• Haruo looked at Jolene and said "If your this scared of us then leave...But remember I'm still Haruo Takime and Gimi is still herself...
    Jolene looked away for a moment then got up and said "I won't tell anyone... And I won't leave your side...."
    The man named Nick walked into the room carrying two packs of blood and handed them to Haruo. Haruo bit into one of them and then he handed the other packet to Gimi. Jolene stood up and took Gimi by the arm and said "Come on Miss Gimi, I'll help you get cleaned up..." Gimi walked with Jolene down the hallway and while Gimi was changing clothes Jolene asked, "Were you bitten?......" Gimi looked at her. "No.....not really..."
    Gimi then looks down and says in a low voice "It's a long story that i dont really know well of myself"...
    Jolene sighs and mutters to herself. "Well let's get u cleaned up for supper". Gimi was surprised that Jolene was still being friendly with her but none the less followed her down the long hallway.
    ~meanwhile back in the room~
    "Nick I need for you to keep a steady flow of these packets coming, but keep it descret."
    Haruo's voice was solem n strong. Nick nodded his head n looked at the holes in Haruo's neck. "Man.. She sure did a nasty number on you my man." Haruo glared at Nick "just shut up n get me some gaze. Oh and please be respectful to Gimi at dinner."
    Nick chuckled and left the room.
    ~Later that Night~

    "Gimi, Jolene, I wanted to let you two know that we can only stay here for a short time. Nick can have his men ship us the blood packets here for only so long before people become aware of the pattern".
    Jolene nodded and Gimi just looked down at her plate in silence. "Where will we go?"..
    The question hung in the air for some time before Haruo smiled sweetly at Gimi.
    "Where do you wanna go? We can go anywhere you'd like." Nick joined in joyfuly "Paris, Rome, Russia! I hear that the chek republic is wonderful this time of year!"
    Gimi's face went red. She then looked at Jolene who looked utterly disgusted by this situation. "Jolene why don't you pick where we go." She looked up and smiled at everyone "I think we should go to the UK!" Nick hummed a tune and then Haruo smiled. "The United Kingdom it is then!" They finished their meal and soon everyone was off to bed.
    Jolene walked (a quite Drunk) Nick to his room and Haruo bowed towards Gimi. "May I walk you to your room?" he chuckled as he tried to keep a strait face. "Is now really a good time to be joking around?" Gimi questioned him. Haruo stood strait and stiff, "Why not? There's nothing we can do about anything that's happened so far. So why do things have to change?" Gimi stood up and smoothed the wrinkles out of her long rose-red chiffon dress.
    She sighed, "Because we've changed." Haruo pulled Gimi in close to him. "We are still the same people as before. No matter what you're still the same clumsy goofy slitely brain damaged girl I know. And I'm still the same hansome genouis guy you know."
    Gimi started laughing so hard that it hurt (which didnt take much considering she was wearing a bone corset that hurt to barely bend over in) "Why do all of this for me?.."
    Haruo looks Gimi in her eyes. They were an icy blue with a hint of silver. Unlike his, that were a dark green. "Because I have a job to do.. Duh.. I'm still your body gaurd"
    (Aurthors note: this is wat i pictured their faces to look like- Haruo: cool Gimi: stare )
    P.S thats it for this chapter!!!! whee twisted