• John Goodwind stared down from his perch on Blacksock Building. The police were grouped on the building across from him. His good old buddy Cole had gotten caught again. "Man that guy has GOT to learn more stealth." Time to go save Cole, yet again. John jumped down to the balcony below him, grabbed onto the ventilation pole, and slid to the ground. He needed a diversion to get the cops attention away from Cole. Good thing the Boss had restocked up on smoke grenades. John pulled the pin and let it go. The effect was almost instantaneous. The cops turned around and slowly started advancing towards him. John had the element of surprise, but he needed to get Cole out of there. He sneaked out of the smoke and looked for a route to the building without getting spotted. It was too late though, John was spotted by a Surveyer. He ran toward a vending machine. John jumped onto a wall and leaped ontop of the vending machine. Without missing a step, he jumped up onto the fire escape of the building. Climbing stairs would take too long, so John got to the edge and flipped up each story to the top. The cops were hard on his heels, but the stairs should slow them down at least a little.

    End of Chapter 1