• Chapter 63
    Secrets To Keep
    “I thought we turn that way,” I said still teary eyed looking at the road as David drove Cody and I back as my dad took his truck.
    “Oh uhm, yeah we moved,” David admitted. “Sending you to that boarding school was kind of expensive. We had to sell the house. You and I couldn’t keep working and Dad couldn’t afford to keep the house, so we sold it and got an apartment in McHenry.”
    McHenry! I felt my sadness fly away. Cana lived in McHenry! I could see her in the summer! “Wait if school was so expensive how could we afford it?”
    “Hai can you keep a secret?” Cody said nervously, distracting himself by looking out the window at the street and buildings that ran by.
    “A secret?”
    Cody sighed anxiously. “St. Uriel’s is actually a safety school for inhuman people. And we managed to get you in by telling the school we were a family of vampire hunters.”
    “And it turns out that wasn’t a lie.” My heart stopped vampire hunters. I was a vampire hunter? I couldn’t be! I couldn’t be in love with a vampire hunter, if I was in love with a vampire. “You we are only hunters on Dad’s side, but he quit. But he had to get you in. Once Grandpa found that out he forced Dad to let us train.”
    “No! No! I can’t be a vampire hunter! Anything but that!”
    “You don’t have to go through with it, but Grandpa is pretty serious, he threatened to disown Dad if he didn’t let us train. And he might do the same to you if you don’t.” I couldn’t tell Cody or David I was in love with a vampire. But I couldn’t hunt Edan. This would be my dirty little secret. And hopefully my dirty little secret to keep. If I got lucky, I’d have to leave my family anyway for a long time.
    I forgot, Edan loves Ada. Damn Ada, taking away the boy I loved all because she was a Host. I won’t let her have him. Never in a millions years will she have him. I’d kill her before she could ever have Edan. I’d kill her myself.
    “Hai?” Cody whispered, as I noticed that I was digging my fingers into the seat of the car, trying to maim it into a million pieces. I was grinding my teeth and narrowing my eyes, ready to kill. “Are you ok?”
    I snarled, “I’m fine. Ok?” I dug my fingers deeper pretending it was Ada’s flesh.
    “Ok we’re here!” David said, keeping me from scaring Cody even more. He pulled up to a red brick building with layered terraces and dull windows. “Come on this way,” he motioned mostly to me knowing that Cody was sure of where he was going. I grabbed my bag off the seat and followed David and Cody past the lobby, up the elevator, and through the hallway. We were located on the top floor in the last apartment, room 320. David turned the golden key and pushed open the door.
    Cody muttered, “Your room, it on the right, David’s and mine is on the left.”
    “Sure.” I breathed immediately charging to the room, slamming the door behind me. It was a fairly dark room with white walls. The floor was wooden and the ceiling slanted down on side low enough that I could jump up and slam it with my hand. Other than the bed and desk the room was completely empty.
    I’d have plenty of time to fuss over my room when Winter break came. I flipped on the lights, and flopped on the bed. I was too depressed and angry to care.
    “Hai come out here!” David shouted as I grimly stormed from the room. “Aunt Mai and Ada are here.” Great, what has she come to take from me next?
    “We were all thinking and decided that we would have the funeral this Thursday, I hope that’s ok.” Aunt Mai stated. “After that we will go through her will and clear her house on Friday and Saturday.”
    “I’m sure that would be fine with our Dad,” David responded trying to take hold of everything.
    “Now where is he?”
    “He had to go ask to get some days off for work and get some make up time.”
    Ada shuffled over to me, “So you came in from Chicago today?”
    “Yes,” I griped.
    “Uhm how as boarding school been going?” Ada was making terrible conversation that angered me more of how she was too clueless of what she was doing.
    “Listen I know it’s hard loosing Zǔmǔ, but we can’t let it tear us down. I mean you’ve done so well after Aunt Sha-,” Ada stopped as she brought up my mother’s death. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring that up.”
    “No it’s alright. I just kind of want to be alone now.” I charged bleakly back into my new apartment room and buried my face in the make shift bed covers. Everything was horrible. My grandmother was dead, I got embarrassed by Drea, and Edan might not love me. It was hard to think of the good things like how Cana and I were getting along and that Edan asked me to the Homecoming Dance, when the bad things were so much easier to look at.
    “Hai?” My Dad knocked on the door and opened it when I refused to open it. He sat down next to me. “Hai listen, I know everything has been hard lately but I’m really proud of you. You’ve handled everything so well.”
    “Dad? Why didn’t you tell me we were vampire hunters?”
    “Well,” he sighed, “I expected a lot of questions from you but not this one. You see I never wanted to be one and I didn’t want you kids to be either, that legend on your Mother’s side was enough. And we both agreed that it would be best for all of you to have a regular childhood, but I had to get you into that school. And a vampire hunter? Not all vampires are bad, but your Grandfather fails to see that.”
    “I know that,” I said wondering if I should bring up my dirty secret.
    “So I suggest we all go with it, and let me tell you your brothers are all into it. Wow this isn’t much of a regular conversation is it? Well I’m taking you back to the school tomorrow to pick up anything you might need and I’ll send you back on Sunday, sound like a plan?”
    “Sounds like a plan.”
    I had a list of secrets to keep
    My cousin was a Host.
    I myself was Nephlim.
    I come from a family of vampires hunters.
    And that I wasn’t going be a hunter.

    Ok well I wrote the last two sentences while watching some Dracula/ Wolfman/ Frankenstien movie. So Dracula runs up to this vampire hunter named Gabriell (who had lush brown hair) and says "You know when most people see me coming their heart goes *clap clap clap clap clap clap* but then you are like *clap....... clap..... clap* Why? WHY?" and I was like "Dude you just got dissed!!!" I also learned that some vampire women are very muscular and should wear clothes. And at the same time Dracula is trying to kill Wolfman who is having a spasm on the ground and is jiggling like hell! So Im like "JIGGLE JIGGLE!!!!!!"
    Ahh that was fun.