• I roamed the streets of New York alone. Not alone, like with no family or anything, but alone, as in nobody in this whole wrecked state. Nobody was anywhere and almost everything was covered in fine layers of dust. I was half expecting tumbleweeds to roll down the deserted stretch of street. I eagerly fingered the key around my neck as I sighed, sighed of boredom, exhaustion, thirst, and almost everything else.

    Strolling into the nearest pub, I approached the kitchen and quickly searched the shelves to find a little bit of food or beverage that was totally alcohol free. Almost nothing was there except for a few slices of bread and a cooler with some coca cola cans. I stuffed all of my findings into my shoulder bag, and started cautiously scanning my eyes over the main room. Suddenly, my eyes hit something rare and 100% delicious, something I hadn't seen for a while, witch was saying something. "Bullseye!" I yelled, pumping my fist into the air, and grabbing the chocolate. I pulled myself outside, grinning smugly. "Chocolate..." I thought. "The very proof that heaven can exist in hell, chocolate being heaven, the Big Apple being hell."

    I guess I should tell you more about me. First of all, this is my diary, if you can believe that. I mean, how many people can say they a know a 14-year-old that keeps a diary? Anyway, I'm Max, and this is the personal record of my life, and whatever lies ahead, if anything worse could happen to this world, this sad, depressing, unforgiving place. Not that you have to listen, or pay attention, or even feel sorry for me. All you have to do is sit back and read. And let me tell you, I'm not gonna give up easily, so get ready your flashlights, batteries, cancel some events here and there, and find the most comfortable chair possible, then just enjoy!