• i am sitting. i look at you then look away. i cant see anyway. i know your there i cant see your face what you think of a blind girl like me.

    you can see, you say.

    tears come to me. i cant, i say. i cant..

    you can you just wont, you say, mad now.

    i sigh. why would i want to see? i dont want to see the world, i say.

    you must !, you insist. you must see you must learn!

    i am blinded by my tears cant you see that!, i sream.
    you sit quietly, stunned...he did not want to die, you whisper.

    then why did he leave me?!, i cry. why did he leave me, blind and confused scarred forever !

    he loved you, you say sadly. but hes gone. he would want you to see

    and then i see. i see him run into battle i see him cry out in pain i see him lying on the ground. i love you he whispers, his last breath and then he dies. lying in a pool of blood. i scream. he made me see and now i am no longer blind. i see Death now. he beckons me. i go.

    i turn to you. goodbye i say.
    i see your tears but i turn away.

    i never wanted to see anyway.

    im gone