• "If you love me, you'd let me know.. right?" I looked at her, eyes showing sorrow, her face showing grief, and her body seeming tired. We were sitting on a bench in Violet Hill. "We'll have to wait and see." I say to her. I didn't want to be there right then, so I got up and left her. My brain lately was not working. I was doing stupid stuff and was screwing up my life. Every moment of it was torture, even the music I loved was making me go crazy. After weeks of my insanity, my own mother had taken me to the place where "The People" go. They injected me with whatever they could find. Five needles later, my arms were thrown to my chest, as if I were actually hugging myself, and they wound the fabric round and around my body until it felt like they had glued them there. When they finished they walked me down a hall which I heard tortured screams and cries of help.. all from the lost souls whom were trapped here, just like me.