• Noone knew who i was, only that I was invulnerabl.This man came here before me tonight, on the full moon, to challenge me to a match, no rules apply, kill if necessary. I wore a long black cape, with a hood. It easily wrapped around my whole body as it ended at my knees. The hood was long enough to cover my eyes, making my true identity a secret. I wore black thin gloves and long black boots without the high heals. No one knew my true name or what I truly looked like. I only went by...."Grimla, I have come to challenge to a battle to settle who is truly the best warrior in all the world." He told me. Inodded without saying a word. The landscape was a good one for a battle. It was a dark night withe the moon glowing beautifull in the horizon. The grass glowed from the moon's light. The samuri began unsceathing his sword from it's cover beside him. My own swords were under my cape being held in an X position in my lower back by my black belt. I didn't make a move to get my weapon, he was annoyed by that. His sword was all the way out buy now. I smiled at him mockingly, he grew angry, moved fast, and slashed his sword at me. I easily dogded it. I still didn't make a move to take out my swords. "Don't bore me now" I told him. He came at me and swung his sword at me like a true master, but I still easily dogded his sword easily. I quickly got behind him and hit a few pressure points in his body. Swift and easy. My cape was open now, so you could see my black mini-dress and black belt lined with spikes. He was on the ground now, cursing, helpless. "I win" I told him. And left him for dead.