Chapter 22 - Master Thomas's treachery

    (Music playing - Onslaught/ Megaman ZX )Download

    *The ships from the sage trinity began to open fire on the MDF ships, the Gieselshaft, and the guardian base. The allarms in all ships began to blare and tremendous sounds of footsteps as if people were running the hallways of each vessel prepairing for evasive action.*

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    *On board the Pillar......*

    Phil= The crazy old git! How could he!?

    John= After all we been through.....

    Mikhail= John,....are you ok son?

    Kay= It must be Dr. Weil's work. He did something to Thomas, im sure of it.

    John= Weil must have planned this incase Albert would fail.

    Phil= Im giving out all of my mechanloids to attack the fleet of ST's. John, you go on ahead and see if you can join up with Prometheus, Pandora, and Zero. You can take Kaolla and her friends with you.

    *Suddenly, the transmission from the guardian base broadcasted the Pillar.*

    Vent (radio)= Phil. Im contacting Kaolla. Were going down there too.

    Aile (radio)= We still have some bones to pick with those other megamen.

    Phil= Good timing. Im sending John to join you. Me and my mates will draw these guys away, you get Prairie to get that Guardian base out of there!

    Prairie (radio)= Understood. Look, on our radar. The Giga city military has arrived.

    Phil= Put them through.

    Giga army captain (radio)= This is the captain of the Gigaforce reploid deltasquad. We finnaly realized that the sage trinity was using it's good name to commit this action for hostile intent. Were greatful for what you did for us Captain Phil. Getting rid of that Dr. Wily and Dalton, and bless the young man for saving our police force back at that forest island.

    John= That would be me sir.

    Giga army captain (radio)= *Salutes* Salutations John! We heard of your valiant actions. Were very sorry to put you as the pirates and terrorists. Our most apologies.

    John= Apology accepted. Im sorry for all of this mess. I did some bad things too, but those I couldnt help.

    Giga army captain (radio)= We are now commencing the attack on the Sage Trinity attack squadron. Attention team! Protect those ships! Shoot down any vessel who attacks either ship on the protection list. Attack!!

    Phil= It's fun time. John! Go with Kaolla now!

    John= Im ready. I got all my biometal too!

    Model A= Were ready to roll!

    Model S= Im in a fighting mood myself!

    Kay= John, before you go. Here, take Model K with you too. Just incase.

    Model K= Im glad to be with you once more John. Great to have you back. I havent megamerged with you for a long time. Oh well, im ready whenever you need me.

    Kaolla= Johnny! Were getin ready!

    John runs to the Tardis to join Kaolla, Ashe, Grey, and the others. The Tardis dematerializes and goes to the guardian base to pick up Vent and Aile and transports again to a location near the sage trinity HQ.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    John= Look at all those fighters. Thomas must have had this planned this whole time.

    Vent= John, im not sure if Thomas is truly a traitor or not.

    Aile= It's safe to go make sure.

    Grey= John.... im so sorry. You must have felt really bad for Thomas to betray you like that.

    Ashe= Don't worry John. We will find out soon enough.

    Vent= Here's the plan. We stick together to find the wareabouts of Prometheus, Pandora, and Zero and make sure there ok. We will also keep the main ground forces busy while we allow John to work his way up to the sage trinity main office.

    Aile= John, dont try to use that transport hack again, they may expect it.

    Kaolla= Oh, John. before you go,... take this biometal with you too.

    *Kaolla hands John Model SA.*

    John= What we salvaged from the space pirates. I miss seing this one.

    Kaolla= I gave it some upgrades some time ago when you were missing. Im sure it will come in handy. John, you better get going. Im going to transport the Tardis and see if I can distract them to help make it easier for you to get inside.

    John= Thanks Kaolla. Ready guys?

    (Music playing - Dynasty/ Megaman X 8 )Download

    *John, Vent, Aile, Grey and Ashe went together in the outskirts of the Sage Trinity, and when the loose mavericks cought sight of them, they didnt hesitate to attack. John megamerged with Model SA and fired some blasts at the mechanloids while Grey and Vent shot more incoming mechanloids from behind. Ashe and Aile took the ones in each corner. After that, they continue to advance in the sector and found some broken mechanloids already slashed up by beam weapons and Ice and electric burns on some other ones.*

    Grey= Pandora.....Prometheus....Zero. They were here.

