• The clouds swirled across the sky in lazy circles; a gentle breeze blew in off the ocean as I lay in the cooling sand, thoughts somewhere amongst the clouds. The moon shone high above casting shadows of the pier where several foolish men, drunk made a ruckus. Sighing I ignored them for all they were worth, less than the dirt on my boots, which sat a few feet away.
    “Liz? Liz? Elizabella are you listening to me?” Sam’s voice rang, high and childish.
    I blinked and looked at her. “Uhh… about that…” I stalled trying to remember what we had been talking about.
    “You never change, not in a hundred years.” Sam said with a wink, smiling brightly reveling elongated canines.
    “Put them away, we aren’t here to eat, and you make that sound bad.” Standing up and shaking the sand out my hair I picked up my board, gazing out into the ocean watching as the energy moved creating amazing waves. “Those are why we’re here,” Slashing in the gentle waves that were washing ashore. Paddling out I looked back seeing Sam not far behind me.
    I waited as the wave got closer slowly stand. The wave arrived, it was monstrous, I smiled sweetly meeting its challenge. Up I went climbing up its back and riding the leading edge. Dropping down I rode the pipe watching as it closed over my head, I bent my knees further picking up more speed and zoomed out just before it crashed right where I had been.
    I arrived on the beach laughing; surfing was always such a thrill. Sam rode up a little down the beach from me. “You really are crazy,” She told me for about the nth time. “Your brother will get me if you ever get hurt, I’m supposed to be watching you.”
    I snorted, “I’m a big girl I don’t need to be baby sat, plus you are about three fourths my age. Cas can kiss my butt. You want to go for a swim?” I asked yawning.
    Sam cocked her head. “Should you be swimming in freezing waters while tired?” she sounded concerned.
    “I’m fine. Come on lets race.” Most of that was bravado, trying to erase her worry, stretching my legs I took off at barely a run. Sam laughed and caught up with me easily. We tied reaching the water and diving in. Swimming as far as I could I surfaced finding myself just below the pier. Hearing the creak of wood I looked up just in time to see someone coming plummeting down toward me. Swearing quickly I dived down out of the way, feeling them splash down near by
    They didn’t move after hitting, probably from the shock of falling. Rising to the surface I took breathe of air and dived back down in search of whoever had fallen. My outstretched hand touch flesh, fining their wrist I dragged them to the surface and swan easily back to the beach. Sam was there pacing as I pulled the person out of the water.
    “What happened!!!?” Sam shrieked once as soon as my toes touched sand. “Do you know how much trouble I would have been if I let the princess drown!? Caspian would have killed me!”
    “I told you before, Cas can kiss my butt.” I sighed. “He fell from above me, it didn’t seem right to let him drown, sea water is a nightmare to lungs.”
    “Do you think he’s alive?” Sam asked. She ran off quickly, faster than the human eye could track making me thank full I was, that would be seriously creepy to watch her disappear and reappear. She returned with a stick and poked the human around their ribs.
    “Quit that, they had a pulse.” I looked at the human more closely and saw that it was a teenage boy, around seventeen. His hair was a golden brown, like toasted sugar. He was probably one of the males that had been up on the pier drunk, but I couldn’t smell alcohol on him through the saltwater that covered us both. I placed my ear over his chest listening to his lungs. Amazingly he had swallowed little water.
    “What should we so with him?” Sam asked nervously, poking him with the stick again.
    “Quit that,” I snapped snatching the stick out of her hand. “He’s not an alien. He’s human for sure, his blood smell too delicious not to be.” Taping my chin I went back to thinking about what to do with him. “Leave him here, he’ll wake up later and leave or some other human will get find him. Worst thing that happens is he gets sick.”
    Sam nodded still looking nervous.
    “What’s wrong Sam? You’re acting weird over some so stupid human boy.”
    “It’s just…”Sam shook her head. “Se smells weird. Are you ready to go?” She asked sounding more chipper and like herself.
    Nodding I went over and grabbed my bag and board, throwing on my baggy shorts and tunic over my soaking bikini. Boards underarm we started to head toward Sam’s red jeep. I had just stuck my board in the back when something stuck me.
    “Give me a second,” I called to Sam shuffling through my bag for a sheet of paper and a safety pin. I jotted down a quick note in bright red gel pen.
    Dude you so owe me for saving your butt from drowning. Well negotiate tomorrow around two, show up or else. I’m completely serious, you can start to pay be back by buying ice cream. Strawberry on a waffle cone, two scoops, and nothing will save you from me if it’s melted.
    Your savior and new master i ),

    Smiling satisfied I pinned the note to his shorts, then rushed back to Sam not bothering with the door and simply jumped into the passenger seat.
    “What was that about?” Sam asked putting the jeep in drive. We speed down the streets going about 15 miles over the speed limit, wet hair flying in the wind.
    “Free ice-cream,” I replied licking my lips.
    “You have one serious sweet tooth.” Sam said shaking her head. “How have you never had a cavity?”
    “It’s in my blood.” Sam shook her head again rounding a corner.
    “You have issues Liz, you know that right?” She was staring at me as she said it, clearly ignoring the road.
    “So I’m told, now if you would please watch the road, I don’t want my board scratched as your jeep wraps around a trees.”
    “Like you drive better?” Sam said turning back to the road and slowing down as we got closer to home.
    “I do, I just see no need to drive when I have you.” I smiled all teeth, showing off my fangs.
    Sam burst out laughing. “It is so weird when you look menacing. You look way to sweet to do such evil things, the gleam in your eye shows you mean it but you are, you’re way too kind looking.” After catching her breath she pulled into the drive way of our large mansion. We got out as a servant parked the car in the garage. I sighed and enter the too large house find my brother standing in front of the sweeping stair case glaring.