Kaylee Damron
White Wings
The Castle was bursting with energy, everything was going to be perfect. Servants of both Elvin and human kind were humming with excitement and silent bickering. King Lysander paced through the halls ready to break down at any moment, his queen had went into labor the day before and was to be left alone to recuperate. Oh how he wanted to see, to hold his child, even he the king of Lavinia knew not of his child’s gender or whether or not his wife or child lived. He sat upon a bench face in his hands breathing deeply. He stared up at the ceiling seeing the mural of the gods of time space and life. Why should they decide fate they no longer walked this earth they should have no say in it. Contemplating on the thought of the gods he barely noticed the chamber door opening.
“My lord Lysander?” A small mousey looking maid looks for him.
The king snaps his attention toward the chamber maid
“What girl?”
She gives a warm smile and shows her fatigue
“You may come see milady and the babe now. Never have I seen such a gift surely the gods smile upon you! ”
He smiles rising from the bench in a hurry to see his family. Almost knocking the maid on the ground he enters the fire lit room. His eyes searched the room finally meeting the gaze of his disheveled but glowing queen. She held a bundle of silk sheets that held the infant. What the king didn’t expect was a gypsy sitting beside the queen muttering to herself eyes on the child as her fingers entwined in string.
“Oh my love, darling, tell me how fare you and the child?”
She caresses the baby’s cheek.
“Everything is wonderful, Come see your Princess.”
A girl a sweet daughter for whom the world would be given. He started to walk toward the bed arms out spread to receive his child. The gypsy rose from her seat with inhuman speed blocking his path to his queen.
“What is the meaning of this? Elda who is this why does she stop me?” The gypsy’s eyes were a wild green her waist length black hair blew wildly even though no wind blew. She then spoke with a voice that did not sound as if it were her own but to many others.
“Witch king of Lavinia you have forsaken those who created this world. You now must pay the price, those dearest to you have been marked and shall change form when the moon is high and the change shall remain for all eternity.” The gypsy’s body rose lightly and then fell to her knees, she whips around and stares at the queen trembling. The king knocks her aside and rushes to the queen and removes the silk folds from the Childs face. The king jumped back in disgust the Childs eyes were wide open staring at him with lavender glow. Small wisps of snow white hair clung to her head. Shaking his head over and over denying this was happening refusing to accept it.
“This…This abomination is not mine! No I will not accept this beast.”
The king’s hands were trembling with rage. He looked down at his hands and notices a strange mark on them and gasps. Certainly this couldn’t be the mark the gypsy spoke of? He grabbed Elda’s hand and saw the same mark no doubt the child bore it to. He turns on his heels to leave and slams the chamber door behind him.
“Guards!” he bellowed
The guards ran toward him in a hurry expecting trouble.
“Yes milord?” the captain said out of breath.
“Kill the queen and her newborn she has committed high treason and I will not stand for this” the king roared making sure to keep his hand out of sight.
“Are you…Sure milord?
“Yes I am sure do as I command!” the king then leaves for his room.
“Alright men let’s move” the guards were on their way to the chamber not knowing their king silently wept with rage.
Queen Elda was shaking with fear she had heard her husband’s command and now fled for her and the Childs life. Her dear friend the gypsy Marianna had shown her a secret passage behind the fire place that led to the kitchen. Surprisingly the baby remained silent even though many around her panicked. Many of the servants had been close to the queen and wanted nothing more than for her to escape.
“Marianna I have a request of you please ...Please as my dearest friend take Vanora hide you and her in the wilds.” The queen pleaded quietly. Marianna stared hard at the queen.
“The Princesses name dear friend.”
“You remember the warning the spirits gave the king? They spoke of a transformation that you and your family will share. I glimpsed what form you will take and I believe I can help you control it.”
Elda shook her head “Another time Marianna right now you must take Vanora away from here far away, raise her as your own, that’s an order you understand?”
Marianna nodded “yes your majesty I shall leave now may the gods watch over you darling.”
Marianna Took Vanora from the queens arms and fled to the woods not looking back praying the gods were on her side.
The queen ran through the castle avoiding guards trying to find her husband to talk sense into him. She ran down the steps when she heard a voice.
“There she is! Milady stop... Now!”
Elda gasps panicking she runs down the steps faster not paying attention she trips on her gown and falls to the ground. The clanking of armor can be heard behind her then it comes to a stop. The queen turns her head slowly to see her killers and screams.
King Lysander sits his room staring at the fire hearing the scream of his queen being slaughtered. His mind warps and he seethes with rage he is no longer is civil, only thoughts of death and revenge. His hand is burning and twitching the moon is almost to its highest point. As it inches its way to the top of the sky the king raises from his seat to stare out the window his whole body shaking. Throughout the halls everyone hears the scream then the explosion and roar of rage.
Marianna is halfway through the woods and is careful not to injure the infant princess she must keep her safe. Far behind she can here an explosion at the castle and the roar of a beast and the flapping of wings she ducks down low to hide. Over head a large silhouette flying across the night sky is searching. The form in which the child had taken a few moments ago was now in her arms. It was a beautiful diamond white dragon with illuminated lavender eyes.
