Hi my name is Kiana lee. I’m an average lombax living on planet Quanlombaxian. My whole life I was an average lombax until 3 days ago when I found out the truth of my real father....his name was General Alister Asimoth...everyone says he was a traitor and I asked them. They told me that he had given up the whole lombax race and murdered 3 lombax's. The only thing I never understood was why...why would my own father betray his whole race??? I would never believe it...so I had to figure out why...
The next day I headed over to the scientific lab where one of my best friends lived. She had told me that they were working on a new experiment related to time travel. They were basing it on the great clock, the thingy that could control time throughout the universe. She had mentioned that they did need a tester for it and no one else had offered, leading me to being the tester. Maybe, somewhere in the great time continuum there was a place where I could find him and bring him back to the land of the lombax's...just maybe...
End of Part 1
Part 2
The next day was rough training to be able to be the tester of the machine. Kiana so called "parents" were concerned but did she care?? No she didn’t care at all...she would always hate them for lying to her for so long about her father. They said that "Oh honey it was for the best." and would smile at her, which she thought as disgusting, trying to make her feel joyful and exited after she found out about him.
Then the day came. She had been tested and trained and now she was ready. Almost all of the Lombax's were there to wave her off and tell her good luck but did it make a difference? No she didn’t care. Mr. Insomlombaxidean was the one who got the machine boosted up. Then she went into the time pod and squeezed her eyes shut. The pod shook and made a terrible noise and then it was off into the past space....
End of part 2
Part 3
Ratchet was on a deserted planet called planet Quantos. This had been a wonderful planet until Asimoth had pulled the great clocks switch...even if he had turned it back there were still some ruined planets, including this one. It was pouring rain outside his shelter made of some old crates and a bit of clay. Ratchet hated this planet, hated ever thing, except Clank. "Yesterday," Ratchet recalled "was the worst day ever". One of his greatest friends had died in order to save the universe. "Why did every single thing have to go wrong?! If I had only just told Alister ahead of time, before he messed it up!! If only Clank could have gone back in time six minutes for Alister! Not for my life...for Alister's!! Alister could have saved the universe better than me; Clank would still be the keeper for the great clock, no harm done! But...but..." Ratchet held his head in his hands "He's gone forever".
Clank had (by then) come back with the news about Apheleon and how much damage she had taken in the crash. "Ratchet" Clank reported "Apheleon is in terrible shape...I do not think my memory banks hold enough information on how to turn her back to normal. Not even the zonies could help. They do not make, at any stores, what she needs any more. She has run out of battery so that we cannot use any of her scans or ability to communicate with anyone else in the galaxy. Basically...were doomed to a life on living on planet Quantos." Ratchet stared in horror at clank. He hoped that he was just making a joke, like his father used to....but he didn’t really joke that much. Ratchet did not even say a word. He just walked out in the rain and heaved a huge sigh. What else was he to do? But right at that moment he heard a far off screaming and a CLUNK. The whole planet seemed to be in a 10 second earth quake and then it was over.
He walked over to where the screaming was coming from and saw...no it couldn't be what he saw...a lombax???!!!!
Ratchet looked then pinched himself. It couldn’t be true... another lombax! He didn’t even know if he wanted to see another lombax in his life...after Asimoth he never wanted to see any one that he couldn’t smack with his wrench again. But surprisingly it was... a girl lombax! She had blonde hair with a hot pink bang over her right eye. She had dark brown eyes and her fur was a dark cream color with
bright orange stripes. "Oh my god." said ratchet "Are you real?”
“Yea I’m real. What do you think I am???" Ratchet stood there astonished, and surprisingly happy.
"How did you get here?" asked Ratchet.
"I took this time pod over there". She pointed towards a metal contraption that was in a flaming crater. “ooooh...bad landing I can tell" said ratchet smiling a bit.
"Yea... ah well". Then suddenly, like before there was a mini earth quake and then the whole sky turned black... "Shiz....not again!!!!" Ratchet yelled right before everything went dark.
