• Wed.
    There's something under the surface. I can't say. I can't see... Words... can't make sense of them but I don't need to. "I want to hold your hand... Romance... fire... slowdance." The hops are moving, neon signs flickering... I can't make sense of it. "Show me the meaning of the motion your spine makes as I run my fingers..." do something. Move, dive. Fade... I'm worried. There's something under the surface... Will you? Understand. See the big picture and ignore it because it has no meaning here. To hold your hand... Show me... The meaning. I can't make sense of it.

    Zones. Out, in, up, down. Thoughts. Cheater. Liar. Flashes if scenery, eyes, glare, moonlight. I see the face but it's not my own. Close your eyes. Lose control. Lose sight, lose everything. LOSE. Shut up! Shut in, shut down. Please... I want it all to stop but I don't think I can survive without it. It's all falling to pieces. The cities are crumbling, the flowers are dead. The sheets on the cool bed are stained but I don't know why. All I can think of is shapes... Circles, squares, triangles. I'm trying but I know I'll fail.

    I see it.