Chapter 1 ¤ Eighteen ¤
It was spring. Oh how beautiful it was in the spring, the crisp but warm air swirling around her in shining mist. Vanora took in a deep breath sensing the forest with all her senses. She could see the individual specs floating in the air through the rays of sun. She could smell the wet dirt the flourishing plants and trees. She heard the birds chirp and flutter about and heard the earth worms and other insects squirming about. Vanora rolled onto her stomach and stared at a peculiar looking caterpillar. It inched its way across the leaf and stopped at the dead end. How curious life was, what a wonder it could be, and her heightened senses allowed her to see the true beauty in everything. Vanora stood up, brushed herself off and grabbed her bag deciding it was time to head back to the village. Stepping quickly and quietly through the woods it was like she flew over the dead leaves and twigs.
A lot was happening today it was her birthday she was eighteen today and the village planned a big celebration, or that’s what Marianna had said would happen. Vanora sped to the village but along the way she passed a pond and noticed there was mud on her. She stops to clean herself to prepare for the celebration. She was gorgeous to many in that village; she had snow colored waist length hair that had streaks of blues and pinks when in the light and her skin was a beautiful cream color. Her most amazing feature was her eyes a strong vibrant violet eyes that illuminated somewhat. The gypsy camp was a wonderful family always complementing on her beauty and dressing her in their finest fabrics as if she were royalty. After cleaning up she made her way to the village. When she arrived everyone had already begun to celebrate. Vanora giggled, gypsies never waited when they want to celebrate they celebrated. The children made arts and crafts and danced around a may pole. The men drank and sang tavern songs. The women cooked fine meals of fruits and vegetables. A lot of the gypsies Vanora’s age danced together. One of the gypsies was the most entertaining. Marianna The leader of the gypsies. She would dance and sing and she wore the most beautiful clothing. Not only appealing to see but to hear it was flashy with bright colored fabric and thread but also adored with jewelry, bells, and coins to make a musical sound as she danced. Vanora wore something similar. Marianna herself was pretty, the clothing just made her better. She was tan with warm brown hair with streaks of red, her eyes were green with flecks of gold. The celebration was amazing, colorful and musical. Marianna caught Vanora’s hand by surprise and pulled her into the center of all the dancing singing gypsies.
“Happy birthday darling” Marianna chimed as she danced hand in hand with Vanora. They weaved in and out of each other's arms dancing to the beautiful flute music and beats of the drums. The beats grew louder and louder and time seemed to slow in Vanora’s eyes. Her heart was beating harder and harder and the mark on her shoulder blade burned. She stopped dancing and cried out in pain. Marianna’s eyes were wide in fright but grabbed Vanora and hauled her to a caravan. Tears filling her eyes Vanora’s burning had spread through her whole body.
“Child, hush now, sshh relax, relax remember to breath it will be over soon I promise darling just wait.”
Marianna was soothing her stroking her hair. Ever since she was a child Marianna would take care of her when she had these burning attacks. Whenever she asked why this was happening to her Marianna said she would explain when she was eighteen. Today would be the day. Marianna had always been there making sure she was comfortable and that she wore an amulet to lessen the pain but never explained what was wrong. Many of the other villagers wondered and fear what was wrong. Marianna ensured that nothing was wrong and there was no need to worry. The burning had subdued and Vanora was breathing easy now. She slowly she lifted her head from Marianna’s lap.
“Please Marianna I’ve waited all these years please tell me why I suffer these burning sensations why my heart quickens and why this amulet is so important”
Marianna Gazed silently at her holding the amulet and her hand.
“Tonight my darling I promise, after we celebrate your coming of age we shall meet back in my caravan and discus many things for now go and enjoy your day.”
Marianna hugged her and led her back to the celebration. There were quiet mummers of “hope you feel better” and “glad you’re ok”.
All eyes were on Vanora making it a very awkward moment. Marianna noticed right away and shouted
“Please everyone back to the festivities everything is fine.”
With that the music and dancing continued. Vanora decided to join her close friends who were already dancing to the violins that now had started to play. Vanora’s closest friend was an elf named Reena, a bubbly Very down to earth girl with golden blonde hair and green blue ocean water eyes. She was dancing gracefully around the circle with fluid extended movements.
“Still the best dancer in the village I see” Vanora said copying her friend’s movements.
“Ha please look at you, you’re keeping up just as well”
Vanora laughed she loved her friend more than anything she was like a sister to her. She was never entranced or put off by Vanora’s looks.
As they danced Reena slowed and seemed distracted by something or someone in the camp. Vanora Glanced behind her to see what it was. Without even a second guess she knew not what but who had Reena’s attention. One of the musicians, Valeno of their age was standing by the fire playing his Violin.
“Why don’t you ask him to dance with you? You’re beautiful there’s no way he would deny you.”
It was true Reena was gorgeous, her blonde hair like honey in the sun light. She wore a green bell sleeved shirt and green broom skirt making her peach colored skin glow.
