• I looked outside my bedroom window to see an empty street below. This wasnt an unusual sight here in Bay City. Very few cars come down this street, and only once have i seen more than 5 cars come down this street at the same time. Nothing really happens on this side of town. Nothing interesting anyway. I remember the summer when I lived on the other side of town. The place where I first rode a bike, the place where I met my best friend, the place where the most exciting and dangerous summer of my life happened, the place where i fell in love...with a vampire.

    It was June 6th, the first Monday of summer vacation. It was the summer before highschool, and i wanted it to be fun and exciting. I was laying in my bed half asleep listening to my ipod when my older sister came into my room. "Hey Clover," she said sitting on the end of my bed. I turned off my speakers and sat up. " Hey Sam," i said. Sam never came into my room without yelling at me. Something was up. " Can i talk to you about something?" she asked placing her right hand over her left. I think I knew what she wanted to talk about. I nodded and pulled my covers up to my chin to pretend that I was confused. She took a deep breath and said," You know that I have been dating Kent for about 5 years right?" I nodded.
    Kent Coven was my sisters highschool sweetheart. They met in 11th grade and they are now in college together. He was a decent man, but he looked too nerdy for my sisters looks. Kent had short red hair and round glasses. He was also very tall and lanky. My sister had brown, shoulder length hair, average height, and more graceful than Kent by far. I guess she really didnt care what he looked like because she was always talking about how wonderful he is and his personality was wonderful too. I was happy for them. I never seen her so happy with her boyfriend in my life. I was shocked that she kept him this long since she was dared to ask him out in 11th grade.
    " Well," she said taking me out of my flash back," we are getting married." " Oh my gosh! Really? Im so happy for you!" I said hugging her. "He proposed about 2 years ago," she said. " That long ago? Why didnt you get married last summer?" I asked sitting against my pillow again. " Well," she started to say," mom and i have been planning it since the week after he proposed. I wanted to surprise you by asking you to be my maid-of-honor." "And you decided to wait so long because?"I aksed. " Well, we have your dress ordered and ready and i said to mom,' why dont we tell her later? Like two months before the wedding?' And she agreed. It was surprise for you," she said sheepishly. I smiled and hugged her tightly. " Of course i'll be your maid of honor," i said. She squealed happily and ran out the door. I knew i was going to be the maid of honor even if i refused, but why ruin her day by saying no?
    I got up, stretched, and went to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day. I walked out of my closet and into the bathroom to take a shower. I got out and got dressed and walked down stairs to the kitchen. " Hi mom," I said grabbing a Pop-Tart from the cupboard and walking into the living room. "Sammie told me about telling you," she said from the doorway. " Why didnt you tell me sooner?" I asked. " It was a surprise,"she said," oh and by the way, we have new neighbors. Why dont you go and say hello?" I knew i wasnt getting out of it so i sighed and slipped on my flip-flops and walked outside. The new neighbors lived across the street in a white house. I knocked on the door and waited. Finally,after about 2 minutes, the door opened. I looked up and gasped.