The Biography of Cookie Skunk
Once upon a time, in a place far, far, away, lived a family of skunks... Momma skunk was in labor with her 5th baby skunk. When this little skunk was born it was a curious little skunkie. Within a few days it was eating Momma's super-awesome-deluxe-doubledecker-special cookies which were hidden. It seemed cookies were all this little skunkie would eat...
Then one day a flood came and separated the skunk family. Little Cookie skunk was carried far away to a place called Gaia. He yondered round and round till he found a cookie bush! There he met some mean ol' grunnies!
"Getta way you filthy lil' skunk! Dis' is our bush!"
Cookie skunk was flushed with rage! Adrenaline took over and before anyone knew what was going on, the skunkie let out a shower of stinky spray! "Ewwwwww... That's nasty! Come on guys lets go some where else..."
Cookie skunk was proud and somewhat embarrassed. Then a little grunny came out behind a tree. "Hewwo lil' skunker. My name is Grun Grun. I be you best fwend!" From that day on they became best friends. But Grun Grun still got sprayed a little bit for... being a grunny. whee
Some years past and Cookie skunk and Grun Grun played and grew up together. When they were about 16 and 15 in human years, Grun Grun went to, "How to be a perfect evil grunny school" Cookie skunk still got to see Grun Grun but not as often. Then, one night after school Grun Grun came by to say hi, and then he went off to loot some people's cookies. The next morning Cookie skunk went off to go cookie hunting when, a bunch of humans were digging up his home in the ground!! The skunkie rushed over to save his friend but, when he arrived no one was home. Cookie skunk knew he had to find a new home so, he wandered off into the city of Durem...
Some days past, as Cookie skunk slept in dark alleys hoping to find Grun Grun. It was about 5 PM when the skunk was growing homesick. After dreaming he was with his momma and daddy he caught wiff of something. Something tasty! The skunkie knew this smell anywhere. It was a fresh batch of cookies!! He smelled his way to the place. There was a little cat door that he could fit in, so he squeezed his body into the flap door. The lights were blinding as he looked around, it looked like the smell was visible! But that wasn't the smell. It was a pot bubbling with steam. How dissapointed Cookie skunk was when his nose let him down. But his nose actually found something more important. As his senses came back to him, he knew what he was smelling. Grun Grun!
Cookie skunk dashed around the corner of the wall following Grun Grun's scent! He had honed in on it pretty well until he found his greatest obstacle. One so fierce and big that HE even wet himself! A door. rofl Cookie skunk still determined began scratching at the door. "Just a sec fuzzball! Mommy's coming!" said a female human. She thought it was the cat. Just my luck, the skunk thought. In preparation for the human he turned around a bent over so he could get that human good! She opened the door and found herself sprayed with a stench so bad she fainted on the floor! He turned around to look inside the kitchen when there was Grun Grun being held by the ears by a male human. At the smell he turned to see Cookie skunk, and dropped Grun Grun in!!! surprised
The male human cursed at the skunk and began to throw pans at him! He scurried around the kitchen, just making sure his little legs were still moving! Then with his best jump he somehow got on the stove and plowed into the boiling pot! Grun Grun and the boiling water sloshed all over on the floor! The human ran out of the door with a phone in his hand. "Grun Grun!! Are you ok?!" No answer " Grun Grun this isn't funny!" The skunk began shaking the grunny and began to sob. crying
As if it were magic, Grun Grun sprang up and jumped 6 feet into the air! "Grun Grun!!!" Cookie skunk yelped for joy! Without time to celebrate, the grunny said,"Let's get out of here before they eat us!!" The two furry creatures rushed out the door and scooted out the cat door and sprinted until their legs could not move no more... "Thank you skunkie..." Grun Grun panted "You saved my life!" Without saying another word they both got up and quietly trotted out into the wilderness.
They each live happy lives in the wilderness. Of course they're still alive!!! Why wouldn't they be? Cept' for the time the bear came an-...that's another story. Hehe... sweatdrop
so far...
The Biography of Cookie Skunk
Cookie Skunk
Cookie Skunk's life and how it unfolds. Technically made up but it is a biography. Enjoy ^^
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