Part 4
Then as fast as it started it ended...."what the...." asked Kiana "um....does that happen often???" "No" yelled ratchet. This planet was starting to seriously tick him off. A click of a loudspeaker suddenly erupted over the island. Then through the crackling loudspeaker a low voice said “Welcome to planet Quantos. I emperor Quanaian welcomes you...ok welcome over. If you are an official squishy please leave this planet immediately or else you will suffer a very long and dreadful death. Thank you! Have a wonderful day!".”Well then...that was a wonderful welcome...” mumbled Kiana. "Stupid robots". "Don’t I know it??" groaned Ratchet. He swore to Clank many days later that every planet he went to someone was after him. "But... I have never heard of emperor Quanaian..." grumbled Kiana "you?” "No.... that’s really odd.huh.....well at least we have something to do..." "But..." said Kiana "There is something I have to ask you before we go out and kick some robot butt...do you knows my father??" "Uh... maybe....probably not... but what’s his name?" asked Ratchet. "His name?” General Alister Asimoth." and for the 3rd time that day ratchet stared in horror...and amazement. "Your father" Ratchet replied "I knew him quite well…"
End of Part 5
Chapter 2
Part 6
You did?" asked Kiana? "Yea...now...MOVE!" A missile hit the ground right where Kiana was standing seconds before. "Stupid...idiotic...evil...ugh" ratchet grumbled under his breath. He really was getting tired of all these annoying robots. As he and Kiana fought off the robots...far away...there was something else going on....far...far away.
Sigmund was doing his morning duties of paroling the great clock. Everything had gone back to normal, all the zonies were back, and there were no more teratropes. Sigma guessed that XJ0461 had done his job with the good old chronoseptor...sigh...it had been kind of lonely without him...or Orvus...Orvus...sigh. Sigmund was very upset...he had not under stood what happened to his old...old master. It’s like he just...walked up and...disappeared. "I...do not think that Orvus would have left for no reason...he had to have sacrificed himself for something...or someone more important than himself…but...who? No...it couldn’t be...XJ0461?" Sigmund had been talking to himself like this for ever....having no one to talk to.
But maybe his crazy talking to himself would reveal something…..
End of Part 6
After a while Ratchet and Kiana had kicked enough robots to take a breath. “Woo. That was…interesting.” Said Kiana. “Yea.” Replied Ratchet “Guess so…”. Kiana finally had a good chance to see what Ratchet looked like. He was a shade of yellow with tan colored stripes. He was actually kinda…cute…really cute. He had a smirk that he seemed to wear every time he confronted a robot that he could take out with one shot of his R.Y.N.O and every time he looked at her. It seemed like a confident look that she had never seen in a lombax, not on her, not any one. “May I introduce us” said a little talking lunchbox on Ratchets back. “My full name is XJ0641 but you may call me ‘Clank’. I presume that you have met my furry hero Ratchet?” . “Yep…hey Ratchet...nice talking lunchbox! It seems pretty smart for a metal food carrier!” Kiana grinned. A groan came from the metal thing and Ratchet laughed “HA! That isn’t a lunchbox Kiana!!! That’s my best friend Clank! He was invented by Orvus!” Kiana, taken aback asked “Really? Orvus??? Whoa!” even though she had no idea who Orvus was. After that Kiana remembered that they had something to discuss…how were they going to get off this ruined planet? She and Ratchet had a discussion on it, where Ratchet explained that his ship was dead…gone and unable to use…and Kiana’s pod was probably ruined in the crash landing. “Why don’t we go check out the damage done to your pod…maybe there is still a chance that we can fix it….and maybe even turn it into a ship! Now that would be cool.” Said Ratchet. So they hoverbooted to the pod to look at the damage.
Part 7
Clank had figured out that it was plausible to use it again. They only needed one thing…an air freshener. It stunk like fire and melted plastic. “Ugh it smells like crap in here” said Kiana while holding her nose. The only thing that had gotten damage was her photo of her real father, Azimuth. It was barely noticeable because most of it had turned to ashes. Kiana saw the piece of paper and tried to pick it up. It dissolved in her hand, leaving only dust behind. “Dad…” said Kiana, tears welling up in her eyes. “Hey Kiana what’s wrong?” Ratchet asked and walked up to her. “Kiana? Really… what’s wrong?”. Kiana looked away and wiped her tears away. “Uh….nothing Ratchet…heh. I’m good” she managed to say with a brave smile on her face. She never wanted Ratchet to know that all she really wanted was to find her father and the truth of him.
