• once at a time no one knew but some did. they of course kept it secret, totally hush hush. okay you may find this uncomman, but im an uncomman person. here is the hush hush story they kept from you. there once was a young girl named summer, but people call her summy. she was special, like not the kind of special your parents lie to you saying you are haha just pullin your string. she was a neko, you know them, totally cute and stuff. but she was a total awsome one with amazing powers that you wouldnt believe. she was totally beautiful too.User Image haha cute ant she. well her parents were totally abusive to her for bein such a cutie. not nice huh, well she took it and was still able to smile. hows that for tuff, anyway one day her parents used up all of their money so they made up their mind and agreed to have their daughter wed a super rich guy. to bad they had no idea where to find one. then they herd a knock on the door. it was a messenger with an invite to a ball that the king and queen were having for their son. her parents then got a nasty, wicked idea. they then dressed summy up in beautiful clothes. she didnt know what was happening but was happy that she got to wear something other than a dress made of rags. they sent her off to the ball and she was the best looking there other than the prince, who fell head over heels for her when she entered the castle.User Image they both fell in love and got married. her parents were happy to hear the news, but insted of living in the castle the lived in the dungoun. but while everyone was asleep the castle was set aflame. everyone died and only a few made it out those few are the ones i was talking about at the begining. so now you know the hush hush story.