• Mist was floating amidst the trees. the moon was out, and the floor was covered in leaves. She was running to the forest, the trees would hide her...They had too. She was gasping for breath, her cheeks stained with ash and tears. Her hair was nearly as pretty as ever, though matted from sweat and blood.

    The ash and tears from witnessing her parents' deaths, crying as she made her escape. The sweat from all the running, which would soon end. She couldn't keep this up forever...

    As she entered the woods, hearing twigs crack and leaves crinkle underfoot, she heard the same sounds coming from behind, not just her own steps. Precautions, weaving in and out of the trees and other times bolting straight forewards. She'd be, she was, completely lost. But if that meant keeping her life away from him...

    Her parents, her sister and her had been asleep, before the screaming. Someone had broken inside the house. a shot rang out and the cries ended. They ran downstairs, the idiots of parents. Her sister's body lain at the floor, the only lifeless one for that moment, but that didn't last.
    "Soon the click before the blast, then the bullet finds it's path.." She laughed bitterly from her hiding spot, whispering a small, sick line she'd thought of as she sped from the house. That's how it went...They were all trying to get from the house, despite her sister being killed already. You'd hear a small clicking sound, which was what she'd refer to it as since she knew not a thing of firearms, and then the shot. Leading to the bullet's freedom, and a death...her mother had been caught in the back of her head, her dad in the chest.
    Then she'd taken the moment to spring off into the misted yard, then the dusky forest.

    She didn't know who the man was, but there was no way in Hell she'd take the time to look...All she knew was that he was crazy. The guy was maybe young, maybe old. He laughed after the shots, coaxing her tears.

    The scrunching sound of someone moving through the leaf litter caught her attention, and she turned her head this way and that. nothing came into her sights, and she leaned against a tree with closed eyes.

    The crack of a broken twig and the grip of a hand on her shoulder made her eyes pop open. They stared into the barrel of a small handgun, she knew that much. Whomever was holding her still was laughing, the shaking grip telling her so, then the raspy breath. She still couldn't see his face.

    "Hide and seek, little girl you, lost the game. Hide and seek."


    it was over before she could scream.