    Ashe= Ohhhh, I hope their ok.

    Vent= Im sure they are. They can handle mecanloids anyway.

    Aile= What about those dreadful X hunters?

    John= Their dead. Something else may be at work if there was something stronger.

    Vent= I tell you what John, let us search for Prometheus, Pandora, and Zero. You go on ahead and take care of Thomas.

    John= Ok, you 4 just be careful.

    *John left the group and continued on ahead and opened fire on incoming mechanloids. When he reached the building, John entered the door and advanced through the loby, then suddenly there was a huge swarm of ghalleon bikers ready to ambush but John megamerged with Model SA, used his space jump and screw attack and suprisingly took out the entire row of them. John then went in deeper and as he did, there were some of sage trinity mechanloids (Like the ghalleons and the pantheons except they were white painted and different desighn), but John didnt hesitate to take them out. John did have Model S with him but no cyber soul came out when he took them out.*

    Model S= That's strange.... no cyber soul came out of these guys.

    John= I bet Thomas figured out about you. Only one way to find out why.

    *Then John took the other loby hallway and blasted more mechanloid defense lines and when there was a tight spot where John was pinned in a corner by mechanloid fire, John hid in a corner and casted (Ice 2) and incinerated them into sheets of ice and they fell apart. Then John continued ahead and took an elevator and went all the way to the top and once he stepped out, there was more hallways through the sage trinity facility, and John could see assault ships and mechanloids being created by a strange machine big as a baseball stadium.*

    John= Damnit Thomas. Why are you doing this!?

    *John went in further and suddenly, there was a missle that shot the glass incased catwalk and the missle blasted away most leaving metal derbis. But John looked at the debre carefully. And see that John could use the Model SA's spider ball and ball boost abilities on the metalic parts to get across. John rolled into a morph ball with Model SA's abilities and tried it out. 1 minnute later, it worked, John got across using these techneqes. John then entered the next door and took another elevator.*

    (Music changes to - The chosen one/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    *Meanwhile....Thomas in the sage trinity, command chamber sitting on his huge throne like commander chair, observed the screens as he watched both the MDF ships, Bonnes and Giga city armada fight his army.*

    Thomas= Foolish Gigans. Why to they side with those people for?

    Dr. Weil= Their reploids who believed in the legendary X and Zero. They were too loyal to the MDF.

    Thomas= I see.

    Dr. Weil= Dont forget that Master X was YOUR creation.

    Thomas= I know that, and as for John, he posseses all of the biometal that I created several hundered years ago. When I believed in John, I released capsules with the biometal inside to aid him and help him fight against Albert.

    Dr. Weil= Now that Albert is defeated for good, John is needed no more.

    Thomas= Indeed. Although, I did tell him to take those blueprints I gave him to despose of, but instead he foolishly kept them, and allowed them to be duplicated. I should have never intristed him with those in the first place. I regret helping John with something like this.

    Dr. Weil= And look what happened, he took it too far. Look at the biometals he has other than the MEGA system, those biometal resembling persocoms and aliens. And even his most trusted ally Phillip, is making custom biometals of his own too. And now Megaman Gaea is now upon us and guess who's to blame?

    Thomas= John.....

    Dr. Weil= And now HE'S the megaman king. Do you actually think John can hold responsible to such a title? I think you should let your new friends take a licking at him for the title. Albert is dead, so John has the title, and Aelous and his friends will now pursue him.

    *Suddenly, the security allarm went off in that room with red lights flashing*


    Thomas= What!?

    Dr. Weil= He's here allong with his precous allies. The king and his squires.

    Thomas= So he's going that far eh?

    *Suddenly, Omega Zero enters the chamber.*

    Omega Zero= Master, let me take care of John this time. I am thirsting for revenge.

    Dr. Weil= Not this time my boy. You have a more important task. We will be leaving here soon and I need you to get ready. By the way, did you talk with those guys from the Haniball?

    Omega Zero= Yes, but one of them wants to defect to us. It appears that Tom is loosing his allies. He only has that Kane guy left.

    Dr. Weil= Ever since Groder left for the other world, he was down to 3, now 2.

