• It was a peaceful night as it always was in my perfect neighborhood. The moon was high in the sky and it was cold, but not too cold. It was one of those, once in a while nights. I left my window wide open so I could experience it, even as I drifted off to sleep. I was a little 7 year old with a mother and a father. I also had a 13 year old brother that would always tease me, resulting in us getting in a fight.
    My dreams were common. The same old, me off on another adventure with my best friend, Nick, from next door. He and I would go to unknown places and always having fun. It was all so common to me, usually my dreams got boring. But this night was different.
    “Brooklyn! Brooklyn!” my mother cried above me. I opened my eyes to see the house lit up. My window was blocked off by flames and my father was on the other side of the room waking up my brother Corey. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up, and then my mother tugged me out of my bed.
    “We have to go!” my father yelled. I grabbed my little teddy bear, Kylie, and walked over to my door. That’s when I realized, my house was on fire!
    “Mommy!” I screamed as my dad pushed me to the ground for air. Corey grabbed my hand and pulled me along the floor. Tears streamed down my eyes making them sting from the smoke. My dad was ahead of us and I couldn’t see my mom anywhere. Corey was crying too, his tears streaked down his face making lines from the dirt on his face.
    I looked around and didn’t see my mom. I stopped and my brother kept yanking me, but I wouldn’t nudge.
    “Come on!” he yelled over the crackling of the fire. I shook my head.
    “Mommy!” I Begged. He shook his head too and stood up looking for her. He coughed and choked and the smoke was finally coming down to the floor. I wheezed and struggled to breath. My dad stopped as well and grabbed my brother’s hand. He yanked him and then picked up me. I was in the air, my dad holding me over his shoulder when I finally saw mommy. For the last time. She was on the ground not breathing back in my room.
    “MOMMY!” I screamed but my dad kept walking. I kicked and screamed but he wouldn’t stop. Then we finally got to the living room. All we had to do was make it through the kitchen then out the front door.
    Suddenly I felt my dad stubble to the wall. He dropped me to the ground and I yelled in pain. My teddy bear fell out my hands and I reached over to grab her. Corey Kneeled over to my dad and shook him. Then he came back over to me.
    He grabbed my hand and pulled my back to my feet. We ran through the living room, through the heat and flames. Then through the kitchen and to the front door. Corey tugged on the handle but the door refused to move.
    “DANG IT!” Corey screamed in frustration then looked down at me. I could feel tears running down my face.
    “It’s going to be ok.” He said as he grabbed my hand again. He sat down and I sat down next to him.
    “were going to die right?” I cryed. Flames poped up around me and my head started to spin from the absence of oxygen. He nodded his head and smiled at me.
    “And mommy and daddy?” I asked. He nodded again. I hugged my teddy bear and Corey fell to the ground with a thud.
    “Corey? Corey! No!” more tears came streaming out of my eyes. I leaned over him and begged for him to wake up.
    “Please!” I whispered. He didn’t open his eyes and say “Just kidding” like he did all the time. He just laid there unconscious. Then I couldn’t take it.
    I got up and grabbed the handle. It burnt my hand and stepped back blowing on my hand. Then I tried again. When the heat burned me, I didn’t care. I twisted the handle and pulled with all my seven year old might.
    “OPEN!” I screamed. Then my hand slipped and I shot to the ground hitting my neck. Everything went black and the crackling of the fire got louder. More tears ran down my cheek and I laid there unable to move.
    “SMASH!” the door flung open as fire fighters came rushing in. I opened my eyes to look what else could be happening. A big one picked up my brother and rushed him out the door. Then one picked me up. I was so dizzy and so in pain. He ran out the door to the cool air. The air felt like water splashing my face and I breathed it in quickly.
    They set my on a bed and put a mask up to my mouth and pumped a bag forcing air into my lungs. One person shined lights into my eyes, then started talking or yelling to another person. The other person nodded and the bed started to move into an ambulance with big flashing lights.
    “C-c-corey.” I mumbled. A person in a white coat sitting next to me in the ambulance looked down at me.
    “It’s going to be fine; your brother is in the other ambulance.” The person, a girl, said. Then I decided to just give up. I closed my eyes and fell asleep for the second time that night.