• Chapter One
    The world

    It was a warm day in June and the humid air blew gently rustling the leaves and a simple 15 year olds long brown hair. She clutched her bag close to her side as step by step she traveled down the roads. Soon it would be august, a much cooler month, a month she gladly welcomed. She hated the heat, the way girls flaunted their bodies as if they were prizes, and mostly she hated the way the world seemed to turn to greed. Everywhere she looked men tried to hit girls up to go to hotels. Little boys and girls would fight over the waterguns. The teens would sit around making out by the alleyways, and the woman would bet on anything they could. Money and sex is what the the world seemed to revolve around. Serenity looked up and down the streets watching the faces pass. No one, not a single person stopped and looked in her direction. This is how its always been this is how it would always be. She was forever named an outcast, people would walk right by her and not even smile. She became ucustomed to this however, it mostly didnt faze her. Her steps became slightly heavier as she continued to walk in the heat. Her eyes caught sight of something moving across the street and she turned her gaze to a boy around 9 holding a ball above a 5 year old girls head. "Give it back!" the little girl would cry. This only made the boy laugh and lower it and make it go higher again. Serenity felt bad for the little girl so she went over and took the ball from the boys hands. "HEY! YOU CANT DO THAT! THATS STEALING!" Serenity smiled at the boy and held the ball up. "So it wasnt stealing when you took the girls ball when she said no?" The boy stopped shouting and looked a bit apologetic. When Serenity bent down and gave the crying girl her ball back, the boy said he was sorry to her and Serenity. The little girls eyes widen with happyness and giggled, "It's okay! Do you wanna play catch?" The boy nodded and they ran off leaving Serenity to get up and continue walking back home.