1 day later the little pod had been turned into a new and perfect looking spaceship, made by Ratchet and a lot of help from Clank and Kiana. “Now…where to?” asked Kiana. “Um…I don’t know….” Said Ratchet. Then suddenly Clank mentioned “What about the great clock? I kind of would be interested in seeing Sigmund and seeing that the clock is working properly. Plus….we can see where Azimuth was kille-“…Ratchet had managed to cover Clanks mouth before he finished the sentence. “SHH!” Ratchet hissed to Clank. “Are you crazy?! She doesn’t even know about his fate!” “Hey what are you guys talking about?” asked Kiana, abruptly turning towards them. “Er…nothing Kiana! We were planning a surprise place to visit!” said Ratchet quickly. “Oh awesome! Hope you picked a great place!” Kiana said. “Yep.”. Ratchet quickly typed in the place ‘Planet Torren’. He knew that if he was ever going to tell the truth to Kiana this would be a smart place to start, were her father had been forever. Kiana closed the pod door, Ratchet pressed start, the whole ship lurched, rattled, and they were off!
End of Part 7
Part 8
The flight to get to Torren was long and boring. Kiana had dozed off and was sleeping peacefully in her seat. Right before Ratchet had gone to his dream land something cold and hard was shaking him awake. "Whadaya whant?" asked a very groggy Ratchet. "Ratchet get up!!! I have to discuss something!". Ratchet had finally gotten up and was trying to keep his eyes open as he said "uh..ok..but cant we discus somthin later cuz i m reallly tired..." "We need to talk about it now...listen Ratchet. You know that the longer we hide the truth about Alister the more depressed she will be when she finds out...." "Yea" agreed Ratchet "But what can we do? It would be terrible to just....i don't know...just tell her right now!". Clank's green eyes were lighting up in thoughts.
"Ratchet...listen...i need to tell you something...." Clank said "Remember when Alister almost hit you with his wrench lightning bolt?" "Yea I remember...kinda..it was a little fuzzy...but...i mean ha! I got out of the way really fast! Who wants to be hit with a lightning bolt? It might even kill me! But i bet it would never hurt a fly!" Ratchet smiled...then his smile faded as he saw Clank expression. "Clank? what...what really happened?" he asked while looking at his little buddy. "Ratchet...if I would have followed Orvus's rule...about not changing time....you would be...be....." "What?" asked Ratchet. "Ratchet...you would be where Alister is right now..." "You mean...i would be...dead?" Ratchet looked at his buddy...he must be lying...Ratchet's eyes filled with anger.....
"DONT LIE TO ME CLANK! I DIDNT DIE! I DONT REMEMBER A THING! YOU ARE JUST DOING THAT TO GIVE MORE ATTENTION TO YOURSELF!" Ratchet screamed while holding up his wrench and aiming it at Clank. "DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT ONE OF THOSE PIRATES ALMOST DID TO YOU? THEY ALMOST KILLED YOU! I THINK THAT THEY WERE THE SMART ONES...NOT ME FOR HELPING YOU OUT! I WAS STUPID...ROBOTS DONT HAVE A SOUL...THEY DONT HAVE A HEART! THEY ARE JUST STUPID LITTLE METAL THINGS! SO I THINK THIS IS WHAT I NEED TO DO FOR MY SAKE AND EVERY SUPER HERO IN THE UNIVERSE!" Ratchet grabbed Clank and held him by his neck and clutched his wrench in the other hand. Clanks memory banks all flashed in front of his eyes...including a memory of Alister...Alister..."RATCHET!" yelled Clank "STOP! I am saying this for your sake and your sake ONLY. Remember Alister?" "YES. NOW STOP STALLING AND GET LETS GET THIS OVER WITH!" yelled Ratchet "Wait! please Ratchet! PLEASE! Dont you remember????!!!! Alister wanted...er..did kill you.." "HE NEVER KILLED ME!" "Alight have it your way...he never killed you" Clank said with Ratchet growling at him " But he was trying to kill you...and if he was going crazy over one little thing that you wouldn't go with him on...going back in time to save the lombax's" "NO I WAS GOING TO GO WITH HIM! IT WAS YOUR STUPID FAULT! YOU TOLD ME THAT IT COULD RIP THE VERY FABRIC OF EXISTENCE!" "BUT IT DID! IT STARTED TO! YOU KNOW THAT ABANDONED PLANET THAT WE HAD TO STAY ON FOR A WHILE WAS RUINED BECAUSE OF IT!" yelled Clank "YEA BUT WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANY THING???" Ratchet screamed and started to slowly, and painfully bring his wrench down on Clanks neck. Clank, now slowly dieing looked at Ratchet and said "You knew *cough* that It was because of Alister that the great clocks switch was turned *cough* and that the fabric of existence was almost ripped apart because of *cough* him..." "WHAT DOES THAT MATTER??!!!" Ratchet bellowed "It matters because he did it over anger like *cough* you *cough* are killing me *cough* good bye *cough* Ratchet...."
