• Dragons hatch alone;they are not brooding creatures.This is possible because of the high degree of autonomy of newly hatched dragons.Unlike human babies,hatchling dragons can defend for themselves.A dragon's scales can take on almost any color in the rainbow.Contrary to popular folklore,the color of the dragon's temperment or abilities

    The color of a dragon's scales depends entirely on the foods it eats when it is still a watchling.It is unclear what causes a dragon to prefer one food over another,it may simply be a matter of personal preference.

    When still a hatchling,a dragon can be captured with relative ease using cleverness or magic.The benefits of a captive dragon are many;as magical creatures,even their droppings are useful in magical rituals.

    The ethics of holding captive a sentient creature are,of course,quetionable...as is the wisdom of keeping such a creature for too long.

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