Quinn walked briskly down the hallway looking for his next class; he swore under his breath and turned back down the hallway because he was walking in the wrong direction. He took out his schedule and looked at the numbers by the doors to see that he was still walking the wrong way, he was supposed to be upstairs but he was still downstairs looking around like a lost little kid. Quinn grumpily stomped up the stiars and passed the other new student on the way up.
“Gruß,” Quinn said to her, which was greeting in German, which no one else but them knew.
“Gruß,” she returned the greeting walking in the opposite direction down the stairs, her next class was Choir in the Arts and Entertainment hall from which her elder sibling, Quinn, had just come from. She was a little more coordinated than Quinn and knew exactly where she was going, she even got into the classroom before the bell rang for warning bell. She went up to the teacher and smiled up at her handing her the schedule that she had gotten from the front office.
“You’re the new student from Germany?” She asked looking up at her.
“Hi, my name is Sara,” Sara said softly.
“My name is Mrs. Keffnar, but you can call me Mrs. K,” Mrs. K said, students always had trouble remembering her name or they just made fun of it, either way it was easier just to say the initial instead.
“Okay, Mrs. K,” Sara said. Sara was a bit more talkative compared to Quinn, she would smile and wave until you returned the favor, whereas Quinn would maybe nod at you, maybe.
“Your in luck,” Mrs. K said grabbing Sara’s attention. “We just finished trying out for a new song solo, if you can memorize these words you can try out at the end of class,” she told Sara handing her a packet of papers.
“Thank you,” Sara said with a huge smile. Sara then looked at the Choir, it was a lot smaller than the one in Germany, but maybe she would have a little more of a chance to shine in this one, after all she did have a good voice. She went over to the bleacher like stands and sat down where no one was near her and started to memorize the song before she heard a little gossip about her sibling Quinn. A few girls over to the right of her giggled and laughed about Quinn, Sara smiled.
“Have you seen Quinn?” One of the girls asked.
“The new kid from Germany?” The other girl questioned, they both had brown hair but one of them had clear blue eyes and the other had brown eyes.
“Yeah, isn’t he hot? I saw him come in the morning, my friend said that he was long boarding,” blue eyes said. “I wonder what classes he has,” she said with a sort of dazed expression, Sara almost choked, but didn’t let any sound out of her throat, they were talking about Quinn.
“I had him in my Sculpting class, and now I know exactly what type of girl he likes,” brown eyes said. The other girl gasped and asked what kind in a very excited manner, even Sara was a little surprised by this, what type of girl did Quinn like? “He likes the quiet type, he talked to, you know that shy Rachel girl?” She asked cutting off her own conversation.
“Yeah,” blue eyes said with disgust, she must not like her that much at all. “She’s such a teachers pet,” she said waving her hand.
“Yeah, well apparently she speaks German and that’s why Quinn talked to her, she even went to sit at her table afterwards, and he made an amazing Sculpture,” she babbled on. Sara thought for a second, Rachel could speak German? Maybe they could be friends, but amazing Sculpture, that sounded like the Quinn that Sara knew, was always such an art freak. “And after the bell rang Rachel commented on his Sculpture, and he was so disgusted with her that he said that it sucked and left the room,” brown eyes cackled. That didn’t sound like Quinn, but then again these were girls talking, they warped things being recognition. “Then like, after that, Rachel even took his Sculpture up to the teacher, what a slut,” she said waving her hand around again, Sara thought that she was more of a slut than Rachel.
“Oh my God, I wish I had the same art class as you,” Blue eyes gasped. Sara shook her head lightly and continued to look at the paper, she would make friends tomorrow because today she was going to get the solo in the song.
Sara was still looking at the script when Mrs. K walked over to her and asked if she was ready to try out for the part, they only had about ten minutes left in the class, Sara asked if she could hear the melody first, so Mrs. K walked over to the piano and started playing, she was very good. The second time that Mrs. K started the song Sara began to sing, her voice carried throughout the classroom and stopped most of the conversations around the room stopped, most people moved their attention to Sara, she had a very lovely voice.
At the end of the song Sara looked around as a few people clapped, she blushed lightly and thanked them softly, Mrs. K went up to Sara and smiled sweetly at her.
“You have a lovely voice, consider the solo yours,” Mrs. K said to Sara.
“But doesn’t Kayla already have the solo?” A girl with blonde hair asked Mrs. K. “You already gave it to her, and she always gets the solo’s,” she pointed out.
“Well I think its time for someone else to sing the solo, its time for a new sound,” Mrs. K said looking over at her. “Congratulations Sara,” she said softly.
“Thank you,” Sara said with a sweet smile. The bell rang as everyone started picking up their back packs, it was lunch time and everyone went off to their own separate spots, but Blondie went up to Sara with a sneer.
“Your gonna have to give up that solo, or something’s going to happen to you,” she said with a glare. “Kayla always gets all the solo’s,” she told her.
“Well not this time,” Sara said walking away, she was supposed to meet Quinn over by the front doors.
Quinn was waiting for Sara by the front doors of the school while everyone else was getting lunch already, he wasn’t that hungry anyway, he just wanted to tell Sara that he didn’t have a class next period and would be boarding around the school grounds. Sara walked over with a smile, something must have gone well for her.
