The Port of Gambino, Aithan mused to himself as he sat back after setting the bait on his line and casting it out, was a great place to either fish or relax or… both.
He had never been much of a serious fisherman – bass of all sorts from Lake Bass-ken was plenty fine for him for both food and sport – so fishing at the Port of Gambino was less of fishing and more of relaxing for him. If the fish weren’t biting, it was just as well as it gave him an excuse to take a break to roam along the piers and along the beach.
In fact, maybe THAT was why he liked fishing so much, period. After all –
A sudden jerk on his fishing pole interrupted his thoughts and after a split second fumble, he started reeling in his catch.
After a few rounds of pulling in his catch, his slate gray eyes narrowed and his reeling paused.
Where he wasn’t a terrific fisherman by any means, he had more than enough fishing experience to allow him to accurately discriminate fish from junk without having to actually land the catch in question. Under normal circumstances, it only took a few moments after the initial strike for him to be able to tell exactly what sort of thing was on his line, but this time…
Maybe it was because it had been a while since he had gone fishing and he had lost his touch or maybe it was because he had been daydreaming earlier and so his focus was now off, but whatever the reason was, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what was on the other end of his line.
Aithan frowned at his fishing pole and he eyed the end of his line with equal parts curiosity and wariness as he gave it a series of experimental tugs.
It was as heavy as an old tire if not heavier and it moved along in a jerky arrhythmic fashion that reminded him of something being dragged across a very bumpy terrain.
Too heavy to be a fish (unless it was either a sea turtle or something huge and very dead), whatever it was he had managed to catch more than likely had to be a piece of junk.
But… what?
“I probably snagged part of the pier or an endangered sea turtle, knowing me,” he muttered to himself with a shake of his head and with a snap of his wrist, he attempted to set his line free.
One snap, two, and then three…
But even after five snaps, his line refused to come free and not only did his line not come free, it also refused to break which was more than a little odd considering the weight and drag of the item at the end of the line.
Aithan’s pale face darkened as a scowl tugged at the corners of his lips and he shivered as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.
Gaia was known for its weird going-ons, but this was getting a little too weird for his tastes. All of his survival instincts – human and otherwise – screamed at him to just cut the line and walk away like nothing was going on, but as it oftentimes did, his curiosity got to the better of him.
Suppose it really was something he had never caught before. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to see what it was? In the name of science, at least? Besides, surely not all unknown things were bad? Anyways, it wasn’t like there were monsters roaming around Port Gambino, right?
… Right?
With a sigh of defeat, Aithan gave his line a final tug to set the hook and resumed reeling.
Even though he had never heard of monsters lurking in any of Gaia’s prominent fishing locations, he couldn’t help but wonder.
What if he somehow managed to land a beast of a monster like the OMG? He could see it now – the black and white killer whale-like monster thrashing and roaring all the while snapping its jaws at him in a bloodthirsty fashion – and he could just imagine the headlines for the next day’s newspaper.
Gaian Mauled to Death by a Water-lurking OMG While Fishing – ohhh yeah, baby.
Imagination going positively wild with the possibilities of accidentally landing some sort of monster, it was almost a shocking relief when the item at the end of his line finally came into sight.
For a minute, all Aithan could do was stare at the catch he had just landed.
Of all things he had managed to catch, he had caught a boulder-sized ROCK?!
After brushing off all the seaweed that clung to it like wrapping paper and after detaching no fewer than five large clumps of barnacles, he realized that his rock was actually a box.
Curiosity getting to the better of him once again, he hefted the box over to one of the fish cleaning stations and after fiddling with the tap at the sink, used the attached hose to douse the box thoroughly with water.
As mud, sand, and other caked off gunk started washing off, he could see hints of blue and gold and when the box was finally as clean as he could get it, he realized that his box was, in fact, a treasure chest of some sort.
Bright blue trimmed with gold and emblazoned with miniature wings, the chest didn’t look like any of the gift boxes he had ever seen before and unlike the other magical boxes he had come across in his past, this one required a key to open it.
But what key?
For that matter, was this chest even something he could open in the first place?
Then an idea struck him.
“Oh hey, maybe Sasha will know!”
Sasha, ditzy as she could be at times, was a good source of information and wasn’t stingy about sharing and if it had anything to do with the beach or the ocean, she probably knew at least something about it.
Seeing nobody around, Aithan lugged the chest back to where he had been sitting on the pier and after covering it back up with the seaweed and barnacles that he had removed from it earlier, took off for the Isle of Gambino at a speed almost too fast for the human eye to see.
It was getting late; would he catch Sasha in time?
