• tab Drake paced back and forth in his small chamber in the stuffy old Victorian house owned by his parents. He had been waiting patiently for hours; when was this so called "contact" going to show up? Drake snarled to himself as he continued his pacing. This was completely pointless! The only reason he was in the human realm in the first place was because his screwed up, vindictive parents had ordered him to meet one of their contacts. They didn't tell him when, they didn't tell him why, all they told him was that he had to be at their old Victorian Mansion or it would be his head mounted over the fireplace.
    tab Since Drake was the 17th of 23 children, he knew his parents detest for him was purely based off of his rank in the child order: 17, the lower rung on this ladder of tyranny. He scoffed to himself at that thought. Out of all of his brothers he was the only one that had claimed the demon lord title, and yet they still wouldn't give him a sideways glance!
    tab "Pathetic," He said to himself.
    tab He wish he could just run away from that place and his family, but where would he go? The would always find him and drag him back. They would always make his life even worse. It wasn't even worth the effort.
    tab Grumbling to himself, Drake looked out the window for the fifteenth time that hour. But, unlike all the other useless glances, this one had made him notice something. Out in the misty street strutted a beautiful woman with flowing black hair. She gazed up at him, blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Quick as a whip Drake was down the stairs and on the front porch, glaring viciously at the lovely creature standing on the pavement.
    tab She stood still, staring at him with her glowing eyes, unmoving in her ways.
    tab "Well?" He said angrily. "Are you waiting for a formal invitation?" He continued to glare, regardless of this woman's beauty. Drake had grown tired of that excuse for insolence.
    tab The woman glared back, no fear ever showing on her face. She seemed to be even more furious at Drake than he was at her. With long fluid strides she approached without caution. She was a full foot shorter than him, and yet she seemed to be more intimidating. She glared up at him with unwavering eyes.
    tab "Well!" He shouted. "State your name and your business."
    tab "My name is Lidia," She growled. "And I'm here to kill you."

    To Be Continued...