“No! I couldn’t …I’m not… I mean ….could never be that forward” Reena stammered as she blushed. Vanora knowing her friend really wanted to skillfully maneuvered their dancing to send Reena right toward Valero. Vanora laughed and continued dancing seeing that Reena and Valeno were fully engrossed into each other. As she twirled around in harmony with the music she felt a pair of hands catch her she turned to stare into the most stunning gray eyes. Cam, the only guy in the whole village to ever be interested in Vanora.
“Mind if I join you?” he said in a low tone.
“You know I don’t” Vanora replied.
They twirled enjoying the celebration, it was growing later and everyone sat down for the feast Reena with Valeno and Vanora with Cam.
“You know Vanora you’ve never told me what this amulet does” he said tracing the pendant with his figures. Blushing she replied
“It’s made of Sapphire and silver and blessed by white mages it contains a charm to make those…..attacks less painful.” She stared at the amulet in frustration. “At least that’s what Marianna has explained to me, nothing more nothing less.”
“Hey cheer up no need to worry I just wondered. Interesting shape a north star atop a heart.” He said hugging her in one arm.
The meal was wonderful filled with exotic ripe fruits and vegetables and the finest meat they could find in the woods. Towards the end of the meal Marianna stood up and held a glass of wine to Vanora
“May we celebrate the success of Vanora as she turns into the age of a Woman. We her family have watched her grow from such a small delicate bud to a wonderful strong blooming rose. Lets us now see where she goes in life who she shall take as her beloved and what she will bring to our village.” Everyone clapped and cheer.” Now that the celebration is over let us to bed”. Everyone began to leave as Vanora
followed Marianna to her caravan. As soon as they were inside Marianna closed the blinds and locked the door. Vanora suddenly got nervous. What could possibly be said that could cause this much secrecy? Marianna sat down and took a deep breath.
“My dear I have raised you since you was born, and I’m quite sure it is obvious we are not related. I was there at your birth and witnessed the work of the gods.”Marianna was gazing into a candles flame.
“Where do I start”? Vanora was perplexed she had not the slightest idea what to say. Work of the gods? What did she mean?
“Just please start from my birth that must be easier?” Vanora asked. Marianna laughed.
“Sweetie honestly there is no easy way to explain this, let me begin with the gods.”
“What do the gods….?”
“Hush and listen. There are four gods. Chronos god of time, Gieweia goddess of life, and the twins Krisella and Kevlamin god and goddess of space. They rule Lavinia with gentle spiritual guidance. They hear and see everything. King Lysander one day cursed the gods for their power over all. I only know this through my affinity for the spirits. When he cursed them they rushed to my body took over and warned him of a curse upon him and his family. This curse would cause a violent transformation to occur. The spirits allowed me a glimpse of the creature his family would share. Well the king’s wife went into labor the night the curse was brought upon them. When the king saw his newborn child and mother he considered them abominations and ordered for them to be slaughtered. That very night the west side of the castle was blown to pieces by the king’s new form.”
Vanora’s heart was racing the mark on her back was tingling as if reacting to this story.
“And….what form….did the king take?”
“One of the most feared creatures in history, the form a large black dragon. From what I hear from traders and other villages a mage came to his aid to help control these transformations and is now his royal advisor.”Marianna breathed in staring at Vanora waiting for something, but what Vanora did not know. So the king’s family was cursed and he wanted them dead and Marianna was there through it all.
“What happened to the queen”?
“There were screams in the castle that night some say she was tortured and let go others say she was used and slaughtered by the guards but all tales spread to make commoners think before committing treason no one knows.” Marianna’s voice was cracking. Vanora looked closely and noticed her crying.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have”
“No No its fine she was my closest friend and you just look so much like her and I have no clue what happened to her”.
“Wait look like her?” Vanora was shocked what did she mean? “Wait the curse….it can be subdued and the king thought them abominations?
Vanora looked in a nearby mirror. A king would consider a girl with her looks abominal wouldn’t they?
“Marianna please tell me am I right to think I am the kings abomination?”
“NO! You are not an abomination like he is. He has no idea what a wonderful family he threw away. But yes my dear you are the kings daughter and without that amulet you would become a fine white dragon, you transformed that night like Lysander did. Since you’ve warn that pendant for so long you’d most likely be able to control it. You’ve matured enough you should be able to keep your mind as your own.”
Vanora was speechless she always believed that the gods were punishing her in some way for her looks but never for a blasphemous father, who was a king!
Vanora couldn’t believe it, no she couldn’t be royalty. There was no possible way she came from the castle miles away across the country. If it was true then that means her father disowned her because she looked different, and her mother was dead or missing. Vanora began to cry she couldn’t accept it. It just wasn’t even a possibility in her mind. She was a princess and she could never know her real mother. As she sat and cried she began to think.
“You said I should be able to control it what do you mean?” Vanora asked staring at herself in the mirror imagining herself as a dragon.
Marianna thought before she spoke “Dragons are very proud creatures but they are wild. They are violent, relentless, and bloodthirsty. They kill on site if they feel threatened.”
Vanora shuddered. What if she became this fearsome beast and couldn’t control it she could accidently kill someone close by.
Marianna sat in silence then said “you’ve never been a dragon with a mature mind as a babe you were basically, forgive me, a mindless creature and you have no clue how to fight.”