“Quinn,” Sara called to him, attracting a bit of attention from the surrounding students, they looked at them with curious eyes, which soon turned to realization, they were the new students from Germany that everyone was talking about. “Wie geht es Ihnen?” She asked how he was right now, he didn’t really want to give a big answer for that.
“Mitten,” he said simply, so he was doing okay. “What’s your last class today?” He asked her softly.
“Biology,” she told him. “Last classroom at the end of E hall,” she said pointing towards the direction of the hallway.
“I’ll meet you there then,” Quinn said getting his long board out. “I don’t have a class next period so I’m going to scope out the school,” he said in a monotone voice, he must have been tired from helping Mom drive home from the airport, it was a long drive.
“Okay,” Sara said with a smile. Quinn pushed open the front doors and put down his board before pushing off into the street, Sara walked off in the direction of where a girl in her first class said to meet her at lunch, maybe she had a friend already, she doubted that Quinn had made any.
At the end of the last class of the day Sara sighed and walked out of her Biology class, she said Good bye to her table partner, the guy that she sat beside, he seemed like a nice guy, but not someone that she would ever consider dating. Sara looked for Quinn outside of the classroom, he wasn’t there yet, but that was okay, he was pretty much late for anything that wasn’t life threatening, but even then he was probably a little late. Sara looked down the hallway and almost jumped when Blondie from Choir class popped out behind her, she had a smug smile on her face that told Sara that something was going to happen that she wouldn’t like at all.
“Come with me,” she grabbed onto Sara’s arm and started dragging her towards the exit; they were on the second floor so they had to go down the stairs in the back of the hallway.
“Sorry, I don’t swing that way,” Sara joked with her when they made it to the exit door on the first floor. Blondie growled at her and shoved her outside, Sara was getting a little nervous, and it didn’t help her nerves when she saw another blonde haired girl standing with a few guys and girls behind her.
“So Mally said that you called me a spoiled b***h,” Blondie number two spat at Sara.
“What?” Sara laughed lightly. “I never said that,” she argued.
“Well listen up newbie,” she said walking closer to Sara. “I’m the senior in Choir and I always get the solo’s, and your not gong to change that,” she glared at Sara. Sara kind of wanted to laugh at this, it was so funny, she was acting like those girls in movies, with their own little posies and such, Sara didn’t think they were real, there wasn’t anything like this in Germany.
“Excuse me,” Sara said walking forward.
“Tell Mrs. K that you quit,” she said rudely.
“Make me,” Sara countered, this probably wasn’t the best thing to say to someone who had a bunch of people to back her up. For added affect Sara spit in her face, it was something she had picked up from her Uncle in Germany, it proved to work about ten percent of the time.
“b***h!” She screamed shoving Sara into the concrete. Sara didn’t say anything when she hit the ground, but she could feel the skin on her hands get ripped off from the rough ground. “I’ll kill you,” she said wiping the spit off her face.
“Is there a problem here?” Quinn asked walking up behind Sara. Quinn saw Sara get pulled away from her Biology class when he was at the beginning of the hallway, and he was the least bit happy when he saw her get shoved out the door, but he had to applaud Sara for spitting in the girls face. His little proved to be quite tough for a freshmen, but when she was shoved to the ground Quinn got angry and walked up to the fight.
“Your Quinn?” The girl said, her face brightened when she saw Quinn, he was just as everyone had said, and now she wanted him. “I’m Kayla, don’t worry about this trash, we were just finishing,” Kayla said batting her eyelashes like a little kid pleading with her mother for a new toy, she didn’t care what her boyfriend behind her thought.
“This trash is my sister,” Quinn said glaring at Kayla. “But I think the real trash here is you,” he smiled sickly at her, he had an evil idea that would keep everyone away from his sister for a long time. “I wonder how many times you’ve been dumped,” Quinn said smiling as her smile turned into a death glare.
“Hey,” a guy said walking in front of Kayla. “You better shut that flap of yours before I pound it into the ground,” he growled cracking his knuckles, he must’ve been Kayla’s boyfriend, he even looked to be a football player due to the school’s jersey on his back.
“Oh?” Quinn said frowning. “Is the dog back for his bone,” he smirked when the guy glared at him. The guy grabbed Quinn’s shirt and pulled him forwards a little.
“You’re a dead man,” he said rearing his fist back, even some people from the crowd behind him were growling at Quinn. The guy went for Quinn’s face with his huge fist.
“Quinn,” Sara yelled afraid of him getting hurt. Before Quinn could even get hit by the guy he was on the ground, Quinn had hit him in the chest with a swift thunk and it knocked the wind out of him.
“b*****d,” he growled throwing another punch at him. Quinn dodged the punch easily, bending down at the last second to avoid it, and then kicking him in the chest, he went down on the concrete and got up shakily, he was beyond angry now. Quinn didn’t have any smile on his face, he was just waiting for the guy to strike first. The guy did a double attempt to punch him, Quinn dodged the first one and grabbed the second fist, he clenched his fist and punched him right in the face, he stumbled back into the wall and fell to the ground.
“You guys are pathetic,” Quinn said grabbing Sara and walking away. He knew this was going to be everywhere tomorrow, and maybe he would get in trouble for it, but at least no one would try to hurt Sara now, and everyone would leave him alone. No one would ever find out, maybe.
Muddy -Chapter Two-
Sara gets on somebody's nerves and Quinn reveals something that nobody expects.
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