• It starts as a hum, dry and irritating, on the inside of your ears. It's hard to ignore it. If you could do one simple thing to make it go away without injuring yourself too bad, you'd take a screwdriver to your head just to remove that irritating sound.

    Slowly the hum turns into a buzz, slowly getting louder as it penetrates deep into the brain. It grabs hold of your emotions making you antsy and on the edge of anticipation. A euphoric calm eventually sets in as an hour passes. The buzz turns into the hum drum of voices echoing in a large room. It grows louder, louder, bringing you back to reality and finally it stops until there is a dead silence.

    The people that crowded you just minutes ago are all gone and you're alone, sitting at a hard, cold, plastic table made of red resin. When you look around, you only see old brick walls, mascots falling from their places of glory, and dust set perfectly an inch thick.

    So amazing how quickly something deemed to be so important can pass. Four years seemed like forever four years ago. Now, it's gone and it seemed so short in retrospect. What's left now? Four more years before another silence?