Vanora’s body jerked involuntarily.
“What do you mean Fight?” Vanora questioned.
Marianna sat in thought.
“My dear I have kept you hidden and taught you the skills of a rouge. I have been preparing you for this day. There is a resistance to southwest of here called Isle de Dracona, not very creative but secretive none the less. There you will find an army massing for a war against the king. You my dear must travel there, train and assist them in the war.”
Vanora was stunned. This was so much to take in. She was royalty and a beast on the inside. But Marianna was right she needed to join the army and defeat her father it was her place and no one else’s.
“Thank you so much Marianna I swear to you I will avenge my mother for you me and the nation of Lavinia I shall prepare for a journey to the sea and train for rebellion against the king”
“I ask you one thing. Please take one of our hunters with you for protection and guidance, might I suggest Cam you two seemed to be friends, I would feel better if you did.”
Vanora did not agree to this but all the same she accepted her wishes.
“Good bye my lady I have raised you well. Make me proud and defeat Lysander I’ll see you again one day hopefully soon.”
“Good bye Marianna I love you may we meet again” with that she disappeared into the forest.
“Good bye white wings may the gods favor you in your tests ahead.”
Chapter 2 ¥Forest Of Spirits¥
Vanora was absolutely stunned over what had just happened. What possessed her to make this decision? She wasn’t about to back out either she had her pride to up hold. What was Marianna’s wish? For her to take a hunter? And Cham none the less. This would be an interesting trip. Vanora entered her caravan and began packing things she knew would be needed to survive. She packed a small bag with her jewelry to sell in case of emergency. Rational clothing was a necessity of course only tunics and leggings and strong leather boots. She grabbed a bow that she became quite skilled in using and hidden blade in her boot. She took one last look around her caravan to make sure didn’t miss anything important. With that one final sweep Vanora felt over whelmed. She might never see her home again she may die or have to stay somewhere far away from here. She may never see Marianna, Reena or anyone else in the village. No enough of this thinking she had to find Cam and get moving. She raced out into the woods knowing the hunters were at the posts watching for trespassers. The first post was very close now that she thought about it. Marianna must have done that for the safety of the princess. She arrived to a small grove and looked for the hunter hiding in the trees. “Hello? Who has control of this post?” Vanora shouted.
“Vanora? What are you doing here?” A tall Man dropped out of his tree. He was tall with dark brown skin and shining emerald eyes.
“Oh good it’s you Damien. I’m looking for cam I need to…talk to him.”
The head hunter looked at her with a quizzical look.
“I posted him on the western cliff near Heaven’s Gate Falls .why are you packed for a trip?”He said staring at her satchel.
“It’s nothing Damien do not worry about it.”
He gazed up at the stars.
“Follow the stars you’ll never go wrong” With that he ascended back up to the post.
“Thank you” Vanora whispered.
Vanora left the grove and started for the cliffs. What was he going to say, surely he would question her rash choice to leave and join the rebellion? But he was her friend maybe he wouldn’t. And what about her situation, does she tell him? Should she just ignore it and hope he never finds out. She’ll just have to cross that bridge when she gets there. On arrival to the cliffs Vanora realized she never had been this far into the forest, and these woods had a reputation. There were stories of merchants and adventurers losing their way. They were lured into the endless mist by spirits singing their enchanting song her village was always safe because of Marianna. What if they tried to grab her now she would have left her home for nothing? This thought caused her to climb the cliffs faster. She heard the roar of the falls and knew she was almost there. She ran faster knowing she’d have to find Cam as soon as possible and head south for the sea and then find some way to get safe passage to the island. She reached the waterfalls and gasped with a sharp breath. It was beautiful small shining wisps of light were circling themselves in and out of the water as moon light lit up the water to a rainbow hue of light. Small beads of light and spirits flitted about in the air almost as if it were raining stars. Exotic plant grew all over in every shape and color you could think of. That’s when she heard it, the whistle of an arrow flying in the air it landed in the ground next to her. A warning shot. Just then Cam jump out from the water and landed next to her arrow aimed at her heart. His body was tense ready for a fight, but after a quick moment of shock he lowered his bow in realization.
“Vanora you shouldn’t be up here this place is off limits” he said slinging his bow to his back.
“I need you Cam. I’m leaving tonight and I want someone with me. Marianna told me to ask you. Not that I wouldn’t have but she thought you were best.” Vanora felt stupid going on and on like this but now that he was here in front of her she realized how bad she wanted a companion on this journey. Cam came closer to her staring right into her eyes.
“Vanora you know I’ll go anywhere for you where are we going and why?”
Oh gods why did he do that he knew just how to get information out of her.
“Were going south to Isle de Dracona I’m going against the king and I want help please.” He stared at her in disbelief. What was he thinking about her now after hearing her plans?
“Alright let’s go then I’ve got what I need in my post”
“Wait that’s it? You have no more questions”?
He got his stuff from his post and returned with a full pack.
“If you have anything more to tell me you’ll tell me in your own time. I trust you’re not hiding anything from me so let’s go.”