    Omega Zero= This Alfred Wesker has already been released and he's going to take care of John incase Thomas's 4 are to fail.

    Thomas= John is indeed formadable, but not invincible. If Aelous and his team fail, it will be up to Wesker to manhandle John.

    Dr. Weil= Then it's settled. I will leave Tom and Kane in your hands Thomas. We can take the Haniball as our transport since it already has dimensonal jump technology.

    Omega Zero= Let's go to that world shall we? I like to see this....other guy you met.

    Dr. Weil= Im glad your eager. Let's go Omega.

    *Dr. Weil and Omega Zero left the room. After that, Thomas pressed a button contactng Aelous.*

    Thomas= Aelous.

    Aelous (radio)= Yes master Thomas?

    Thomas= John is in the facility and is heading your way. You and the other 3 team up against him and use extreme force. He's nothing like dealing with Albert or his creations. He's far more formadable. He's even more dangerous since he's now the megaman king.

    Aelous (radio)= Understood master. We are ready for him this time.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Meanwhile, the elevator traveling across the facility stops at another sage trinity facility and there is another loby and hallway, but it was quiet and with no mechanloids.*

    John= This is strange. Nothing hostile here. I better be careful, this could be a trap.

    *John enters a big security door and there he entered a big room full of platforms, bulky combat equipment and it seems to be a combat chamber. Suddenly, Aelous, Sirnaq Thetis, and Atlas teleported infront of John's path.*

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    (Music playing - Fate - deep seated grudge/ Megaman ZX )Download

    Aelous= John..... megaman king.... this is as far as you go from here.

    Atlas= At last, we meet again. This is not going to be like last time.

    Thetis= I really look forward to playing with you again.


    John= Aelouls, not this again. Can't you guys see that something's wrong with Thomas. Now he's using you like Albert did. Dr. Weil is using you all.

    Aelous= Using us? Dont be stupid. Were granted a second chance to become mega man king. all 5 of us will fight to the very last and the one remaining will be the one and only mega man king.

    Atlas= It's been good knowing you all, but I guess good things shall come to an end.

    Thetis= Your a real nice guy, and I di like you. But this chance to become megaman king, I just cant turn down.


    John= Listen, you dont have to continue with this. We can talk this over.

    Aelous= Will you just shut up!!

    John= NO!! Do not anger me! If I have to battle you all to convince you your wrongs then you leave me no choice!

    Atlas= That's the attitue I like from you.

    Thetis= This is going to be fun.


    John= Im telling you for you rown good, your no match for me, even with you 4 combined. Your plans are folly.

    Aelous= I believe the only folly is yours. Computer, activate the devise.

    (Music stops)

    *Suddenly, a contraption made of crude metal and materials levitated from the celing trap door and a crystal in the center activated and John felt wierd.*

    John= What the hell is that!?

    *John tried to use one of his magic spells but there was no way he could do it. His magic powers were blocked by that contraption.*

    Aelous= Your magic powers are now useless. Dr. Weil kindly salvaged this from Queen Zeal and Dalton, you cant use your magic to defend yourself now.

    Thetis= Look's like there's no stopping us now, plus that thing is way out of range for you to shoot at.

    Atlas= No more playng cheap now. And there's another suprise too.

    *Suddenly, there were attack machines activation and now aiming at John.*

    Aelous= So lady and gentlemen, let the games begin.

    (Music playing - Boss battle/ Plok)Download

    *John megamerged with Model SA, began to take evasive action and the 4 megamen scatttered and began their attack and now their using advanced moves and stradegys and now John not being able to use his magic and with all these machines fiering lasers and missles at him only, puts him in a serious bind, as John fiers his blaster at the 4 megamen as they opened fire at him. The activated battle similator devices began to project images of mechanloids to distract John and attempt to blind him from his opponents. John tried to counter with some of Model SA's moves as the morph ball bombs and morph ball dash, but John was able to get through the area but the chamber began to change and the ground began to take shape and become too rigid to use morph ball abilities, and John switched biometals to Model SH, then John used Model SH's jump and homing lunge attack on Aelous since he was controling the machines but John bumped into Aelous's triple elec beam projectile and took damage from it, then Thetis got him from behind with an ice dragon attack and John took a fair amount of damage. Sirnaq used a dark throwing star on John but John sucsessfully evaded that attack with some luck. Atlas jumped in front of him and gave him a taste of the megaton buster attack and John flung to the wall. John was grunting in pain but he wasnt out just yet. John switched biometal to Model G and used some ryu bullet attacks and the pipe attack. John was able to land some damage to the groups of the rouge megamen but there were too many obstacles changing and the room kept changing constantly and it gave the rouge guardians an unfair advantage against John. John switched to Model MR, and used ninja style manovers to evade and counter the 4 megamen and all of a sudden, Model MR talked to John after she did some scanning of the room.*

