Locks to the Epidemic Chp 3
"Woah, how did you get up to me so quickly?" I asked. I was in complete shock.
"Huh? Are you okay?" was his reply. Some answer. "I'm fine."
"You were crying..." Suddenly I became embarrassed again. He probably saw me when I ran out. "My name's David. What's yours?" I looked up at him, and when our eyes met, I looked away. He was so cute, and I was an emotional wreck. I sighed. "My name is Farrah. Me and my family just moved here." He studied me, then asked, "Where did you get that key?" I looked down to where his finger pointed, at the key my little sister gave me before she died. "Wh- why?" I was surprised at why he asked about something so small. "I just wanted to know." I sighed and decided to tell him. It wouldn't hurt. After I was done telling him, he was silent. Then he said, "I have to go," then ran off.
"Weird." is what I thought at first. But then my thoughts were interrupted by my mom calling me back inside. "Farrah!! It's getting late, come back in here!!"
"Yes mom!!" I yelled back. I looked around one more time, then went back inside.
Inside my mom and dad finished unpacking all the furniture for the living room. It looked like someone actually lived here. I also smelled chicken casserole from the kitchen. Even though I lived in Japan, my mom's sister had a few American recipes.
My dad came in from the kitchen and said, "Fair, help set up the table."
We were all sitting at the kitchen table, when my parents asked me who the boy was. "Oh, you know, just some random stranger in the neighborhood."
My mom gave me a funny grin and said, "Oh honey, he was kinda cute, don't you think?" Inside I was all bubbly too, but I said, "Sure.... Whatever Mom..."
After dinner I went up to my bedroom. All the furniture was set up but I still had to hang all the decorations and the pictures. I opened one box and saw a picture of our whole family. Mom, Dad, Me..... and Anna. I put the picture down as a tear escaped my eye. I plopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I was thinking about David too. He was cute. He also probably already had a girlfriend. I sighed and got under the covers. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night. I got out of bed and walked across my room to look out the window that had the view of the garden. The thing that woke me up was a noise. I thought it was a branch or a woodpecker or something. As I opened the curtain and looked down, a pebble was coming right at my face. Of course it didn't hit me though. It hit the glass. I jumped back at the sight of it and laughed at myself. Then I went back to the window. I looked down and saw a figure throwing the stones. I thought it must be David, he was the only person who knew about me, but as I looked closer, I saw that there was 3 people. Then one looked up it saw my face. It pointed it out to others. When they all saw me, they looked surprised. They started to run away. But I wouldn't let them get away that easily
Locks to the Epidemic Chp 3
Third part of the story enjoy!
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