• I was unconciouse for awhile. I opened my eyes to see I was lying down in Greed's arms as he carried me away from the battle. I realized my whole body was numb. I was being carried to the mountin cliff where I usually went to at night. I could hear Greed's panting breath, his feet nonstopping until we got to the edge. He layed me on the floor, he licked my wound, and body became easier to move. "Please wake up!" Greed yelled. I realized he was yelling at me. His voice held gallon after gallon after gallon, of pain and longing. "Wake up!" he yelled again. I slowly regained control of my body and my eyes slowly opened. Everything hurt. Seeing Greed's tearstained face hurt even more. I tried to sit up, dispite the pain, Greed gently pushed me back down "Not yet, you're still weak." he said gently. "I have to" I said, teeth bared to keep me from yelling in pain. "My dad, he's agreed to talk to us. About why he suddenly wants wage war. We have to wait for him here. So, just, sleep, okay?" he said. I shook my head. "Sakura...Sakura's dead." I said, tears going down my cheeks. Greed nodded grimly. "Where's Refia?" I asked, worried. "She's fine, she went into her cave to stay safe" Greed said. Breathing out felt like fire was burning my throught. I sighed, "That's good" I said, grimacing a bit. Please, lie back down" Greed said, worried. I pushed his hands away roughly "No!" I said, caughing a bit. Greed sighed, giving up. "Prophecy, it meant Sakura as sacrifice.

    Child born of dragon's soul,
    Will awake one day with hair as bright and red as tainted gold,
    She shall never know of her fate come to be,
    Demon and love come together she shall see,
    a dragon of blood will come to thee,
    but beware danger and hate that will follow thee,
    To fight dragons will go through the bend,
    and all will be well as the war takes its final end.
    And the sacrifice of one,
    will be done."

    I let out an unsteady breath. I didn't care anymore, I burst out in a waterfall of tears. I let myself yell and make the small animal noises. All the while, Greed held me. I cried, until there weren't any tears left. Until, my mind understood, I would never see Sakura alive again.

    Next, Demon King 30