    Model MR= John, listen, that machine in the far celing is enfeebling your magic, and your magic is the only thing that can stop these machines and the rouge megamen.

    John= How do I get up there?

    Model MR= Use Model C. She can use the phenox jump, not even I can do that. Just incase you forgot.

    John= Thanks Model MR.

    *John megamerges with Model C and John performs a phenox jump with her.*

    Aelous= Damn! He's going for the mana bender.

    Thetis= We got to follow him up there.

    Aelous= Ill use my remote for the chambers devices. Ill make sure he never reaches it!

    *John manovered the machine parts and devices that could never be manovered by standard wall kicking, John used Model C's acrobatic ability to stick to the walls and underbellies of the machine parts untill he reached the mana bender, and then smashed the crystal and the mana bender was broken. John was able to use magic again.*

    Atlas= He broke the mana bender!


    Thetis= The machines! QUick! Let's go after him.

    *John drops down steadly dodging the machines that were changing the room and John casted (Antipode 4) on the chamber's room and the machines quickly took severe damage and the parts of the mechanisms begin to malfuntion and break apart. Several bits of derbis were falling and one landed on Thetis trapping him. Another pipe cought Sirnaq by his leg and Atlas was knocked out by a bolt, but Aelous tripped on the derbis and injuring himself. John lands unscaved and then he realises the whole room was about to give.*

    Aelous= Are you happy now mega man king!?

    Thetis= Help me guys! HELP!


    John= If Phil saved Prometheus and Pandora, I can save you guys as well.

    Model C= Chii!!

    *John pulls the derbis off Thetis and picks him up, then John used Model C's wire tenticle to rip the pipe that held Sirnaq and John quickly grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder and used another set of grapple wires to grab Atlas and Aelous.*

    Aelous= What are you doing!?

    John= Getting you out of here.

    *John carried all 4 megamen and dashed to the far section where the door was and escaped in time.*

    (Music stops)

    *John carefully layed down the 4 megamen and took a breather before he casted his healing magic on them.*

    Thetis= If it wasnt for John....I...I wouldive been a goner.

    Aelous= Were.....allive.....why do you spare us? We are your enemies.


    *Suddenly, Atlas begins to awaken.*

    Atlas= What happened? Did we get him?

    Thetis= He got us.....and he saved us! He saved us from our own trap.

    John= I had no idea that the chamber would give like that.

    Aelous= Why.....why did you save us?

    John= A friend told me in the MDF,.... there are no one concidered despensible. That's what my good friend Phil tought me when he recovered Prometheus and Pandora and resurected them.

    Aelous= Phil? You mean ...... him? We fought with him when we were attacked by space pirates.

    Atlas= That's right. Phil helped us all out.

    (Music playing - Heroine/ Sin & Punishment)Download

    Thetis= And Phil was nice enough to provide us backup even after he did ruin our mission retrieving that Model W.

    Sirnaq= .......

    John= And that's why,...im doing the same for you. The kids I was with, Ashe and Grey...There was something I also learned from them. We dont need a reason to save lives. It's not your ordeals and powers that makes you a megaman, it's not something you are commanded to do, it's your very own choices and doing what's right. Like saving people, it dosent matter if their weak or strong. It's giving those people a chance that counts. Dr. Weil missues these words and Albert had long forgotten them. And now Thomas is somehow been corrupted by Dr. Weil.

    Aelous= And what about Dalton and Zeal?

    John= Omega Zero and Model W claimed their lives. There was nothing I couldive done to save them.

    Atlas= How would you know that?

