• Jeremy came to school with little marks along his neck, I looked at Bri,"What the ********?" I whispered to her. She looked at me,"Sam.. those are hickeys.." I walked up to him, furious, but tears were streaking down my face,"How could you?!!" I screamed at him,"It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!" He whipped around and faced her, standing his ground,"It's not like I wanted this to happen." He said coolly,"It just did, and I don't even think I liked you in the first place. I just dated you for the look, nothing else." Bri, my best-friend, looked at me, completely and utterly shocked.. just how I felt."But bu-" I managed to say something before he interrupted me,"Just leave Sam. Like I said, I never liked you. I've been cheating." He began to turn around but I stopped him,"Can you at least tell me with who?" I said frowning. He looked at me, I could almost see sorrow, but more disinterest than anything,"Jojo." He whispered in my ear. Bri rushed over to me when I started to cry harder, Jojo was my sister.