, Janie,” he said, his heart fluttering like a monarch butterfly.
    The next day, he woke up happy, something he hadn’t felt in nine years. Each day in class they passed notes to each other and at lunch, talked to each other. They both found they had much in common, taste of music, food, and their love for art. He had told his foster parents about Janie and they looked at him with joy. Life went well for Zach and Janie until she told him one day, “I can’t stay much longer, and I have to… move, ”Zach looked at her with pleading eyes,“ But, why? Don’t you love me?” He begged. Janie looked at him with sad eyes, “Of course I do. I just can’t.” She walked away leaving Zach’s heart in pieces.
    He went home that night depressed and sadder than he had ever been. He cried himself asleep, certain she wasn’t coming back. But he heard a voice lure him out of sleep. “Zach, wake up. Zach, wake up!” He woke up to find Janie at the foot of his bed, only paler and transparent. “Janie, is that you?” He said in shocked surprise. “Yes, it’s me. Now you’ve seen my true form, a spirit. I didn’t mean to hurt you the way I did” Janie looked at him with those same sad eyes with transparent tears falling from her face. “Well I’ve come to ask you to come with me. Not here on the physical world, but the afterlife.” He looked at her, realizing what could happen.
    The next morning Zach’s body was found hung from a noose. He had a peaceful smile from his face, which everyone found to be a strange thing indeed.