    John= I fought Dr. Weil before. Twice. And those biometal you have..... there the remains of my old friends. Model H, Model F, Model L, and Model Ph. They are the essence of friends who fought allong side me. They would give their lives to fight against Dr. Weil. Those biometal should know that these actions you were put through were absolutely wrong. But Thomas removed their data. And that's why im returning it to them. Model C, Model FA. help them.

    *John removed Model C from himself and Model FA flew to the 4 roughe megamen allongside Model C and baited them in a glowing aura.*

    Thetis= What's this.....AHHHHH! Data is flowing to me.

    Atlas= AHHHHH!! My head!

    Sirnaq= INCOMPREHINCABLE! Arghhhh!!

    Aelous= GUYHHHH!!

    ?????= Data log unknown, specal program ignitiated, backup data for biometal Model H, Model L, Model F, and Model Ph ready to install in biometal and megamen. ....... This is the specal program of the C.I.E.L. system installed in Model C and Model FA, the biometal data recovery system, will also work on revamping corrupted megamen.

    Atlas....who lost her country due to the maverick wars and believes trouble, fighting, and looking down on weaker people would make her a leader. It's not strength, and being a solder that counts as a megaman, it's what you can do to help others that are hurt by war.

    Aelous...... Neatness and perfection isnt the answer to everything. You have allies who fight allonside you yet you doubt them. give others a chance.

    Thetis..... although progress is made in many ways, you give great heart to the enviroment, but hatred towards humanity will never heal anything.

    Sirnaq..... one who was betrayed by former ally hunters, one who's heart is broken by distrust. broken hearts can mend in time and make room for new friends.

    This is the conclusion of the specal program I created and now you are freed by the control of hate that Dr. Weil influenced upon you all. Sincerely yours.....Dr. Ciel.

    John= Ciel!? .... No way!?

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Aelous, Sirnaq, Thetis, and Atlas awaken from their former concousness and after being in the aura of Model C and Model FA, they begin to act differently.*

    (Music playing - Goodbye/ Megaman Legends)Download

    Aelous= So.... this is the councous of the biometal. We were tricked by Thomas all allong.

    Thetis= So he was working with Albert the whole time and .....

    Atlas= I cant believe this.

    Sirnaq= ......

    John= Your free from the corruption now. I leave the choices on your own. Low listen to your true hearts. I hope we meet again soon ok.

    *John dashed to the next loby and hallways.*

    Aelous= I dont believe it, we tried to kill him and .... he saved us and forgave us.

    Atlas= I dont feel like hating him anymore. Look at what he showd us.

    Thetis= He's a really great guy afterall. Just like captain Phil. I wish I had a friend like that.

    Sirnaq= .......FRIEND.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Meanwhile in the control room...... Thomas already observed everything in the battle chamber and watched all the fights with John and the 4 rouge guardians.*

    (Music playing - The chosen one/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    Thomas= John.... YOU!!

    Wesker= So John survived the assault afterall.

    Thomas= Have you any idea how long it took me to recondition those people and the biometal they had!!?

    Wesker= I can tell how angry you are, leave John to me!

    Thomas= Very well. I will leave him to you.

    Wesker= I am honored Master athomas. By the way, what will happen to Tom and Kane?

    Thomas= I will release them from their custody and condition them myself. The MDF will pay for this outrage.

    Wesker= Good luck Thomas.

    *Wesker leaves the room.*

    Thomas= All scientific personell, what do you make of the biometal that suject Tom McDonnald posseses?

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Meanwhile.....John now megamerged with Model S moving throgh the sage trinity military corridors taking out the mechanloids with ease and finaly, he entered this dark ghastly chamber with tanks and pipes and machines.*

    Model S= oooh so scarry.

    John= Take it easy Model S. The trinity looks very glum now. Most of them are fighting Phil's army as we talk.

    Model S= But netherless, that was great for what you did for those other megamen back there.

    ?????= And that was rather disgusting too.

    John= Huh?

    Model S= Now that was rather rude!

    (Music playing - Mission 1,3, & 4/ Devil may cry 2 )Download

    *A fell voice echoed through the dark chamber and a man dressed in jet black with short cut black hair and shaded glasses appeared from the higher catwalk of the chamber, it was none other than Wesker himself.*

    John= Wait..... He looks familiar. Isnt he with Tom's crew?

