• "Hey Kura! C'mon we gotta go meet Yuki and Tohru at Le Cafe!" said Kyo from down stairs. "Okay gimme a second!" Kura called from up stairs in their room. "Hurry!" he said back. "DON'T TELL ME WAT TO DO!!!" she yelled. "Okay..." When Kura came down she was wearing a long black dress. "You look great!" he said. "Thank you..." said Kura.
    ~ ~ ~

    Yuki and Tohru were already sitting at their table. Suddenly Yuki pointed out, "There they are..." Tohru turned 2 find Kyo and Kura behind her. She was frightened at how close they were near her that she fell out of her chair. "Tohru!? Are you okay...?" asked Yuki getting up quickly. "Yes..." said Tohru getting up and sitting back in her chair as Kura and Kyo sat down. "So how are you?" asked Kyo directing the question to Yuki. "Good..." said Yuki. "So where is Rin and Haru?" asked Kura. "He and Rin are on their way..." said Tohru. "Oh okay..."
    ~ ~ ~
    Sesshomaru had gotten a call from Haru saying he wanted Rin and him to go to the cafe with Him and Rin. Sesshomaru agreed to it and now they were riding in a taxis to the cafe. When they got there they sat down. "Introduction first," said Yuki. "Im Yuki, thats Kyo, Kura, and Tohru...!" said Yuki. "And Im Sesshomaru and this is Rin..." said Sesshomaru. "Rin huh? same as Rin Sohma's..." said Kyo laughing. "Yep!" said both Rin and Rin S.
    ~ ~ ~
    Rin and Sesshomaru finaly got home after having dinner with Rin S., Haru, and their new friends. Sesshomaru layed on his bed and pulled Rin causing her 2 lay ontop of him. "Rin...?" he said. "Y...yes?" said Rin blushing. "I...uh I wanted to know if you had fun...?" he said. Again he could not tell her how he felt. "Y...yeah..." said Rin.