Sasha was in the middle of closing up shop when a knock on the door interrupted her gold counting. “Oh hey, I’m sorry, but I’m like – closed!”
Aithan knocked again. “Sasha?”
Not looking up from where she was closing up her register, Sasha called out, “I told you, I’m closed for the day! Come back tomorrow!”
Aithan resisted the urge to bang his head on the door. Gambino Outfitters was one of the shops in Gaia known for staying open fairly late at night. For once, Sasha was actually closing up shop early and it just had to be on a night that he needed to talk to her. Go figure. He decided to give it a last shot. After all, what could she do to him? Scold him? Simply refuse to talk to him? “Awww c’mon Sasha! It’s not quite closing time yet! There’s still a few minutes to go!”
This time, Sasha looked up. For once, she was closing up shop early and of all times to get a late-night shopper, it just had to be now? UGH. Talk about an inconvenience. About to give whoever it was at her door a little talking to, the words died on her lips when she saw who it was. “Oh hey! It’s like – Aithan! Right on! Come on in!”
Gold counting forgotten, she unlocked the door with a smile and gestured for her late-night visitor to come in.
Aithan grinned a bit sheepishly as he stepped into the store. “Thanks, Sasha. I’m sorry for interrupting you.”
Sasha waved her hand in a dismissive gesture as she made her way back to her counter. “Nah, it’s okay. I was closing up because I haven’t had any customers in the last fifteen or so and I got bored. Now that you’re here, I have someone to talk to. Is there something you’re looking for tonight?”
Aithan shook his head. “Not goods-wise. Information-wise. Figured that out of everyone around, you had the best chance of knowing.”
A honey blonde eyebrow arched and Sasha’s mouth opened in a little O of surprise. “What kind of information are you looking for, Aith? Please tell me you haven’t become a reporter during the time that you’ve been gone?”
A strange expression crossed Aithan’s face and for a moment, he looked as if he had just accidentally swallowed a mouthful of old man Logan’s Grade F fishing bait. “Are you kidding me?” he managed to sputter.
The sigh of relief from Sasha was audible. “Oh good! I don’t have anything against reporters, but… yeah. They like to ask too many questions sometimes and if you were a reporter, I’d have to say that I don’t know anything – especially about the Gambinos and… stuff.”
Aithan shook his head again and resisted the urge to groan. Way to go Sasha. So much for keeping everything hush-hush. “No, no, nothing to do with the Gambinos or anyone else we know. What I wanted to ask you about is treasure chests.”
Sasha blinked. “… Treasure chests?”
“Yeah. Specifically, blue ones trimmed with gold – I think it’s actually brass – with mini wings decorating it and topped with a curved lid. About this big?” Aithan measured out the shape and size of a box about the size of a small traveler’s trunk with his hands. “I caught it when I was fishing off of the piers if that helps any. Dunno if they appear elsewhere, but that was where I caught sight of it?”
Sasha’s eyebrows furrowed together and she crossed her arms as she leaned back against the counter to think. “Hmmm… blue chests, blue chests, blue chests…”
After a few minutes of Sasha talking to herself, Aithan was about ready to give up. He was just about to thank her for her time when Sasha suddenly stopped mumbling and snapped her fingers.
“I know! Mirai!”
… Mirai?!
An eyebrow arched in question.
Sasha laughed. “Mirai from Phin Phang of course! Let me give her a call. Hold on just a sec.”
As Aithan stared, momentarily confused about the sudden moment of seemingly non sequitur, Sasha picked up the phone, punched in one of the pre-programmed speed dial numbers, and cradled the handset against her ear.
After a few rings, the line was picked up.
“Thank you for calling Phin Phang, this is Mirai speaking. I’m sorry, but the store is now closed. If you could call again tomorrow –”
“Mirai, it’s Sasha!”
“… Oh. Oh heeey Sasha! What’s up?”
“Hey, hey, I have a question for you.”
“Yeah? Shoot.”
“So there’s this total cutie standing here at my counter –”
Aithan’s jaw dropped open in a soundless squawk of surprise. WHAT did Sasha just say?!
“And he’s asking me about those newish blue treasure chests. What do I tell him?”
“You mean the Aquarium Lucky Chests?”
“Yeah! Yeah, those!”
“The ones that look like trunks and have mini wings decorating them?”
“Uh huh! Sure sounds like one of those!”
“Tell him that it’s a Lucky Chest and that he needs a Luck Key to open it.”
“And where can he get a Luck Key? Do you still sell them at your shop?”
“Nope! Not since they started appearing outside of Aquarium settings. You have to get them from La Victorie now or from a seller at the Marketplace.”
“Ahhh okay. Gotcha. Thanks oodles, Mirai – you’re such a sweetheart.”