Ratchet, now realizing what he had done ripped his wrench away from Clanks neck. "Oh my god...Clank??? Clank!!! CLAAAAANK!!!! Ratchet started crying. Kiana had finally gotten out of her sleep and was walking over to Ratchet. "Ratchet... Whats wrong???" asked Kiana, lightly tapping Ratchet on the shoulder. "Clank...clank....clank oh my god I am so sorry" Ratchet mumbled holding the metal lunchbox in his hands "I see what you mean... I NEVER MEANT FOR YOU TO DIE! YOU DON'T AND NEVER WILL DESERVE IT! " "Hey Ratchet really whats the problem? Maybe i can help!" Kiana offered happily. "GET.....AWAY....FROM.....ME!" Growled Ratchet "LISTEN I JUST KILLED MY BEST FRIEND HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL RIGHT NOW??!!!" Kiana backed away in fright. "Ratchet...you know he is a robot right....we could fix him....." said Kiana "It is a possibility....."
End of Part 8
Part 9
The whole world was blurry to Clank as he had said "Good bye Ratchet". He had felt so much pain...but know it was over. His vision was still slightly blurry, but then came back in to focus as Clank became aware of his surroundings. It looked like his self conscious that Sigmund had brought him to, except for the fact that there were some figures on another platform. There was something terrible feeling about this place. He knew that if he tried to fly over he couldnt make it. The figures were Ratchet, Orvus, his mom, and Sigmund. "Ratchet!" Clank called out..but no response. He called out the other figures names "Mom?! Sigmund?! Orvus?!" Still no response. The figures stood still, raised up into the air, and evaporated. The whole places started to go black, then erupted with a great light and color.
It was a gigantic TV screen covered with many places in his life, all of them good....like when Ratchet had saved him, when he and Ratchet had used some transporters that made him smile, and when he had met Orvus. The screen then went to a bloody shade of red and changed to happy moments to terrible...like when Ratchet had fallen off into space and Clank had suspected that he was dead...and when Azimuth killed Ratchet...Also when (something that he had never seen before) his grueling death by Ratchet.... the screen then went black, and everything disappeared, including the platform that he had been standing on. Clank screamed as he fell into the un-ending darkness.....
End of Part 9
Part 10
Ratchet and Kiana had finally made it to Planet Torren. "er....nice planet...um...why did you pick this place?" asked Kiana. "You will find out soon. Come on...I think someone here could help us with Clank". "Ok.....whatever you say" mumbled Kiana. Ratchets head was full of sadness...he couldn't get over what he had done to Clank. He had never meant to hurt him...in fact...the whole thing was extremely blurry in his mind...it was as if someone...or something had been controlling him. He knew that he would never hurt Clank.... or maybe he did mean to hurt him. He had heard of superhero's that had turned from good to evil..."Oh God I hope not." Ratchet had pleaded over a zillion times in his head, but he didn't think it was helping. His head had felt like it did when his head was being takin over when Clank was a secret Agent. He whole mind was fuzzy ever since Clanks death, which was an extreme pain since he had so much to think about...with Kiana just appearing from nowhere....Asimuth killing him, if it was true.....Clanks death....and how the heck was he going to tell Kiana that her father had died. If only he had listened to Clank..if only he hadn't killed Clank....if Clank had gone back for Asimuth not me....there were to many repeating thoughts all scrambled around in his head.