    Wesker= You can say, I pretended to be his crew. You see, John. Im my own boss. I don't intend to stay with that medlesome kid as his crewmember. I only voulenteered because I was doing favors for my own ends.

    John= So you were actually just using Tom?

    Wesker= That's right. And I also seen your triumph over those 4 megamen. Im rather disapointed in Aelous and his pitful teamates. If I was in your place, I would have killed them all!

    John= Well im glad im not like you!

    Wesker= Well that's just too bad isnt it? *chuckles*

    Model S= You meanie! Killing those megamen would make us murderers. Those megamen suffered terrible losses and went through a rough life like we did. There were just mere victims themselves!

    Wesker= Where did you get such a rediculous biometal from anyway? I bet it was that loathsome Phillip who made it for you.

    Model S= No! Im not his desighn! Im from a specal maker.

    Wesker= *BAH* It dosent matter what biometal you have anyway. I don't need biometal to fight, you see. I am very different from any other human being. Like you, im not from this world, I once worked for a compny that produced viral based chemicals, although it did worse than kill hundereds of people. The compound turned it's victims into zombies.

    John= That's horrible!

    Model S= All those people.....

    Model SH= ARGH! You are sick!

    Model MA= That sounds horrific!

    Model A= Sacrificing many people like that? How could you?

    Model G= That's a total sin.

    John= There right. After hearing this, I think im gonna be sick!

    Wesker= *chuckles* I have a specal formula I worked on while studying the Model W before you sank it down. I have my very own verson of Uroboris I developed. My world needs healing, and reseting the world is the only thing that will save the world.

    John= That's the worst way of saving a world.

    Wesker= I heard enough from you and your squaking biometal. Before I go, I want to leave Captain Phil a memento of his foolishness.... your corpse!

    (Music changes to - Boss battle Noctpeteran/ Devil may cry 2 )Download

    *Wesker jumps off the catwalk and performs an acrobatic fliping and John dashes out of the way as he tried to perform a flying jump kick on John. John double megamerged with Model A and tried to shoot Wesker but he dodged every plasma bullet like a matrix film, even with John strifing and moving arround him, Wesker dodged them all, then Wesker performed the same move again and this time he landed his kick attack and it sent John flying to the wall.*

    Model S= AHHHH!! He's not like the other humans! He's strong and fast.

    John= He's not just anybody. If it's speed he wants, speed he's gonna get. Model S, you better set this one out for now. C'mon Model SH, let's do this!

    Model SH= Alright!

    *John switched to Model SH and megamerges and John perforrms a super dash attack and tried to bowl over Wesker with it, but Wesker dodged it in time and John jumps in the air and bounces off the walls as Wesker pulled out his guns and starts shooting at John. Then John performs a homing dash attack but Wesker dodged and fired another set of rounds and hit John.*

    John= GUAHH!!

    Model SH= Were not landing any hits man!

    John= We got to think of something. He cant be fought conventionally. I know, since he likes it dark, why not try...THIS!

    *John casts (Photon) on Wesker and it landed a hit on him and he shrieked in pain as the spell hit him.*

    Model SH= He didnt like that, that must be his weakness. He hates light!

    John= Wesker is in serious trouble now! Im a master of light magic!!

    Wesker= Don't count on it you jackass!

    *Wesker grabs some objects and starts throwing them at John and John dashed out of the way and uses his beam saber to slash the heavy objects Wesker threw at him. Then Wesker pulled out a ballistic bullet machine gun and started to shoot at John. Then Wesker began to move and jump to other locations in the dark chamber swiftly and quickly and began to opperate some machinery that activated the turret guns and se them all on John.*

    Model SH= John! Watch it! He's using turrets!

    John= Ill use Model SA for this one.

