• Jen looked at the stereo and pointed to it with a ugly look. "What the hell are we listening to?"
    I shrugged. "A radio station."
    "Yeah, well, your station. This stuff is crap!"
    "Aw, you think all of my music is crap, so." I shrugged again.
    "Yeah, true." There was a little laugh in her voice. She reached out from her pouting crouch as if she had an idea that could blow anyone's mind. "Also," she slunk back down in the seat just a second later. "They found the pot that was hidden in my room, too. Another reason why I am grounded."
    “Yeah, I know." I answered. “You told me last week. That’s why I am giving you a ride to school.”
    A few nights ago I had gotten a stash from a kid that was my regular dealer. Jen had gone with me to the meet and greet. I was going to my house to keep it hidden until I found out that my mom was doing Spring cleaning a little late. I had to hide the bag of $75 worth of grounded up drugged plant at Jennifer's house. I must have forgotten about it and left at her place.
    "Right. Good stuff by the way. He sells some nice green."
    "At least you got to have some before your parents stole it from ya." I was really disappointed that I hadn’t gotten any. And for that, Jennifer now has to pay me gas money. I wasn’t a chauffeur, more like a cab company.
    "I heard he was a good dealer. I've never seen that guy though around our school. Is he new?"
    "Naw, he just stays in the dark corners and cracks of the building. Only pops out to sell his amazing freak-out pot to get money."
    "I bet he sells kid's organs on the side."
    "Mmmm, organs. . ."
    We both laughed.
    Jen's laughter went down. "Oh, by the way, I am really sorry and I will pay you back." She had her eyes down. Something was hidden deeper under her apology.
    "What?" I really wasn't sure what was going to come out of her mouth.
    "And I promise, promise to pay you back." she pleaded again as she held up her hands in defeat.
    "Jen, what did you do?!"
    "It wasn't me, it was my parents."
    My face fell flat. "What . . ."
    I waited for her to continue with the sorrying.
    "When they found the pot they flushed it down the toilet." Jen instantly cringed as if I was going to punch her in the face.
    "Jennifer!" I almost spat at her as I shot her name like a bomb.
    "I'm sorry!"
    "Jesus!" Pounding the wheel I turned the corner, entering to a stop light.
    "I'll pay you back." she pleaded for the fourth time.
    "Bet'r." I growled back a disgusted thought of ever thinking that Jen could keep my things secret in her house when her mother always snoops around like a detective trying to solve a crime. Thanks to Jennifer, and her parents, for making me waste 75 bucks. Now it was making fish have their own acid trips.