"um....Ratchet...I hate to butt in on your thinking...but i think that the emperor wants to talk to you" whispered Kiana. *Click of a loudspeaker* "I see you did not leave as soon as I contacted you...so now you must perish! Yesss! score one for the emperor and zero for the squishy! I looove seeing lifeforms die! MWA HA HA!". "That's odd....I recognize that voice...but from where?" ratchet mumbled under his breath. "WAIT FOR A SECOND PLEASE!" yelled Kiana "WE HAVE A ROBOT FORM THAT NEEDS HELP! PLEASE HUMBLE US UNTIL HE IS IN REGULAR HEALTH!". "EMPEROR DOES NOT HUMBLE...FOR I AM....erm....LAWRENCE!!!!!...WHAT IS MY NEW NAME?" (In whisper) ""Sir...you seem to have left the speaker on...shall I turn it off?" "YES YES NOW TURN IT OFF YOU IDIOT!!!" *Click of Loudspeaker*. "Oh...my...god....NEFAIROUS??!!!" yelled Ratchet. "Who?" asked Kiana. "Our arch nemesis....er...my arch nemesis...but...I killed him!" ..."NEFAIROUS! i KNOW ITS YOU! NOW STOP HIDING AND SHOW YOUR FACE!" Ratchet yelled.
End of part 10
Part 11
But instead of coming out of hiding, Nefairous yelled "RETRRRREAT!" With a wheeze from the space ships engine the whole thing flew away, leaving Kiana in a coughing fit. Ratchet looked over at her. "God Kiana you ok?" Ratchet said, hoverbooting over to Kiana. "Sure, what ever." she coughed looked at Ratchet in a funny way. "Are you sure?" "Yea now shuttupp." "ok..." mumbled Ratchet. Ratchet then had a vison of when he and Alister had been talking, and how stubborn he was...just like Kiana. His eyes filled with tears in remberence towards those days, but then he quickly wiped them away. By then, Kiana had stopped coughing and looked towards Ratchet. "So, where to? You know, we really need to get your buddy back" grinned Kiana. "mmk..lets go, but first I need to show you something." "Alright sounds good." Kiana replied. Ratchet then yelled for Kiana to follow him over the humming of the hover boots, grinned, and sped away. "Hey wait!" Kiana groaned, then sped off into the sunny canyons after Ratchet.
Ratchet had led Kiana to where he had first met Alister, where Alister had left all of his drawings. "So...um...what is this place?" Kiana asked Ratchet, uncertainly. "This place? This is where your dad lived for years!" "whoa." murmured Kiana "So this is where is he? Where is my father? Daddy?" "Kiana, he left...I don't think he will ever come back..." silence. Kiana looked at Ratchet in her funny way and asked "Why?" but Ratchet, never replied.
Kiana noticed all of the drawings on the wall. "Wow! What is all of this stuff?" asked Kiana, eagerly. "Your fathers drawings...and his research" sighed Ratchet from the corner of the little shack that Alister had once taken residence in, looking at Alister's old pocket watch. "Come on lets go...I want Clank back..." "Well I want my dad back, so shut up and wait" Kiana hottilly replied to Ratchet, which earned a really annoyed stare from Ratchet.
Kiana then saw a picture that made her cry. It was a picture of Azimuth, another female lombax, and a little baby wrapped in a pink blanket, which looked exactly like Azimuth, except she had a tuft of hair on her head, wrapped in a pink bow. She fingered the picture and held it next to her heart. "I will find you dad, it doesn’t matter if I have to kill myself to find you. I will, I promise." But Kiana didn’t really know how big that commitment would be....
- by Edphonse Elric |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/01/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: The third arsenal: RnC
- Artist: Edphonse Elric
"Have you ever heard of my father?"
"His name, you may ask...
Alister Azimuth."
Starring: Ratchet, Clank, and the new character, Kiana. - Date: 07/01/2010
- Tags: ratchet clank playstation
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