• I used to use my guitar as a form of therapy. It’s strings calmed me. It’s frets kept me within the reigns of sanity. I couldn’t be separated from it, and I swore one day I would make it big with her. Visions of packed crowds aching to hear my playing was all I could imagine. That was, until I found you.

    You were my new therapy and I used you as much as I could. You were a drug. If I went too long without you I would go back to hating everything. I never realized that deep down I hated everything anyways. I couldn’t be separated from you, and I swore one day we would make it together. Visions of white dresses and tuxedos flooded my brain.

    One thing lead to another and I ended up despising you. I swear I’ve never hated anything as much as I hated you, and to think I once loved you. Actually, those feelings were simultaneous. I have never wanted anything more than to be happy with you or to never see you again.

    Now I’m lost. My guitar doesn’t bring me the same joy it used to. I was naïve, but now I’m aware. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but I swear to god I’d rather be ignorant than to lose something like that. I still enjoy playing, but it doesn’t fix anything. Maybe I'm wrong to thing that I need to be fixed.