• Demon Horns

    The young, spike haired woman looked up at the demon's horns from her position in his lap. They curled like ram horns and were the brightest shade of ivory, making it impossible for them to camouflage against the man's ebony hair. Her small hand reached up and caressed the smooth bone that stuck out of the demon's skull.

    Crimson eyes looked down at the young woman with a curious look. "What are you doing Sparrow?" he questioned. Her emerald eyed met his and she smiled.

    "Nothing," she replied childishly, still stroking the smooth horns. He raised a brow to the and ignored the woman's fingertips against his horns. It went on like that for a while. Sparrow caressing the white bone and Dante using every sense of nerve in his body to ignore it. Soon enough it got to a point where he just couldn't ignore it any longer.

    "Would you please stop that?" he said irritably. Sparrow gave him a confused look and removed her hand from the lovely bone.

    "Why, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting up from his lap. His face became flushed all of a sudden as the sensation of her touch began to get to him. She looked down at her previous spot on his lap and saw a small bulge beginning to form. A sly smirk crossed her features and eyed Dante. "Your horns are sensitive to touch, aren't they," she teased, tracing her finger against the bone once again.

    The man snapped and looked back at her with a flustered expression, his face redder than a cherry. She giggled and mischievously kissed his horns. Dante's eyes went wide as the bulge in his pants grew more. He couldn't take it anymore.

    xd Sorry. That's as far as I can go with this story here. But if you want to read the rest of it go to -