    *John switches biometal to Model SA and fires heat seeking missles on the turret guns and taking them out, but Wesker tried to jump from his high over the ground platform and tried to fly kick him again, but John morphed into a morphball and dashed out of the way leaving drop bombs that Wesker dodged from and John turned and fired a missle at Wesker, but Wesker grabbed the missle and struggled with it, and John fired a full charged shot at the missle and it exploded in Wesker's face, Then John dashed and gave him a point blank range taste of the screw attack and Wesker was flung to the wall and debre landed on him, then John used the arte (Prisim sword) and Wesker took some serious damage from the magical light element spell. Then Wesker's eyes began to glow red with anger through his jet black shades. He began to loose his temper and grow even more angry with his gritted teeth and fist clenching, he began to dodge at John and John jumped out of the way and switched biometals with Model PO, the biometal Phil gave him. John tried to use some of Prometheus's attacks such as the dashing fire pillars that Wesker had trouble evading and was getting pelted by the huge fire. Wesker tried to land some attacks on John, but John jumped from wall to wall swinging his scythe. Wesker began to jump from wall to wall like he did following after John and mimicking his movement. John casted (Photon) once more and Wesker began to shriek in pain again, and Wesker performed wall leaps and finally landed a dropping kick on John sent him flying to the wall and Wesker threw a grenade, and John quickly switche dBiometal to Model PA, and used the staff as a baseball bat battin gthe grenade back at Wesker but he dodged out of the way, and Wesker tried to pelt him again but John teleported in time and he reapeared in midair and launching electric barrages and rained them down upon Wesker, causing flashing explosions and Wesker was covering his eyes while attempting to dodge them, and several hit him, and John began to freeze the floor with a huge ice bomb and stayed airborn, Wesker began to wall kick and jump from wall to wall once more and tried to shoot at John but John teleported from one area to another.*

    John= Man, this guy can take a beating!

    Model PA= Stay on him John! Dont give up.

    Model PO= Your doing great handling the other biometal, but it's our turn now!

    *Wesker tried to jump out at John but John quickly switched to Model PO and performed a tempest scythe attack and pelted Wesker on the icy floor and he was slipping out of control, and John switched to Model SA again and fired another missle and Wesker grabbed it with his bare hands again, and John fired a charged shot at him and made the missle blow up in his face again and Wesker loudly graned in pain, then John found something he dropped and picked it up.*

    Model S= That shot contains his viral serum he takes to sustain himself.

    John= Im gonna try something.

    *Wesker tried to recover his footing but kept slipping on the ice and John casted (Photon) on him again and John injected the shot on Wesker giving him a whole dosage of the formula he dropped*

    (Music stops)

    Wesker= YAAAAARGHHHH!!

    John= Man, what the hell are you!?


    John= I still wouldnt get too close.

    Wesker= AHhh! I .... don't .... think you won!.... Im finished .... here.... Gotta.... run.

    *Wesker activates a teleporting device and he transported out of the dark chamber.*

    John= Man, he was something else.

    Model PO= Let's go. Thomas's office is just beyond this sector.

    Model PA= He has lots to answer for.

    *John quetly leaves the chamber and heads to the next loby and takes another elevator and enters a chamber where equipment for studying objects was found.*

    (Music playing - Soul Asylum/ Megaman X 7 )Download

    *John looked arround him and cought sights of screens showing images of the biometal plus blueprints of something John couldnt make out. John found some computer terminals, although John tried to scan them but the data was already cleared out. Then John entered another chamber, that was the controp room where Thomas sat. The chair was empty, and John found more hallway across the room and John went in deeper. Suddenly, John cought sight of Master Thomas packing up files and documents in his briefcase. John crept behind him but stopped at 20 feet away from him.*

    User Image

    John= Thomas.

    Thomas= I knew you would be ariving soon. I never managed that you would get this far. I knew you were comming here anyway and I dont care.

    John= I like to know what the hell were you doing back there!? Attacking the MDF after what we been through together! We worked together to help stop Albert and his crazy scheme to become the megaman king. We done it didnt we?

    Thomas= You still don't get it do you? Even with my former human self leaving you with those blueprints I told you to destroy centuries ago and you didnt listen to a word I said. Now you see what happens? The biometal that were made, the ones I created, and the ones that fell into the wrong hands.... they all chosen the people destined to become a megaman. This was also thanks to you as well. As far as your now involved in this, this makes you no different than Master Albert.

    John= But what about all I did for the continent of Abagale? What about what I did for the Guardians. What about what I did to help save the Sliter continent? What about the Giga region? All of the things I seen, the people I found and helped, all the historic things of this world I found and yet to find, all about...

