• She shows no fear towards the opponent standing before her...Simply an obstacle that must be eliminated...She takes her stance...Eyes filled with anger and guilt...She draws her sword...And waits for her opponent's first strike...His moves are broad and clumsy, she dodges with ease and swings...A slice into the chest...She sighs as her opponent drops to the ground...A rush of guilt fills her heart...She doesn't look back as he calls out a gut wrenching cry...Not looking back...Hearing his cries...The guilt's spikes digging deeper into her heart...She takes a break and sits down, takes out her sword and cleans off the dried blood...The dense forest leaves begin to sway as the wind whistles through the trees, she looks up as individual rain droplets splash onto her face, making streak marks on her rosy cheeks...Her emotion changes from sadness and guilt to happy and intrigued...She stares in amazement, a smile breaking out onto her face...She gets off the rock she perched herself on, takes off her shoes and begins splashing through the small puddles, her face filled with joy, she wants this moment to last forever...She turns her head towards the direction that she came from...Hearing the distant yells of orders being called out knowing that she will have to leave soon...She looks away, and stares down at the puddle casting her reflection...Crouching down ruby red curls flopping in front of her face...After pulling them back behind her ears she turns her attention to the puddle, she begins making ripples in the water with her fingers. Looking down at the ripples she thinks of the man she killed earlier. Arguing with herself she digs her face into her knees and protests that he was an obstacle and needed to be taken care of, she was fighting to survive it was survival of the fittest. She was in this to suceed, he wasn't strong enough...Not fit to survive...Suddenly a rigid green leaf fell into the puddle and woke her from her deep thoughts...She began shaking her head in an attempt to forget those depressing thoughts, her curls bouncing, knocking the hair around that had been tucked behind her ears. With hair covering her face she shoved it out of the way once again, now concentrating on the leaf that had landed in the puddle, watching it drift...So light and worry free...The noises of shouting orders startled her and made her flinch...She almost forgot...They were getting closer and closer...It was time to go...She picked up her shoes that had been leaning against the rock, taking one last glance at the leaf in the puddle...She made her way into the thick dense forest...Forever hiding in the shadows...Wandering in the forest she noticed that the big orange sun was beginning to fade. The dense leaves began to rustle...Coming across a large tree with a wide trunk and wide branches she decided to camp out there. Waiting to drift off, to fall asleep, to get over that day. Waking up in the morning she noticed someone half perched on another branch poking her...The stranger had light orange hair, pale skin and gloomy green eyes, it was a young girl...Alarmed Red jumped up and reached for her sword...