Vanora sighed in relief she’d fill him in more after they were in a safe environment. She stared at the waterfalls beauty one last time and followed Cam down the cliff.
“You know these woods have a story don’t you”? Cam said as they descended the cliffs.
“So I’ve heard people disappear because of singing spirits.”Vanora replied. Cam laughed.
“Let me tell you the whole story. This Cliff is called Heavens Gates Falls for a reason. When something dies their spirit heads for the falls if they are strong enough they can go through the falls and into the heavens with the gods. But there are those Spirits who are not strong enough. Some of them keep trying and trying lingering by the falls trying to pass. Then there are others who give up and live in the forest tricking unsuspecting travelers to enter their home and keep them there as play things never to return to the world of the living.”
Vanora stared at the back of his head waiting to hear more.
“So I’m guessing we should avoid these areas that they live in?”
“Ha not unless you want to be trapped for eternity.” Cam laughed. It was good that he could turn this into a light hearted subject. Except there was some severity to his laughter. There was the danger of the spirits trapping them. They walked through the woods hearing hallow moans and twigs snapping. At one point Vanora swore she felt something brush across her neck causing her scream out in fear and run up closer to Cam. He didn’t mind, in fact he grabbed her wrist and guided her through the woods. Things were going quiet smoothly but for some reason Cam stopped on a dime causing Vanora to smack right into him.
“Cam if you’re going to just stop like that…”
“Sshh” Cam was staring into the fog that started to build up. But now that she looked closer she could see a faint glow of yellow.
“Its fine Cam, just a spirit.”Vanora said pulling on his arm. His muscles were flexed meaning something couldn’t be right if he was this tense.
“Vanora look more closely you’ve always had heightened senses cant you tell what that is?”He whispered. She never really looked at what it was just the color but now that she focused she could see it was a flame from a torch. Who could be out here? She could see its silhouette a tall man... he wore armor with sharp pieces of metal protruding out if. This looked dangerous.
“We need to find out why they’re here. Let’s go listen in up the trees it’s foggy enough we won’t be seen.” Cam said as he started to climb. She climbed up right behind him crossing branch over branch to get closer to the intruders. As she perched atop a branch with char they listened in on why they were here.
“So boss says you get me some foreign slaves and ill make your team rich. Well I said what about those stories of gypsies and he says he’d pay fifty gold pieces for each gypsy because no one has ever found them. Fifty gold pieces! We could eat for five years on that or own our own slave company. Ah but we have to find them first, but I’ve got a feeling their close.” The first one said letting out a huge sigh.
“Would you listen to this guy acting like were rich already. This map has been accurate good thing we killed them traders.” They all burst into laughter there were Five of them, Big with that sharp armor and after her family, her village.
“Char their after the village! What are we going to do we can’t let them…aahhhh!” the branch snapped and she dropped down right in the middle of the men. The leader grabbed her by hair and forced her to look up at them.
“Well, well look what we have here a pretty little gypsy but look at her hair and eyes you’re a little freak aren’t you? Boys what do you think sell her or keep her for ourselves, I can think of a few things she can be used for” the slavers laughed while the leader licked up her neck. Vanora’s skin crawled this guy was a disgusting pig. She started shaking and her shoulder burned the tears were welling up in her eyes.
“Aw look boy she’s crying see how much she loves me it’s alright darling I’m going to take real good care of you.” The leader said pulling at her tunic. All the pain was killing her and the burning was spread threw her entirely.
“Get the hell off of her you pig!”
“Cam ?!” Vanora gasped no he needed to be safe in the tree.
Cam jumped down out of the tree with two knives in each hand. As he came down on two of the guards he sunk the blades into their necks right above the collar bone. Blood flowed everywhere on the ground and all over Cam. Cam got back to his feet after wrenching his knives from their necks. He threw the blades in opposite directions at two more guards; they were firmly implanted in their foreheads. The guard that held Vanora hostage had now pulled out a knife held it her neck using her as a shield. Cam now was pointing a bow at the two and Vanora could tell he was thinking.
“Who do you think you are you little gypsy rat? You think killing us will stop us? I’ve already got a team in your little camp rounding you vermin up. I’ll make you a deal boy, u drop your bow I’ll let you live and join us make fifty gold for every one of your friends. But I keep this one right here shell be my own personal doll it gets lonely at night in our little camp” he gave a deep chuckle “or your freak here dies and you right after, so what do you say?” Cam was torn he couldn’t figure out a way to end this and Vanora knew he wanted no part of the enslavement. Vanora nodded at him trying to tell him to accept for now. Cam dropped his bow and the leader pushed Vanora aside and Leapt for Cams throat.
Not realizing what she was doing she ripped of her amulet and started running to the thug. The mark on her shoulder began to burn like brimstone. Vanora felt her body shifting and growing. Her arms extended into long elegant legs with long clawed paws. Her back grew and arched with a thin line of ridges going down it. Her back leg bent and elongated into long elegant leg much like the front. Her face and neck extended up ward and out into a gorgeous snout with a mouthful of pearly white fangs. Finally she felt fine leathery wings grow from her back and a long tail with orbs that shined on the end. She felt power and her already heightened senses were even more sensitive. Vanora let out a roar and swatted out at the thug leader. His small inferior body slammed into a tree and many of his limbs snapped with sickening crack. She stalked over to him growling, he lay limp on the tree crying.