“Nothing to it, Sasha. Have a good night and tell me more about that hot dish of yours when you get home from work, okay?”
Sasha grinned and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “No problem! G’night!”
When she hung up the phone, she beamed a smile at the man who was staring at her like she grew a second head. “See? Nothing to it, Aith. I knew Mirai would know.”
Aithan had to shake his head a few times to clear it. It had been a while since he had spent time with Sasha and during his time away, he had almost forgotten about her propensity for – nevermind.
Getting back on track, he asked, “So I need something called a Luck Key to open it?”
Sasha nodded. “Yeah. According to Mirai, what you found is called a Lucky Chest and only a Luck Key can open it. Now that I know for sure what it is, I can also tell you that they’re magical and will disappear if you don’t open them within a certain time limit.” Making a wistful face, she continued, “I once found one on the beach and since I didn’t have a Luck Key at the time, it disappeared on me. I guess I wasn’t meant to open it, but I can’t help but wonder from time to time about what was in it.”
Aithan listened to what Sasha had to say and considered his options.
“Where can I get a Luck Key?”
“La Victorie sells Luck Keys and sometimes they’re up for sale in the Marketplace, but you won’t get there in time for either, I’m afraid,” Sasha answered with a nod at the wall clock steadily ticking away the time.
“… Ahhh. I see.”
Well this was just great wasn’t it?
Aithan sighed to himself. So much for all the excitement of finding a Lucky Chest.
Oh well. Better luck next time?
Putting his disappointment on the backburner, Aithan gave Sasha a grateful smile as he headed for the door. “Well, thanks for everything, Sasha. Sorry for bothering you so late and I’ll catch you again later, yeah?”
Sasha’s eyes brightened. “Totally! It’s been forever since we talked. But wait a minute!”
Hand on the doorknob, Aithan turned his head to see what Sasha wanted. When a shiny golden object came flying towards him, he took a moment to thank his Lucky Stars for his superhuman reflexes that allowed him to play catch with his free hand and not with his face.
But… what in the world had he caught –?
“You caught it – all RIGHT!” Sasha cheered. “Now run! You might still have time if you’re fast!”
All at once, Aithan understood what Sasha had given him and he flashed the Gambino Outfitters’ shopkeeper a winning smile – teeth and all. “Thanks a million, Sasha! I’ll pay you back later – I swear!” he called and like a bolt of lightning, he was gone.
“Please be there, please be there, please be there,” Aithan muttered under his breath as he ran back to the pier.
When he reached the Lucky Chest and had it uncovered once more of its seaweed and barnacle wrappings and trappings, it was almost too late as the chest was quickly fading out.
Magical, just like Sasha had said.
Without a second thought, he held out the key that Sasha had given him and fitted it into the keyhole. With a flick of his wrist, a loud click sounded and at the sound of the click, the chest… disappeared.
No poof, no puff of smoke, just… gone.
For a minute, Aithan simply stared at the spot where the Lucky Chest once stood.
What happened?
Where did the Chest go?
Was he too late?
He was inclined to think that maybe the chest had simply eaten up the key and kept its treasure when all of a sudden out of nowhere, a soft watery laugh interrupted his thoughts.
“Who goes there?!”
The laughter sounded again and when Aithan whirled around to face the direction of the sound, he found himself face to face with a small, pale blue, semi-translucent, gelatinous jellylike creature that was riding the cool nighttime breeze on a pair of small wings attached to its head.
Mental image after mental image flew through Aithan’s mind as he tried to recall just what kind of a Gaian creature he was looking at. At the same time, he tried to figure out where the creature had come from.
Hadn’t he seen one before?
If so, then from where?
Was it some sort of monster?
Was it someone’s lost pet?
Was it a wild creature or could it be bought from a store?
Was it one of those creatures that just appeared out of nowhere and disappeared just as mysteriously?
Was it one of those creatures that, once every blue moon and for no reason in particular, followed Gaians around?
When the creature burbled a happy greeting and wriggled its ear wings at him, he realized what had to have happened.
“The Lucky Chest! You came from the Lucky Chest!”
Trilling happily with delight, the creature nodded and flapped its wings and flew around and around Aithan’s head. When the creature suddenly morphed into a luxuriously flowing scarf and then into a pair of fantastical ear wings before morphing back into its original self, Aithan’s eyes widened and then brightened.
Ahhh HA! Yes, he HAD seen one before! In fact –!
“I know you! You’re Cecil, aren’t you?”
Bobbing his head vigorously, Cecil, as the creature was called, flew around and around some more before performing a loop-the-loop. When his new owner held out his hands palm side up in invitation, he chirruped a happy note of pleasure before landing and snuggling himself into the open hands.
