• Commander Kale, Sean Mimura, and the others had checked on us to see if we were alright. He has received word from Shandris just recently about the invasion. But thanks to his aid, we were ready to move on with our next phase of action.

    Commander Kale: I just received word from Shandris. Don't worry; you're all safe!

    Raymond Findley: Thank you for helping us.

    Commander Kale: No problem. We're glad to come just in time.

    Sean Mimura: How long until they return?

    Commander Kale: I have no idea, Sean. They probably won't be returning for a week or so. If they're busy regrouping their forces, then we should do so while we still can. But anyway... I'm glad to see that all of you are alright.

    Me: Eh, you mean some of us?

    Commander Kale: I know what I mean. Some of your guys' men are already dead. Anyway... we need to move on to our next phase of action. [turns to his men] ALRIGHT, MOVE OUT!

    [sometime later back in Shandris' base camp]

    Shinji Mimura: So I heard that Barton is conquered by the undead.

    Soren Whisperwind: How did you know?

    Shinji Mimura: I was conducting some trading activities in Barton.

    Soren Whisperwind: YOU were in Barton? Well, I didn't see you. Even David and Baruch didn't see you.

    Shinji Mimura: Actually, I was in disguise. I was trying to obtain some plutonium for my uncle and his army so that they can get started on working their latest superweapon projects. I was hooded since plutonium is apparently outlawed in some parts of the world. Now, I'm a wanted fugitive.

    Baruch van Austins: That sounds like me and Dave being wanted for several counts of murder in other places of the world.

    Shinji Mimura: Denzel Crassus is behind all of this. He once captured me and used me for ransom, leaving my uncle a message to surrender his armies or he would see me dead the next day. He's outlawing several things to try and prevent us from rebelling back.

    Soren Whisperwind: This is apparently getting offhand.

    Me: We need a way to retaliate.

    Shinji Mimura: I'm working on it.

    Katherine Crane: But how did you manage to escape?

    Shinji Mimura: I wasn't expecting one of my uncle's soldiers at Crassus' fortress. He came to my cell and revealed his disguise, saying that he found himself separated from one of my uncle's colonies when the undead invaded. He appears to be the only survivor, so he lead me out safely. We had to rely on stealth.

    Katherine Crane: Wow... that must have been clever.

    Crystal Cheung: Sounds like they never found out you've escaped.

    Shinji Mimura: I wouldn't say that. They've probably know about my escape, so my uncle is expecting them to retaliate.

    Shizuku Ikata: But what's our plan?

    Shinji Mimura: I'm trying to open up a warp gate. We can transport to other places in the world to attack in every place we can. If we acquire enough technology and secrets from other animated and undead forces, we should strengthen our clans and armies to create the greatest one made---one even bigger than Crassus' army.

    Me: So we're retaliating?

    Shinji Mimura: Kind of. I wanted to help you all retake Barton from the undead first of all.

    Me: Welcome to our clans, brother.

    Baruch van Austins: Glad to have you on our side.

    Shinji Mimura: It's an honor.

    Soren Whisperwind: So, do you have men of your own?

    Shinji Mimura: I'm usually with my uncle while he's commanding his army, but other than that, I get to have one also since I'm capable of hacking into technology in certain situations. Lately, I've been hacking into British technology for their funds. They'll never even trace me back here. Even if they did, they wouldn't stand a chance against my uncle and his men. But other than that, I should help you all with our next phase of action.

    Shinon Stormrage: You're going to try and power up the warp gate?

    Shinji Mimura: Yes, but I'm going to need help from my uncle. With that, we should be able to enter so we can plan attacks on our own.

    Soren Whisperwind: Our battle plans recently while you were with your uncle have been made. If you want, you can join us.

    Shinji Mimura: Don't worry; I'll be there with my men to help you all. Besides, give me a couple of days to re-connect my laptop so I can start making adjustments for our battle preparations. Until then, just get all of your men and clan brethren prepared.

    Soren Whisperwind: Will do.

    Shinon Stormrage: I'll be sure to train my brothers efficiently.

    Shinji Mimura: Good. I'll see you all later, then.

    [we all leave Shinji's base to train our men and ourselves even harder while Shinji begins to carry on what he's about to do for our next set of plans in the future]

    (End of Chapter 10, Part 2)