“Gods why are you punishing me hiding dragons to kill me” he was pathetic whimpering and praying. Vanora extended her wings out as far as the woods would allow. She reared her head back then like a snake struck at his head with speed unlike any have seen. He was dead now not doubt about it his heart beat faded away the instant her teeth sunk in. Where was Cam? Had she hurt him at all in her transformation? She swung her head around and saw him with her amulet in hand. He looked astounded and scared.
“Vanora?” he breathed. She lowered her head down to him and nuzzled the amulet.
“You think this will fix it?” he asked holding it up. Vanora nodded it’s what contained her from this form for years it made sense that it would help her now. Cam tied the roped pendant around her neck and stepped back to give her new form a chance to change. Vanora could feel herself slowly shifting back into herself the young girl she had been for years. Finally she was back but noticed something that was wrong. Her clothes exploded in her transformation and she now stood here naked in front of Cam. His face turned red and he looked away and tossed her bag to her.
“Let’s hope this won’t happen often.” he said looking the other way. Vanora got dressed quickly and repacked everything.
“Cam I’m sorry I was going to tell you eventually…”
“Not now Vanora its fine I knew. Ill explain later but for now the village is in trouble we need to move” This was all so much to take in but Vanora knew she needed to hurry everyone in her village was in danger. Cam and Vanora ran ignoring every branch that scratched and ripped at their hair and skin. Why was it taking so long to get to the village why couldn’t they hear the sounds of people gossiping late through the night the smells of the food lingering in the air from the feast? Her heart was pounding and she was crying. She never expected this to happen, never wanted this to happen. Who would? She saw smoke up ahead and ran faster. When she got there she stopped dead and fell to her knees. Everything was burned flames were smoldering and ashes were in piles everywhere. As far as she could tell no bodies were among the ashes. Cam came up behind her.
“No… Gods we didn’t make it. It’s my fault I let those thugs hold on to you for too long.” Cam said rubbing his hand through his hair.
“No Cam none of this is your fault we had no idea that they … that they were…” Vanora broke down into tears. Cam came up behind her and lifted her up into his arms. They held onto each other in the swirling ashes. What were they to do now? The village was gone and they needed to move.
“Alright boys take one last sweep make sure we didn’t miss anything or anyone.”
Vanora jumped someone was coming again.
“Cam I have a plan well lead these thugs into the woods and loose them in the spirits mist we must be immune because of Marianna.”
“That sounds good to me. Be ready they will have weapons.”
Four or five thugs showed up into the clearing.
“Look what we got here two left over lovers?”
“Let’s get them boys!” with that the chase was on. The thugs started to trudge towards them swords raised in the air.
“Run” Cam shouted. They darted into the woods side by side. Leaping over branches and holes in the ground turning and watching as the men fell over and over. This was almost enjoyable Vanora found herself laughing at them.
“Split up” Vanora shouted. Cam looked at her and nodded they split ways curving and crossing paths every so often. Vanora launched herself up into the trees now leaping from branch to branch. She could see this mist up ahead. Smiling to herself she dropped down grabbed the branch flipped around it launching her into the air flipping picking up speed. She landed with grace and ran right into the mist soon after Cam ran up to her breathing hard.
“There is no way they will get out of this” he said smiling.
They could see spirits now dancing around them laughing and singing. They stopped and listened the thugs, were shouting about not being able to see and that they were lost. They could hear the spirits music but were not drawn to it. Some of the spirits came up and kissed Cam cheeks or played with Vanora’s hair.
“Let’s get out of here we need to head to Salina City its right on the sea and we can most likely get safe passage to the island.” Cam said while he looked exhausted.
“Well also find somewhere for rest. You’re tired and I am as well. So as soon as we’re in the city well get a room.” Vanora suggested.
“Yes your majesty” Vanora looked at him with shock “Then I will explain myself.” Vanora watched him as he walked by. Who was he? This was just weird she’d grown up with him since they were kids. Yes he was four years her elder but that still made no difference. Didn’t it? No she had no idea if he was actually related to anyone in the village. Everyone there was related in some way and shared similar traits. Traits like dark skin some darker than others and green gold eyes or red brown or blonde hair. Cam was different with Gray crystal eyes and Jet Black hair and pale white skin. No he must have come from somewhere else as well. The trip through the woods took all night and Vanora didn’t know how much longer she could take this she had never traveled this far or ever been attacked by slavers. She was also exhausted from her transforming into a dragon. She had gone from such a high level of energy and power to her small human form. She’d have to learn how to adapt to that. They finally were out of the woods after hours of winding paths and twisted gnarled root covered floor.
“Luckily it’s just a straight shot from here to Salina City it will take some time since were on foot but well make it within a day.” Cam said looking out upon the open road.
“What if…we flew?” Vanora asked.
“No for many reasons. One being you don’t have the energy nor the strength to fly us to the city. Another thing is people fear dragons ever since the king attacked the country at you birth.” Cam wouldn’t look at her. Vanora wouldn’t push the matter any further.
