• tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Chapter One

    IN THE DARKNESS OF THE In the darkness of the night, Richard and his group of three reached to town of Breakheart. They were relieved to finally arrive after travelling nonstop. Even though Richard was glad to rest, he still felt confused and terrified. They put their horses in a stable for the night, and walked to a nearby inn. A pole above the door held a sign that said “Broken Bow Inn" The inn was very poor looking, the windows were almost black with dirt and the walls seemed to be seeping down the ground. But nevertheless, it was the closest one they could find in the dark. Richard had slept in worse places.
    The knight walked into the dimly lit inn first, his white chain mail shined in the candle light. His sword hung across his back. He wore simple tan pants, and boots that clanked as he walked in. The white knight, Sir Edward, was just recently knighted by King James. It took him longer than originally planned because of his anger. He received a sword crafted by the finest blacksmith in all of Utona. The blue blade itself was engraved with the words of the Knights code. On the handle were gold strings strung around it for a comfortable grip. The ends of the hilt held diamonds, and on the butt held a round sapphire. He absent mindedly placed his hand on his sword. The white knight quickly scanned the room for threats, but finding none waved his hand to the rest to come in.
    Next to walk in was the ranger with silent footsteps. The ranger, Finn of the Mountains, wore a long white cloak with its hood pulled over his head, causing most of his face to be covered in shadow. His soft leather shoes did not clank like the loud knights. They softly contacted the ground like falling leaf, silently walking across the floor with a gust of wind. Finn held a short, white bow in one hand that he made himself during his training with the great ranger, William of the World. For many years Finn was apprenticed with this master of stealth and bow since he was thirteen in the Minavia Forest. On his belt were two short, curved daggers next to ten throwing stars with razor sharp edges. His quiver on his back held many arrows of different types. Some were lased with poison, others were pronged for grappling.
    Then, an old looking man walked in with a simple white robe and a walking stick. But this was no ordinary old man. He was Godken, a wizard of the First Order, the highest and most powerful of wizards. His actual age was well over one hundred, but his magic allowed him to live for longer than normal age. When he was young, he was taken in by the wizards of Estana. They taught how to control magic using his inner life force. He quickly surpassed his teachers and started teaching himself. This was at dangerous, but he always took precautions. Many people sought his wisdom all the time for help when they were in need. He gladly gave any advice he could.
    The last to step inside was Richard. He wore a white long sleeved shirt with white pants. His golden cape fluttered in the breeze as he stood in the door way. His blue eyes were blood shot from the journey, and he was glad to finally be done for the night. Richard had never ridden on a horse before, and his muscles ached.
    The Inn area was relatively small, with a few tables dimly light by candles. A small fire burned in the fire place towards the back corner. The owner stood behind a counter and looked upon the group that had just walked in, a little shocked to see people come in at this hour of the night. When the four walked up to the counter,
    “What can I do for you gentlemen?” The man asked.
    “We are just passing through.” Edward replied “Is there any rooms open?”
    Edward pulled out two gold coins from a pouch in his pocket and tossed the on the table. The owner looked down at the two gold coins and back to Edward with a surprised expression. The owner quickly pulled out a book underneath the counter and flipped through the pages. Satisfied with one he wrote down in it with a quill.
    The he looked back up at the men, and quickly grabbed the two gold coins. “Up the stairs, second hall the right”
    “Thank you” Edward replied kindly.
    Edward led the group again up the stairs, but Godken was last. As Godken went up the stairs, he looked back to the counter and saw the owner frantically whispering to a scrawny looking boy. His clothes were ragged and dirty. The owner pointed to the group going up the stairs and the boy looked with fear and ran out like the devil himself was chasing him.

    A dark clad figure stood in an alley. His black armor blended into the darkness around him as he stood in the pouring rain. His hand rested on a sword on his belt. The sword’s blade was made of black metal and the handle was wrapped in find red thread with a ruby on the bottom of it. It was made in the hottest fires of the Raven’s castle and hardened to an unbreakable strength. The knights red eyes darted back and forth across the street.
    Then, all of a sudden he turned as he drew his sword and extended it into the darkness.
    “Who goes there?” The knight said in a frightening tone.
    “It’s just a messenger” A boy said in a tired tone.
    “What is it?”
    After a few moments to catch his breath the boy said “He is here.”
    “The Broken Bow Inn on the edge of town on the west side.”
    “Thank you.”
    With that the knight pulled back his sword and drove it into the boy’s stomach. The boy yelped in pain. Then his scrawny body and dirty clothes made a splash in the muddy, bloody water. The knight took out a piece of red cloth and cleaned his blade before putting it back into the sheath. He walked down the side walk to his horse. He jumped onto the saddle and rode west towards the inn. The sound of the horse’s hooves hitting the ground grew softer as it went farther away from the dying corpse.

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