Detective Story (Beginning)
I saw him do it. Actually, we saw him. The body, the head, the eyes, everything. This was his profession, we should know. Especially myself, for I was the beginning. Just like every other time, he slowly sawed through his victims neck, killing as well as decapitating. Hiding the head in it's usual place after spooning out the eyes. The body and the eyes, he takes home, leaving the rest behind.
He had never been caught. As a matter of fact, no one has ever seen any of the murders. He kills the people no one cares about, so no one comes looking....
I can't help but laugh, "HA-HA-HA!" This time someone will come. Here they are right now. Oh... I see. This is not going to end well.
Three people come in. "Search high and low! Leave nothing unchecked!" one of them shouts. Among the three I see my brother Ryan.
We were so close, but after I left... after the accident... he swore he would get revenge.
Several years ago, our mother died, our only living relative excluding ourselves. I got very depressed and tried to commit suicide several times. This was very hard for my brother to watch, each time I tried to die, he was the one to save me. Not that that did any good. He knew that even though he didn't want to, he would have to put me on suicide watch and place me in a rehabilitation center. So he did. After that, he never forgave himself. He still blames himself to this day for the accident. But, in wasn't his fault at all. It was all my fault. I was the one who angered him....
The three people split up so each person could search two rooms. It didn't take long; the blood was already in the toilet.
"I found it! A head! A head!" a woman shouts from the bathroom. The other four come rushing in. They cringe at the sight of the repulsive head floating in a lake of its own blood.
"Such a strange place to hide the remains of a head...." one says, "a toilet tank."
Not too long after, they have the decomposing head wrapped up and being sent to the lab for a DNA test.
The woman who found the head turns too one of the two men who were with her, "Detective", she says, "where do you think the body of that head could have gone? And the eyes? There was nothing else found except for a saw beneath the bathroom sink. No fingerprints, footprints, hair--"
"DETECTIVE!" a different man shouts, waving one hand around in the air.
"Yes, George?" he asks.
"Look at what I found floating in the toilet tank's water," George holds out his hand, "A hair. It's not from the victim."
It didn’t take long before the hair and the head were both identified. The head belonged to Charles Hayworth, age 38, US citizen for 24 years. He moved to the US from China at age 14 when his mother had an affair with a business man traveling from America. They eloped, resulting in his mother and him moving to the US. How this is on file, I do not know.
“Oh, so he’s a Chinaman, correct?” the detective asks.
“Yes”, replies Harriet, still foraging through Charles’s files.
“I suppose he doesn’t have a twin...?” he raises his eyebrow hopefully.
“Uh.... no...” she responds skeptically, “Why? Is he suppose to?”
“Maybe....” he looks around awkwardly,” um.. so... the next step is to find his body. And eyes. I’ll go check with George.”
“Wait!’ she stops him, “Does this have anything to do with your twin? The one who disappeared?”
“No,” he says with his back towards her, “I don’t have a twin.”
Which is true, he doesn’t., but I can tell Harriet is more confused then ever.
“George, you said you had the DNA results for the hair.” the detective says.
No response.
“So...? What are the results??”
George looks up at him solemnly and takes a deep breath, “The hair belongs to you.”
Detective Story (Beginning)
The beginning of a Detective Story for school. I'd REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate ANY feedback!!! PLEASE READ THIS! :P
(and if there are any spelling errors please let me know them too!!)
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