“Ok so we walk let’s get moving then.”
The road was wide open and went downhill. The skies were a great, azure blue with large white clouds. Vanora wanted to be up there with them but that must be part of her dragon nature. Why the gypsies hid in the woods was a wonder but then Vanora remembered the slavers. After thinking about the leader that had tried to keep her she gave an involuntary shake and touched her neck. Cam must have noticed because he grabbed her shoulders to make her look at him.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have let him do anything to you the moment you fell from the tree I should have killed him but I was hoping for information.” He said straining to control his emotions.
“Cam please don’t…” Vanora said trying to comfort him.
“No, I won’t let that happen again I swear as your guardian.” Her guardian, that sounded right. All she could do was stare at him. He closed his eyes turned and began to walk down the road again. She followed close behind and whispered the one thing she could think of.
“I believe you”
Chapter 3 Ω Salina City Ω
The trip down the road was a long one. Lots of travelers and merchants drove by staring at Vanora like she was an unbelievable site. Luckily one merchant sold a potato sack cloak with a hood to her for just one of her jade bracelets, making the trip a lot more bearable.
“Am I really such a distraction?” Vanora asked Cam who kept an eye out for danger.
“Well my lady, your unique beauty is something that catches ones eye. People here are not use to such wonders. The people of Salina are use to pirates and sea creatures nothing more.”
“So when we arrive to the city well get a room talk and rest. Then find a way to the isle.” Vanora said.
“Sounds fine when were in the city lay low and don’t leave my side.” Cam said in a serious tone.
The walk to the city took a little less time than they thought it would. Vanora was completely shocked, this town was huge buildings and buildings all crammed together heading down hill to the sea nestled within the mountains. Smoke from chimneys rose in the air bringing smells of burning wood, food, and mead to Vanora’s nose. The sounds of stall shops and blacksmiths at work rang through the air.
“Vanora don’t be fooled it is a lovely site to see but this town is filled with people waiting to take advantage of you.” Cam said bringing her back from her haze of amazement.
They headed toward a clean looking hotel and noticed some kids playing. When they approached they dispersed to different alleyways, all except for one small child. A young girl who looked to be about eight stood there in a pink tavern maid dress with a small rag doll in hand. She had small delicate blonde curls and beautiful deep brown eyes. Vanora looked from the child to Cam. Cam nodded saying it was alright as he left for the hotel.
“Hello little one what is your name.” Vanora said kneeling down to speak to her at eye level.
“My name is Naomi Diman. You’re pretty.”
“Well…thank you….that’s very nice of you.” Vanora said a little surprised at the remark. “You look upset what’s wrong.”? Vanora asked.
“I’m hungry and those other kids beat me and took my money, do you have any money?” Naomi asked with tears in her eyes.
“Oh of course here” Vanora said reaching into her pocket “here you go sweetie go ahead and get food”
Naomi grinned widely “thank you so much” she said grabbing the money and running. Vanora smiled knowing that she helped a child in need. She entered the hotel that Cam had gone into. He was at the desk negotiating for a room.
“Sir Look I’ll make a trade, a room for something you desire “
Cam said as Vanora walked up close to him.
“I’ll take your pretty lady there shell get rest and ill have a little tumble” he laughed deeply and sniffed. “I’m just kidding boy, there’s enough wenches to satisfy my needs. I’ll take a weapon or some jewelry. If you have neither it will be 50 coppers.”
Cam reached into a pouch attached to his waste and pulled out 50 coppers.
“Thank ye mate you’ll be sleepin in room four.” The clerk said.
Cam grabbed Vanora’s hand leading her upstairs to the room.
When they entered the room Vanora crinkled her nose. It smelled like mead and wet dirt, outside the window was a dingy view. There was only one bed big enough for two and a chamber pot in the corner that looked as if it hadn’t been cleaned in days.
“I promise that were only here for a night after we rest well leave this abysmal place.” Cam said leading her to the bed to sit.
As she sat down he locked the door, lit a candle and drew the curtains shut. She studied his face as he tried to relax.
“It’s time for me to explain myself.” Cam said running a hand through his dark unkempt hair.
“You don’t have to if u don’t want to Cam ...”
“Camridon” cam said interrupting.
“Beg my pardon what did you say?” Vanora asked
“My name is Camridon, the village called me Cam because that’s what Marianna told them my name was.” He said staring at her intently.
Vanora stared at him “Ok Camridon maybe you should explain.”
He smiled warmly “That’s what I thought” he chuckled.
“I was a child of the King named Freidan. we were on our way to the castle to see the new born baby princess. We lived across the sea on the continent of Malinor I was four and knew little of the ways of the world but father told me we were off to see my future queen. I was just excited to be traveling. When we made port here in Salina we were attacked by a band of thieves’ father told me to run and hide” Camridon stared at the candles flame gritting his teeth
“I hid and I watched them slaughter my father, we had our guards with us but they were paid to betray us. When they finished off my father they yelled out a threat saying if I tried to go home all id find is my mother and sisters dead, and that if I tried to reclaim my throne from their leader they’d strike me down like they did my father. I was a small child who just watched his beloved father be murdered so I sat in my hiding spot and wept. That’s when Marianna found me she held a small bundle of sheets in her arms saying she could help me. She asked my name and asked why I sat there and cried. I told her the whole story and she offered to take care of me. I liked her she was so much like my own mother so I agreed to leave with her. When we made it to the gypsy village she took me into her caravan fed me and cleaned me up.” Camridon stopped to wipe tears off Vanora’s face.