    Thomas= SILENCE! You are sound just like Mikhial right now! I offered him the share of this and all he ever did was bable about history!

    John= This isnt like you Thomas! The one I know would never go cross of his own friends! Are you the real Thomas or another decoy like what Albert had?

    Thomas= .......

    John= And now you attack us, the very same allies who would have fought alongside you till the end, and now look at yourself. If there's someone who's becoming like Albert, it's you Thomas. You let Dr. Weil corrupt you and look what he turned you into!

    Thomas= You.... you interfeared in this worlds timelines and you let yourself become part of both it's sollution and it's problem. Now you leave me no choice.

    (Music stops)

    *Thomas sat down his briefcases and they teleported from the room, and Thomas lifted up his hand and held his large square sword and the red platings fell off the body of it and it had white, gold, red and orange parts transforming into a bigger sword.*

    Thomas= Know what this is? A memento from Dr. Weil. The remains of Rangrock! I call this one....Model RK!

    (Music playing - The end of legend/ Megaman Zero 2 )Download

    John= Thomas.... no. What had he done to you!? First he flipped out Prometheus and Pandora, Aelous and his friends, To Serpant, tried to do the same to Grey and me, and now you! Weil.... your a dead man, DO YOU HEAR ME! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THOMAS!! GUAHHHHH!!!

    *Suddenly, John's body began to emit a strange gold aura and it barely shook the room, the same power ever since he had from when he was in the planet Symphonia, when he suffered being brainwashed and powered by the very thing that nearly took his sanity now charging John's body with incredable energy.*

    Thomas= Your just going to get worse. Im really sorry for this son, but your time in this world is up. Model RK, MEGAMERGE!

    *Thomas megamerges with Model RK and gets cased in white and gold armor with the Rangrock sword and shield.*

    John= Thomas.... no, we shouldnt do this.

    Thomas= It's too late John! Im going to be Mega man king! You can't handle it!

    (Music changes to - Blood infactor/ Sin & Punishment)Download

    *Thomas dashes at John and tries to slash him with a few swings and even tried to use a shield hammer attack on John, John dodged out of the way with Model S megamerged with him. John countered with using his cybersoul attack, sawood blade at Thomas, giving him a hit, but was only a scratch.*

    John= Megamerging with a Dr. Weil made biometal, and im disapointed in you! I thought you were our savior!?

    Thomas= Im giving humans reploid bodies and reploids mortality! It will all begin once your dead! Tom! I request backup! Get here as soon as possible!

    *Thomas began to use another of his attacks like the sword rain and air cutter. John dodged them all, and John equipped cybersouls, Bullet type, Hyper bole, guardian type, Space pirate Sentry drone, and enchantment type, Whirling 44. John imediately used hie guardian cybersoul and the sentry drone familiar appeared shooting at Thomas while John launghed the hyper bole electric bolts and rained them on Thomas, Thomas tried to counter John with a tempest but John dodged out of the way and used his jump to counter attack since the cyber soul of Whirling 44 makes John's jumps into Model SH fashoned jump attacks. Thomas began to fire sword lasers and a few hit John and gave him decent damage.*

    John= Ahh!!

    Model S= Why dont he listen!?

    John= We can't let him win this.

    *Thomas now jumped and hovered in midair and released a ton of electric bolts, fireballs, and ice shards and they all rained down on John, giving him big damage. Then as John flinched, Thomas batted him with his big sword and sent John flying into the wall, John Megamerged with Model SH, and spindashed out of the way from Thomas's incoming shockwave attacks and missles.*

    John= Those attacks are somewhat familiar.

    Thomas= You dont reconise them!? There from the armor enchancements I made for my son centruies ago! I made them because there of MY desighn! Now the powers what I made for you will be turned against you!

    *Thomas began to glow brightly and his biometal took a new form, super armor formed on his biometal thus enhancing his powers.*

    John= This isnt gonna be good at all.

    *Looks like Thomas is drivin mad and is taking the fight to John. Now Tom is on his way, but what will happen once he reaches the chamber? Will the fight between Phil's army and Giga city hold back the sage trinity? Find out next time.*

    To be continued.......