• Mallow walked through the school halls, trying to avoid everyone she thought was worth avoiding. She looked all over, and noticed him. She quickly turned around and ran to her locker. She fell and her stuff scattered across the whole floor. She put ran a hand through her hair, dodging people's feet and picking up papers that had been carelessly stepped on. I hate these people! They ruin EVERYTHING!! She sighed and saw him and his friends come her way. "Damn. Please ignore me." She muttered under her breath. She looked up as he passed and smiled a charming smile at her. She sighed again, knowing that all she ever was to him is a classmate and a friend. Just a friend. She couldn't stand it. She picked up the rest of the papers and slid them in a folder. She opened her locker and stuffed the things in her locker, quickly slamming the door shut and scurrying to join her friends for lunch.
    It was lunchtime and Mallow had gotten dust on her skirt from falling in the hall, so she quickly wiped it off. She blushed. Her friends continued to talk with her, and she felt as if someone was looking at her. She looked all around and he was there. She then walked away from her friends and walked to him and said "Hey! Whats up? I've noticed we meet up in the strangest places... Heheh, Byee." She quickly ran to her friends and then hid herself. "That was embarassing!!" She then hugged her best friend.
    She felt a piercing pain and a hand on her shoulder. She saw one of her friends with his hand on the blade in Mallow's back. She then saw the world fade out and a voice say, "Mallow! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!" She was in a sea of blackness, a void, a vacant place. She couldn't escape, but she saw a light. "Should i go to the light?" Another voice said, "This is a different light not THE light to heaven, a light to the world." She reached for it then opened her eyes. She saw everyone around her, then saw that she was in the nurse's office. Mallow blinked then felt a pain in her back. She tried to get up, but fell back down, right onto the bed. The knife had been removed. She then looked around and saw his face. She smiled weakly. He came over and lightly touched her hand, then lightly picked her hand up and put it in his. Mallow closed her eyes and relaxed nicely, as the nurse told everyone to leave. He stayed because he asked for permission from the nurse. She fell asleep to his soft words of, "Mallow, i noticed you too, i really like you... I hope you like me back......." She dreamed of puppies and kittens and walks on the beach with him.