My Ex Bf's an angel, literally
Nada middle school-lunchroom,12:02pm
(Tia walks into the lunchroom, looking around; she sighs and gets in line for her lunch; Jada and Knights was spying on her from the front door.)
Jada: Ohhh she looks so sad*takes a bite of her sandwich* Where’s Yuki? I thought he made up with her already…
(Jada leans the sandwich infront of Knights’ mouth and he takes a bite.)
Knights: I’m sure he did, Tia’s probably sad because she’s still sorry for what she said to him yesterday. C’mon, let’s wait for them in the school yard.
Jada: Ok, but if she’s sad because Yuki said something stupid Imma kick his a**!
(They both go into the school yard; At that moment, Yuki bust through the lunchroom doors, catching his breath.)
Yuki:~Finally, I lost him…~phew, who knew the old man could run so fast…~*looks around;grins*~There’s Tia!~
(All of a sudden, the principal comes into the lunchroom; Yuki jumps back in a corner.)
Yuki:~Damn, don’t he ever quit?!~
(The principal looks around, walking in Yuki’s direction.)
Yuki:*panicking* Ah! Whadda I do? Whadda I do?!
(Yuki looks around and sees a pink apron, a pair of sunglasses, a hat with flowers on it, and a broom on the floor next to him; he quickly puts the disguise on; Principal walks up to Yuki.)
Principal: Um excuse me, Miss?
Yuki:*turns around; smiles nervously; pour girl voice* Holla senor! W-what can I do for you?
Principal: Have you seen Yuki Edogawa? He’s about your height…Hey, haven’t we met before?
Yuki:*sweating* Uh! No No! Me no speake englash!
(The principal looks at him suspiciously but is distracted by some boys having a food fight.)
Principal: Hey! Hey you! Wakashi, put that pudding down! *runs over to them*
Yuki:*relaxes* Phew that was close! Now, to take care of unfinished business*starts walking toward Tia* ~All I got do is beg her to come back to me!~*gets closer*~Almost there!~*gets even closer;takes the hat and glasses off;grins* Oh Tia I!...Wah!
(The principal grabs Yuki by the back of his collar; Yuki struggles.)
Principal: Gotcha! Any last words before you’re suspended?
Yuki: Yeah*gasps* Look! A kid with a gun!*points to the left*
Principal:*nervous*Where? Where?!
(He loosens his grip; Yuki gets free and runs outside; Meanwhile, Jada and Knights are sitting on a bench on the side of the playground; Knights was looking on the side of the small building.)
My Ex Bf's an angel, literally
Pg 6~ this chapter is pretty short. Yuki is determined to win his girl back, but the principal is even more determined to suspend him from school. Will he get caught?? Run Yuki RUN!!
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