Finally! Freed from the Lucky Chest at last and by someone who was going to love him and maybe – maybe even feed him cookies or cake!
Cecil trilled again and beamed up to his new owner a hopeful smile while fluttering his ear wings.
Aithan laughed and shook his head. “Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?”
Cecil’s eyes grew round and he flicked his tail back and forth a bit. Well, yes, his eyes said, but you’re not a bad person and you’re not a cave, right? And maybe you like cookies, too?
Aithan laughed again and this time showed his teeth. “You sure I’m not a bad person?”
Cecil shook his head firmly and flicked his tail again. Just because you have sharp teeth doesn’t mean you’re a bad person!
Gray eyes – normally cool with neutrality – warmed over and in spite of himself, a smile curved Aithan’s lips.
It had been a long time since he had encountered such… what was the word? Innocence? To see the trust and even love offered to him so transparently from the little creature cuddled up in his hands was… refreshing. Touching. And, very much astounding. It was astounding because he himself could never trust anyone so easily or so transparently.
As Cecil continued to look up at him with his bright eyes, he silently promised to himself right then and there that while many of his worldly possessions would come and go in his life, Cecil would never be one of them unless Cecil himself wished to take leave of him.
It was a truly precious thing to receive – that wholly unquestioning trust and love in all of its transparency – and he had no intention of ever betraying it.
Eyes flickering with unnamed emotions, he curled his long pale fingers around the little creature, cupping him closer and stroking his delicate ear wings with an uncharacteristic gentleness.
“You and me for forever, then. Whaddya say, Cecil? Think you can bear to stick around for that long? Forever is a helluva long time to stick around if you ask me.”
Ear wings waving and fluttering madly with excitement, Cecil first trilled and then burbled in a joyful cheer. Really?! Really and truly? I can stay with you?
The smile on Aithan’s face deepened to show dimples. “Really and truly. You can be my lucky charm from now on if you want.”
And I can follow you wherever you go? You won’t be embarrassed about me? I’m just a little creature after all compared to all the other companions you could have.
“And I’m just an old fart of a homebody Gaian who likes to go on quiet adventures by himself and doesn’t do anything particularly special and isn’t someone flashy, famous, or fashionable,” Aithan countered, gesturing at his current outfit which consisted of starter clothing purchased from the various stores – blue fitted trousers, a fitted chalk grey tank top, and blue running shoes that were completely anti-fashion.
For some reason, this seemed to thrill Cecil even more and he burbled some more and wriggled.
You don’t care about those things?
Aithan made a face. “Trust me, I wouldn’t be running around in this getup if I did. I’ve got nicer clothes in my closet, but… why bother? I’m comfortable as I am and even though I got my clothes at a total bargain, they’re neat and clean.” Eyes sparking with amusement, he added, “Besides. I was fishing earlier, you know. Doesn’t make any sense to dress nicely only to get fish guts and fish scales all over myself.”
Cecil’s ear wings fluttered with laughter as he imagined Aithan reeling in fish while dressed up in formal clothing.
Aithan shared in the laughter at the same imagery, but it didn’t take long for his expression to become serious again. “So. To directly answer your question, no, I won’t be embarrassed by you if you won’t be embarrassed by me.”
Cecil was a magical creature and all magical creatures could tell if those around them were sincere or not as it was one of their many gifts. Also owing to the same magical qualities, he had a timelessness to him which meant that he had lived through and seen many things in his lifetime. In his lifetime, he and others of his kind had met many Gaians – too many to number but never forgotten – and where he had been loved and cared for by many…
How many had promised forever and how many had actually meant what they had promised and how many had managed to actually keep their promise?
Despite the severity and the intensity of the reserved nature of the man who held him in his hands, the warmth and sincerity emanating from him was impossible to mistake and even more impossible to deny.
Could it be possible that after all this time, he had finally managed to find someone for keeps?
Trilling quietly, Cecil nuzzled his head up against his companion’s thumb. I’m so lucky to have found you!
Feeling more human than he had ever felt in years, Aithan’s expression gained a glow of youthful exuberance and his voice took on a distinctly boyish tone as he beamed a charismatic smile – teeth, dimples, and all – at his newfound friend for life. “And I am so very lucky to have found you.”
Lucky together?
“Lucky together.”

- Title: Cecil Surprise
- Artist: Aithan
- Description: This is the story about how a chance encounter brings an everyday Gaian into contact with an extraordinary creature and how an unlikely friendship that will span a lifetime is born.
- Date: 07/31/2010
- Tags: cecil aithan gaia gaiafanfiction
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