• Create for me a Destiny
    For I cannot make my own
    Fate has deemed to scorn me
    And Chance is but a foe
    Luck gives me its evil eye
    Risk, he still persists
    Death he waits before I die
    And Mistake I can't resist
    Fortune will not speak to me
    And Fame is but a tease
    Sorrow seems to stalk me
    But Stubborn and Pride I please
    Courage is a friend of mine
    Yet he leaves much room for Doubt
    And Strife is always by my side
    For Pain I can't live without
    Happiness, she comes and goes
    Guilt tends to linger 'round
    Hope she seldom shows
    And Love has run me to the ground
    So create for me a Destiny
    I've tried to make my own
    But Fate has deemed to scorn me
    And Peace has left me here alone