• P.O.V Alaska

    I woke up the next morning in Cousin Russias house. He let me spend the night since Big brother America was fighting with Prince Arthur. Yes, I am calling him prince now. So I spent the night with him and China, We played Dance Dance Revolution. China one, He is a ninja-like guy after all. Yet, the next day, I was going back to the European house to get picked up by Big brother. About two hours into my journey, which was by foot, I stumbled and started falling down a cliff. It was so weird, I must've been knocked out because there was an angel the looked JUST LIKE Prince England! Then he sprinkled sleeping dust on me and the next thing I knew I was at The European House. Big brother America was sleeping on a chair by me. I looked around. I WAS IN ENGLANDS BED !!! That isn't meant to sound dirty. Suddenly I sat up only to see a familiar English man at the end of the bed. I rubbed my eyes. '' E-england ? '' I said squinting. He chuckled a bit. He came over. '' Nice to see your up. '' He said siting down next to me. He gave me a cup of tea. He sipped some of his and looked over at Big brother. '' Are you okay ? '' He asks looking at me. '' Y-y-yea ... '' I said stuttering. His eyes. Oh my, His eyes. I got lost in them. I must've froze because next thing I knew his hand was in my face. '' Ah ... S-sorry !! '' I said looking at the cup of tea. '' He smiled. A few awkward moments later we heard a thud. Big brother fell from the chair. I crawled over to the edge of the ed on my knees. '' Big brother ?! '' I called to him reaching over to poke. He rolled over on his back laughing. Then we heard some glass crash. I looked over and Big brother looked up. Arthur was shaking and looking away. I rushed over to him. '' What's wrong ? '' I asked trying to look him in the face. He pointed down. I looked. I was only wearing a dress shirt and it was rolled up to my belly !!! They could clearly see my panda underwear !!! America whistled. I glared and threw a pillow and fled from the room. I locked myself in a nearby bathroom. I slid down to the floor and covered my face. I could feel my red face becoming hotter. I heard yelling and breaking. I started crying really loudly. The noises stopped and then there were voice at the door. '' Come out !!! '' They were both yelling banging on the door. '' NO !!!! '' I crawled over to the bathtub closing the curtain. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was Cousin Russia! Crap! I thought when I heard the door crash to the floor. I heard Russia leave and then the curtain flew open. I looked down and began crying again. They both hugged me. I leaned more towards Arthur. He hugged me tightly. Something must've happened because Alfred left the room. He hushed me and I started to calm down. He let go and gave me his jacket. I laughed a little. '' What ? '' He asked. I shook my head. He kept poking me. I looked up. He stared at me. I wanted to kiss him SO badly. I bit my lip then I felt my head hit the side of the bath. HE kissed ME. I heard gasps then we both looked up. It was the rest of the Allied Forces. I felt my face turn red again. I shoved him off me and ran away. I could hear everyone chasing after me but I didn't care. I just kept running. Suddenly I found myself in a small crawlspace.

    P.O.V. England

    I can't believe I kissed Alaska. She's related to bloody America !!! Why did I do that ? I stayed there in the bathtub as everyone ran after her. I stood up and went back to my room. I stood there is the messy room from mine and America's fight. I sat down on the edge of my bed. I heard some noises. '' Oh, hello there flying mint bunny. '' I said welcoming my fluffy friend. '' What's the matter ? '' He said. '' I did something, I shouldn't have done ... To Americas little Sister ... '' I said looking away. '' What ? '''' I ... Uh ... ''''' Spit-it-out '''''' Uh ... '''' SAY IT !!! "" I KISSED HER !!!!! "" Oh ... " He disappeared. '' DAMMIT !!! '' I yelled breaking the window. This was my mad time. The very next person I see will have no mercy. Then America walked in. He started talking about what had happened. I ran over and began to beat him. Until I heard a scream. I looked up dropping the unconscious America to the floor only to see a tear streaked Alaska. She ran again. '' Ava !!! Wait !!! '' I ran out the door. She was with the rest of the forces, besides America, who were comforting her and shunning me. They all walked away. I dropped to the floor crying.
    I cried for about two hours until I decided to be nice and call a hospital for America. The boss gave me a couple more months on bathroom cleanup duty instead of calling the police. I decided to go look for Alaska and apologize for what happened. I decided to go get flowers. I drove to the flower shop on an abandoned road. Alone, as always. At the flower shop I got some roses with violets mixed in. As I drove back the image kept replaying in my head. the one where she was staring down at America screaming. Back at the house I ran up stairs. I went to Germanys' room first since he was the only European I thought of that didn't bother me a lot. I knocked on the door a lot. He look at me like I was crazy standing there with those roses. '' Germany !!! Where did Alaska go ??!! '' I yelled excitedly. He woke up a little more from that. '' France said something about '' hooking her up '' with someone. '' I ran towards Frances room. A sign on the door said '' Taken Alaska to L'ATELIER DE JOEL ROBUCHON '' To get someone other than england. '' I ran towards my car and drove around looking for them. I found the restaurant . The line was really long. So, I just ran toward the dining area. I saw them. Ava, she looked like a doll. Francestraightened her hair and put her in a lolita outfit. Then the guards started pulling me back. '' A-AVA !!!!!! '' They didn't hear me over the loud music. Something wasn't right. Her face was expressionless. Lifeless. '' AAAAAVAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! '' I yelled so loud that everyone looked over. It was to late. The guards threw me out. I walked to my car. I put the flowers to the side and rested my head on the steering wheel. Ava was knocking on the right side window. I unlocked the door. She came in. '' Listen, I --- '' She put her hand up. '' No ... I speak first ... You shouldn't have done that. Especially after what happened ... In your room. '''' I .. I'm sorry ... '' I said looking away. '' But, I promise it won't happen again ... ''

    P.O.V. Alaska

    France decided to try to help me by setting me up with someone else. It didn't help. All of the guys were just as big perverts as he is. Then Arthur showed up. I didn't notice at first. I followed him out desperate to get out of there. I followed him to his car. I couldn't forgive him for what he did. Yet, I still loved him. He decided to keep me at his house since America was at the hospital. As we drove home we had a little talk about what happened. '' Well what happened in the bathroom ... I didn't mean too ... '''' It's okay don't worry. '' I said smiling. '' I just didn't want to give you mixed signals. '' He said laughing a bit. I felt heartbroken. '' '' I mean it's not like we're together or anything. '' It broke more. I gave my best fake laugh and smile and looked out the window. I can't believe he just said that.
    We got home and he said I could stay in his room. As much as i wanted to I declined and asked for another room. He gave me the guest room down the hall. The night I cried myself to sleep.