• We played around the park for about two hours. It was nice. Laughing and joking around with Zane. The wind picked up and played with my hair as I stood behind the latter for the slide. “Boo!” Zane said through the latter. I jumped slightly and hit his hand that came through the bars in front of my face. “Ow!” he cried and jumped back.

    “Oh! I’m sorry!” I said almost laughing. He frowned at me and sucked on his index finger.

    “That hurt,” he said and came back to the latter. He was on the outside me on the inside still.

    “I said I was sorry,” I said. He sniffed and looked down. I rolled my eyes. “What else do you want?” I said throwing my hands in the air. He looked up his eyes a deep blue making me stop and stared at him through the latter.

    “A kiss,” my eyes got a little wide and I stared at him.


    “I think a kiss would help me forgive you,” I rolled my eyes. He leaned further in his face inches from mine. The wind blew at the back of his head sending me a whiff of his hair.

    “Fine,” I said and stepped forward. I stood up a little. He stood very still as I reached in between the steps to his lips. I lightly kiss his lips. I opened my eyes a little watching him. His eyes were closed. I kissed him again a shiver going up my spine. I wanted to do more then this! I closed my eyes and moved his lips with mine and finally he started to help. My body was on fire again. I wanted to press myself against him. To feel him….but the latter was in the way. I trailed my tongue across his top lip and he seemed too groaned. I smiled. I put my hand between the stairs and onto his jaw. He pulled back and looked at me his eyes a little wide. I frowned.

    “OK…I forgive you,” he was breathless. He has never done that to me before. I almost felt hurt. Come on! He doesn’t want you. I told myself.

    “Um…yeah I think we should head back and get ready for Candice and Tommy.” he nodded and swallowed. He looked at me sucking on his bottom lip his chest rising and falling.

    “Yeah,” he said it out of a low voice. I cleared my throat and went out from behind the slide steps and toward the gate. I turned and Zane was still standing there staring at where I had been. “Zane?” I asked. He looked up his face blank then came toward me shoving his hands in his pockets. I walked out and Zane walked next to me as we went back to the house.

    When we got back mom and dad were in separate ends of the house. I walked into the kitchen and smiled at mom. She just gave me a grim smile.

    “Um Candice and Tommy some friends from school are coming over to watch movies is that alright?” she smiled tiredly and nodded.

    “Yes, of course baby. Do you want me to take you guys something?” she looked at Zane behind me.

    “No its ok we can. Why don’t you go to bed.” she sighed then her eyes got big. “You can sleep in my room.” she smiled relief showing in her face, she gave me a tight hug.

    “Thank you honey. I love you.” I kissed her cheek.

    “I love you too,” she pulled back and sighed once again.

    “Well I’m going to get a drink and go to bed.” she said matter of factly. I laughed.

    “Don’t let the drink be too strong ok?” she looked at me as if I just insulted her.

    “Of course not!” she waved a hand at me then winked. “Maybe just two or three of your father’s expensive Scotch.” I laughed and Zane laughed too.

    “Go ahead,” I said and patted her back as she grabbed a big glass cup and headed to wine bar in dad’s office. I laughed at her as she disappeared. I turned to Zane and he shook his head smiling. “Like I said, I like your mom.” I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder.

    “No chance in hell,” he snorted and laughed.

    “We’ll just have to see….but as for now…” he looked down at me with an amused look. “I have to be your boyfriend….but you know I don’t think it’s that bad.” the words ‘your boyfriend’ rang in me and made my stomach feel alive again.

    “Wow was that a complement from Zane Walker?” I asked putting my hand to my ear. He laughed and rolled his eyes. He pushed my hand down and I laughed.

    “Yeah actually it was,” he said smiling like the stars. He pulled me toward him and my breath was caught again. “Olivia….” He trailed off and looked down pink coming to his cheeks a little. My heart was beating quickly now. Before he could say anymore.

    “I think we should make the snacks now before it gets too late.” I pulled back and went over to the frig. I closed my eyes just for a moment then grabbed the milk and eggs. I turned around and Zane was biting the inside of his jaw then looked at me. He regained his face and put on a funny one.

    “What are we going to make boss?” I smirked.

    “Cookies. Want to help?” He snorted.

    “I don’t—“

    “Here!” I gave him the milk jug and the eggs and he grabbed them before they fell. He looked at me under his eye lashes and I grinned. “You’re so sweet now lets go.”

    We made chocolate chip cookies. It was fun. Zane and I stood side by side making them. Mixing, putting them on the sheets, putting them in the over. I put the last tray of cookies in and shut the over door. I sighed. Zane washed his hands. I grabbed a piece of left over cookie dough and ate it.

    “Eww!” Zane cried looking at me in disgust.

    “What?!” I asked laughing. He scrunched his face up shaking his head. “What? Haven’t you ever tried it before?”

    “That’s sick Olivia. There’s raw eggs in there!” he said pointing to the empty egg carton. I laughed.

    “Try it!” I grabbed a spoon and put a little on it.

    “No!” he said laughing a little.

    “Come on! Its good just try it!” I backed him up against the counter laughing. “Ugh! Just try!” “No!” he yelled. I pushed his shoulder so he hit the counter and he saw he was pinned.

    “Just try,” I warned smirking.

    “I don’t want to try it.” he mumbled as I pushed the spoon to his lips.

    “Yes you do,” I said laughing. “Zane! Just open your mouth!” I yelled. He huffed and opened his mouth. I put the spoon in his mouth and he chewed it up his eyes closed.

    “See now how was that?” he opened his eyes and tasted it. He looked surprised.

    “It’s actually not bad,” I rolled my eyes and threw the spoon in the dish pan.

    “See! What’d I tell you?” he laughed he put his hand on my waist and pulled my hips to him.

    “I would do it again because I liked being backed up to the counter like this.” He whispered low and seductively. A shivered coursed my body but I pulled back and gave a nervous laugh. “You’re so stubborn and perverted,” I said rolling my eyes taking a breath. He smiled at me. The door bell rang and I jumped slightly.

    “Come on,” I told Zane as we made our way to the door.