Vanora never realized she was crying until now. She felt terrible for him.
“She told me that the baby she was carrying was very special and that she was a princess I then in return told her how I was a prince. Me being so young she did not explain much all she said was that when I was older I would be very important. When I turned twelve she brought me into her caravan again and said that she wanted me to be your friend because you would need me, I had no problem with that because I already fancied you. She also told me that I would begin training to become stronger so that I could defend myself and others. You and I became good friends as you know. And when I was sixteen and she told me about your transformations and what you looked like and how to take care of you. For years now I’ve trained and watched you. Now I am to help you get to the rebellion train alongside you and assist you in defeating your father.”
“Camridon…I’m sorry… I had no idea.” Vanora said staring at him wanting to reach out and comfort him.
“I’ve told you everything, now get some rest we need to find a ship that will take us to the island.” Camridon said changing the subject.
“You need rest to though.” Vanora said.
“Vanora there’s only one bed, and I would never assume that I could have shared it with you.” Camridon said with a thoughtful smile.
“No please I don’t mind we both need rest.” Vanora stammered.
“Very well then. Rest easy I won’t let anyone bother us while you sleep. Tomorrow we find safe passage to the island.”
It’s dark and empty. Where was she? Who was she? She was Vanora she was just herself alone existing in this void of darkness. She opened her eyes and all was dark, she looked down to see if she were real but nothing could be seen through the bright blinding light that was her being.
“Vanora!” a deep thunderous voice rang through the void.
Vanora’s heart skipped a beat, who was there?
“Vanora you my child are embarking on a dangerous quest. You plan to train and kill the king who is none other than your father. Are you strong enough to do that? Murder your own flesh and blood?” The voice chided.
The black void lit up in a flash and changed to gorgeous field of flowers. The flowers were all white with deep blood red swirls.
“There Called Dragon lilies.” the voice said.
Swirling rainbow orbs of light flitted through the air. Walls of waterfalls surrounded the entire field filling the air with a faint mist. Looking up she saw something, someone coming toward her. An elderly looking man with four feet of hair that seemed to flow behind him. He wore a large set of deep blue robes etched with silver vinyl designs. Around his neck was an hourglass with was blue sapphires instead of sand. His eyes were a frightening electric blue that looked as if they could freeze time. The deep lines in his face suggested great stress throughout time, his whole body see to have a blue time stilling aura.
“Well what say you?” the man said
“What he’s done is wrong. And I am no child of his, he cast me off from the moment he saw me.” Vanora said staring into his eyes.
“Very well” he said thoughtfully. Child do you me?”
The name popped into her head.
He smiled warmly “Yes I’m glad to see the wisdom we granted you is there”
Vanora cocked her head to the side and gave a quizzical look.
“You see child when we blessed you with the form of the dragon…”
“Blessed? I was told I was cursed” she interrupted.
Chronos sighed deeply and smiled “No young one, we cursed your father. We cursed him with the form of a mindless beast. You blessed one have been granted the power of control over you transformation as long as you stay pure of heart.”
Vanora blinked in surprise she never thought of herself as blessed this was a relief to hear from Chronos.
“As I was saying” he continued “we gifted you with the spirit of a dragon of the elder breed, meaning one that lived for a million years or more, as where your father is tied with a dragon from the Dark Alliance. It was our plan as gods of Lavinia to remove your father from the land but it seems that one of our gifted children from the Guild of Magi have aided the king. But the mage himself has only aided the king to aid himself. The mages name is Lucien he made an amulet for the king much like yours but with another purpose. The amulet allows the king to look human just as you do but it also allows the mage to control him, Lucien also made it to were only he may touch it.”
- by Gypsy_Lelianna |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/13/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Secret Child
- Artist: Gypsy_Lelianna
- Description: i want to be an author more than anything in the world but i dont reallypossess the skill needed here something i start and i will finish its only the begining no where near done so please read and enjoy :)
- Date: 09/13/2010
- Tags: secret child
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Comments (5 Comments)
- aull1 - 12/31/2010
- why is it every other evil villan b named lucien??
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- Gypsy_Lelianna - 10/13/2010
- of course smile i havent or a while because of work and college and alot of people say it wasnt good enough to keep writing but as long as i have fans i will continue to post away smile
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- ThetaNine - 10/12/2010
- are you goingto write more because so far it is very good
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- Gypsy_Lelianna - 09/13/2010
- also a warning im in love with romance so yea my story is kinda gunna have some retarded love stuff lol
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- Gypsy_Lelianna - 09/13/2010
- so according to my computer i have 32 pages typed oh for those who have read this and liked it AND your an arstist id like someone to make a cover page im a grapic designerbut i think true art by hand is a better feel for this
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