• Chapter 1 part 3

    My eyes snapped open when I felt cold water hit my skin the small ice that was left in my hair seemd to have vanished "What do you mean you dont know?!"Someone yelled I tried to remember what happed how it happened hat excatly did I experience the hands on my black sweater pulled me up "I dont know All I did was tell her to get out so I could work!"The other figure yelled. My mind sudden clicked I had blacked out experienced something I knew I shouldnet have the hands pushed me back under water not enough time for me to gasp, I start panicing when I see a black shadow rise from the drain and inch toward me. I scream out loud and thrash my head around a thousand bubbles blur my vision I try to kick my way free from the hands to let me go but its like they dont notice "Move! your gonna drown her!"another person yells I feel the weight of the hands are removed and I hit the bottom hard I search desperatly for something hold on but find nothing but air. The shadow in up torwards my face and is about to claim me when A cold hand grabs mine and pulls me up, I can practiclly see my brerath when I break the surface fully I turn to see Brianna's face inches from me "Are you ok?" She asked helping me up I nood breathing in deeply I feel the weight of two towels hit me I see Vincent with a third towel and shakes my short hair "Annebelle are you allright?!"He says bending on both of his knees so her can look me in the eye "Yea I just black out sorta" I wince My voice sounds like im a chain smoker or something "This is all your fault!" I see Mom Dr. Smith says. I look at her and see she's glaring at my father "My fault I didnt do anything to her!" I look down knowing that a fight is gonna break out between them "Your the reason she like this you hardley pay attention to her. Whenever she's around its like you change into a whole diffrent person!"She yells "Thats not true I treat Her as equally as I do with Vincent and-"He stops short and looks down but Dr. Smith dosent stop "That is a big fat lie You treat Vincent like he's the star football player. but when Anne walks in you yell and scream at her if Alex could see you-" My father faces turns a dark red "DONT YOU DARE BRING HIM INTO THIS KATE" He yells so loud I can see the water from the bath tub vibrate, I hate it when they fight, I hate it when they cant stand each other, I hate it when they bring up Alex, I hate it more because when they fight its always because of me. Alex was more older brother he was like the father I never had he cared more about me then my dad did, when mom was off working late and dad was to busy to deal with me (He mostly cared for vincent since Alex was atleast 17) Alex would play board games with me, watch movies, chase me around with the vaccum leaner, and read me stories that would stop time it self. I still remember that time date and place and reason when it happened. it was 10 o'clock at night roads fairly empty but there were still some people driving to get home to their families it was friday night on October 21 near the ocean I was bugging him to much about how Brianna and how she had ditched me at the park and left me alone but had come back when she saw me crying, I could tell he was in a bad mood because he didnt talk much on the way I was in the back seat hitting him on the shoulder to pay attention and to snapp out of his bad mood when he glared at me from the back seat and told me to sit down and to be quite he crashed into the side of the road where it divides the lanes I remember the sparks of flame, my screams, the explosion, the pain of a thousand bullets hitting my skin. I walked away from the crash with a shameful burn mark under my chin that gardley shows and a scar from the glass the exploded from the car on the back of my neck that trails all the way down to my waist and stops. I remember how they told us that they did everything they could but his burns were so bad they could hardley do anything I was five at the time. "The reason why I treat he so diffrent is because She killed him, she toke my first born son away from me"He yells pointing at me "Hey lay off her it wasent her fault things happen for a reason!"Vincent yells pushing him away from me I cant stand it anymore all this fightinig and because of me I drop the towels to the ground and push past vincent,my father and down the hall I hear more yelling comming from vincent and my mother I dont stop once I step outside I keep running down the street people complain and make rude comments when my wet clothes touch them I dont care what I say or how they look at me I dont care that im soaking wet, I dont care if my make up is tottaly ruined I keep running I hear car tires skreaching, feel the heat of the falme the small girls scream, the sirenes. I stumbled and fall on the cement when my heels break I look around and see that im in the abandonded part of the city I take off my heels and walk barefoot. I know their looking for me probably called the police....no i doubt it I walk over a large patch of grass and see a statue of a angel headstones are all around me. The grass feels like heavn to me sorta I search through the names and stop dead short when I see his name Alexander Smith Beloved brother, friend,and hero I fall to my knees and shake badly and start crying the flowers I put here a week ago and already dead from the coldness in the air my hands clech the patch of grass and almost rip it out of the ground I feel a hand touch my shoulder and see Vincent with Brianna next to him he holds his hand out to me and I take it he hands me his jacket but dosent say a word and leads me to the car Brianna pats my back and whispers "Dont worry you wont be in pain anymore"She says i was about to ask her what she ment but she has dissaperaed behind me the cemetary cracks and falls into thousand of peices the angel that once stood to protect all the souls that passed over has fallen and bruned.....
    They wont listen to me........